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Remember the Sacrifices This Weekend

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Remember the Sacrifices This Weekend

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:30 pm

So many have made ultimate sacrifices so that we may enjoy our freedoms.

You will all know of the 25,000 CYs of the Cyprus Regiment who took up arms in the last war, every single one of them leaving the old villages and volunteering freely to defend our liberties and serving on all fronts alongside their Allies in such places as North Africa, France, Italy and Greece.

Some six hundred of these brave CYs were killed in action and were laid to rest where they fell across fifty-six war cemeteries in sixteen countries.

Many thousands were taken captive and spent years in the Nazi Stalags in appalling conditions, many, many of them on the receiving end of brutal treatments which were to shorten their lives.

Many will know that former president of the Republic Glafcos Clerides served with Bomber Command and was taken prisoner when his plane was shot down over Germany. He has this to say of the Cyprus Regiment...

..."It is with feelings of pride and respect that I speak about my fellow Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots Veterans because no less than 20.000 volunteered and enlisted in the British Forces during the Second World War in order to prevent the abominable dictatorial Nazi and Fascist regimes from dominating Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. They fought in France, Italy, Greece and North Africa and many of them are buried in cemeteries abroad. They repeated what their fathers did in the First World War. The present generation owes a lot to the World Veterans of the Second World War for they are the remnants of all those brave men from Europe, Russia, the USA, the Dominions and the Colonies who took arms and opposed tyranny so that the future generations can live in a better and safer World. I am proud because my small in numbers country contributed 20.000 brave men in the defence of Freedom and Democracy..."


We Remember Them.

(more on the CY volunteers at )
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Re: Remember the Sacrifices This Weekend

Postby humanist » Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:50 pm

one of my favourite moments is the 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and now of the 11th year. I better buy lotto ;)
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