Seriously ! mid life crises , next year i will be 25 which means i lived a quarter of a century, seen wars and destruction people die and new born are delivered
fell in love and out of love, travelled and done my bit of exploring , lived dangerously and peacefully been through all kind of experiences , partied hard and gone wild, and i see people come and go . isnt this is life ?
good jobs and lots of money or lazing out and have i don't give a F motto!
is it a nice car i can be looking for ! is it a big house or a career ! is it material collectable things or may be power is what i want, do i strive to be superior ! or do i need to have something to strive for to accept that i aint like the millions of people who live their life day after day with no cause with nothing to look up for!!
i just dont get it ! life?
it is not what i thought, happiness does not grow on trees!
hard to feel guilty about what you cant/couldn't change harder to be guilty of being you !
what else to do ? is there is more to life?
my head went black, i cant even imagine any thing happening in my life other than being alive day after day.,
even getting old and dying sound far away !