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Is an armed struggle the only way to solve the problem?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Melis » Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:10 pm

Dhavlos, what you're saying is true. Both sides have committed wrong. Unfortunately, within both the north and south, family, media, education etc is geared towards highlighting thepain and suffering of their own community, whilst underplaying or ignoring that of the other community. Sometimes you get GC and TC people who are truly unaware that their own community have committed any wrong at all; this is so dangerous, because it breeds pure hatred of the other community. I remember when i first started secondary school, these two Greek girls hated me for being Turkish, bullied me for two years. Yet by the time we left school at the age of 18 we were really good friends. It's like they couldnt believe i was a half decent person because i'm a tc......

If i ever have kids i would never do this to them, instill such hatred towards other people... it's not fair
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Postby Svetlana » Fri Sep 09, 2005 7:09 pm

Wake Up

Your postings are now verging on inciting racial hatred; please think before you post otherwise this thread will be deleted.
Please also, say somthing new, constant repitition of the same idea is not constructive or of interest to anyone. I think members have been very patient with you.

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Postby GIz33k0 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 7:32 pm

well personally most of what wake up sed is 100% what i agree on (except for, "im going to fight 30,0000 turkish soldiers singlely" because that my friend is highly impossible. and quite frankly i would say alot worser than wake up did but moreover i cannot but however the situation is too far in, and a war between cyprus and turkey wud cause mahem and i think family's from both sides have suffered enough and too put them through that again is very inconsiderable. so wake up i suggest you keep ur "overboard" views, review them, and say them in a nice manner :D like me.
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Postby tcklim » Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:33 pm

Dhavlos wrote:Forget it then :roll:

I cant be botherd trying to reason with is like talking to a brick wall.

It's sad to say a brick wall would exhibit a lot more intelligence than this... :shock:

wake up, can you hurry up and go on this heroistic crusade of yours and spare us the mental anguish of reading your inane posts.....
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:25 am

re wake up

did it ever occur to you that eoka did not win?
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Postby ELLAS H TEFRA! » Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:37 am

But they havent lost either. Whats yout point?

That we would be better off under British rule and that as history has proven they would have left anyway, without an armed struggle??

(Note that this is based on "history has proven".)

Or do you consider EOKA a failure because due to the outcome of the invasion that occured 15 years later?
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:22 am

success and failure are judged by the targets and the outcomes.

eoka had two targets:
1. union with greece - failed
2. get rid of the english - achieved till a certain extent.

second (and i can prove it with facts if you want) the agreement after a war always shows who won. it is the winner who puts the terms of the agreement. always.

eokas victorious strungle laid to, among other things to the remaining of the english bases
lead to the co-sharing of the power with a minority (something that till today is argued as unfair)
lead to having three guarantor powers the english (which we won!!!) and turkey (which we didnt even fight. )

if eoka would have won then the outcomes would have been:
union with greece
no sharing of power
no guarantos powers
and the tc would have fleed to turkey, being greekfied or some neo-greek patriots would kill them and then take fotos of their achievements.

and that i think its a cognitive dissonance (as my friend mills is calling it) that we curry in our blood.we can not understand that since we won in battle we had so "bad" agreements that we wanted to change after three years. (good according to our president though)

the reality is that englands interests were satisfied just fine with the military bases that they got. so we didnt kick them out. they left (and they are still here). we only have the illussion that we won.

didnt it ever occur to you why in our history books we have battles of miltiades and kolocotronis with numbers of killed and wounded on each side, but yet on the eoka struggle nothing.
why dont we know how many gc died in battle or killed in jails?
how many english soldiers died?
how many tc died?

today it makes no sense to say that the eoka struggle shouldnt have taken place. if one lived back then it is very difficult to say what one would have chosen.

i disagree with akel that didnt take part in it.
i also disagree with eoka leadership who decided to leave and kill the akel supporters and the tcs.

i dont mind the struggle (so long it was done against british soldiers) and i honor the dead.

it is time though to realise that it was not that victorious and the zurich agreements are a proof of that. and stop this...
"just like eoka we can do it again"
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Sep 11, 2005 5:13 pm

At the time AKEL called for a different type of struggle, involving the masses using only peaceful means. AKEL did not have the benefit of hindsight at the time, yet it has been proved beyond doubt that its policy at the time was correct. Also, individual persons of the centre and the right subscribed to AKEL's stance and the Greek leadership also adviced Makarios to avoid the armed struggle. In fact, it did not take a magician to see where the armed struggle would lead us. At the end we were very lucky to get what we got, but being greedy and spoilt, we started a war on the London-Zurich agreements and the results are well known. We allowed the nationalists to dominate us. We never held our ground. May be we deserve what came to us. Two years ago we voted the nationalist in government again, this time with the help of AKEL. Our sorry saga has no end ...
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:16 pm

being correct by chance is not such an achievement.

imo akel has since its creation a fear of taking responsibilities. it never fought back and for quite a while it was lead either by greece or even further than that.

still it proved right. :shock:

yet who knows how long it would have taken for the independance and if we would have gotten sth better.

however i still dont think that we won, but that the english left.
and in comparison with the eoka targets the outcomes show more likely a defeat.

and as for all kinds of strguggle or revolutions whether it is christian , communist, rock and roll , cuba , or eoka the problem is not with those who die. they always become heroes. the problem is with those who stay.
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:43 pm

What makes you so sure that AKEL was correct by chance? At the time this party had some useful leaders, like Ziarides, Adamantos, Fantis and others who were moderate politicians and AKEL in the 50's incorporated members from the centre who were extremely down to earth politicians. I believe AKEL at the time was quite capable of taking the right decisions (had good relation with the British Labour Party too).

By the way, in 1955 we were pushing an open door. One after the other the British Colonies were getting their independence and the omens were right, but ...
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