Hellenism is the Mother of Invention!
By adding vowels to the Semitic alphabet the Greeks created the first truly phonetic alphabet which is able to accurately and unambiguously transcribe the spoken word of any language using only twenty to thirty signs or letters. “
The original Greek invention achieved the essential task of analysis and it has not been improved upon. 7
The purely phonetic alphabet had its greatest impact on the Greeks, the very first people to achieve and to use it. The Greek alphabet first came into use around 700 B.C. 8 Within 300 years the Greeks had developed from dependence on an oral tradition based on myths, to a rationalistic, logical culture which laid the foundations for logic, science, philosophy, psychology, history, political science, and individualism.
How can one account for this rapid transition from a state of group involvement to individual scepticism? We believe that the alphabet served as the operative ground for this rich development which was characterized by the classification and abstraction of ideas.
The very word idea is indicative of the revolution in thinking that took place with literacy. This word, which is not to be found in Homeric Greek, derived from the word eidos indicating “visual image.” The alphabet had the mysterious and unique power of separating the visual faculty from the other senses and giving dominant play to the visual. The pervasive use of uniform elements, the phonetic letters that the alphabet entailed, encouraged the additional visual matching of situational elements which formed the ground for Greek logic, geometry, and rationality. The idea of truth itself, the correspondence of thing and intellect, is based on matching. At a more popular level, the development of realistic representation in the arts is identified with the’ Greeks in their first age of literacy.
The phonetic alphabet also served as a paradigm for the process of abstraction, for the written word is an abstraction of the spoken word which, in turn, is an abstraction from the holistic experience. The word, .when written with the phonetic alphabet, represents a double level of abstraction beyond the merely spoken language. First, the spoken word is broken up into its constituents of semantically meaningless phonemes which, in turn, are represented by meaningless letters. The use of the phonetic alphabet encouraged the development of abstractions:
With literacy they (the Greeks) suddenly saw .their universe as ordered. Their new world view, however, was in conflict with the vocabulary they inherited from their oral tradition. Their conflict produced essential and permanent contributions to the vocabulary of all abstract thought: body and space, matter and motion, permanence and change, quality and quantity, combination and separation are among the counters of common currency now available because pre-Socratics first brought them near the level of consciousness. 10
Paradoxically, the alphabet enabled .the Greeks to reduce the massive polyphonies of their oral culture by selecting and logically (visually) connecting what had been simultaneous and musical. If the Greek means of abstracting and conceptualizing was by logical connection, the abstract art and science of the twentieth century proceeds by the contrary, means of pulling out the logical (visual) connections in space and time. This returns the art and philosophy of today to musical form. If the Greek drive to abstraction had been to eliminate the acoustic and musical in favour of visual and logical connectedness, our nonrepresentational and abstract art and science assumes a complementary pattern.
The Greek alphabet also provided both the model and the bias for classification, an essential development in Greek analytic thought during the period from 700 to 400 B.C. - especially for logic, science, and history. In addition to serving as a paradigm of abstraction and classification, the alphabet also served as a model for division and separability. With the alphabet every word is separated into its constituent sounds and constituent letters. Havelock shows that the Greek idea of atomicity - that all matter can be divided up into individual tiny atoms – is related to the use of the alphabet: “… they saw the analogy with what the alphabet had done to language and likened their atoms to letters…” 11 The Greek capacity for divisiveness and separation extends way beyond their atomicity of matter. With writing, what is recorded or remembered becomes separate from the writer, existing in a book or a scroll. Knowledge takes on objective identity separate from the knower. The Greek, in this way, developed the notion of objectivity and detachment, the separation of the knower from the object of his awareness.
This is the beginning of the scientific method and the source of the dichotomy the Greeks created between subjective thinking as found in art and poetry, and objective thinking as exemplified by philosophy and science. In art, percept precedes concept while in science, method dominates both...
Left-Right Split of the Brain and the Role of the Alphabet in Hemispheric DominanceRecent developments in the field of neurophysiology tend to support the hypothesis that the alphabet produced a situation favorable for the development of logic, rational thought, and science. Neurophysiologists have determined that while there is a certain degree of redundancy and overlap between the two hemispheres of the brain, essentially the left and right hemispheres of the brain perform specialized tasks. The right hemisphere is the locus of the artistic, intuitive, spiritual, holisttc, simultaneous, discontinuous or creative side of our personalities, whereas the left hemisphere controls the lineal, visual, logical, analytic, mathematical, and verbal activities of our psyche.
We here suggest that the alphabet created a lineal and visual environment of services and experiences (everything from architecture and highways to representational art) which contributed to the ascendancy or dominance of the left, or lineal, hemisphere. This conjecture is consistent with the results of the Russian neurophysiologist Luria who found that the area of the brain which controls linear sequencing and, hence, logic, mathematics, and scientific thinking, is located in the prefrontal region of the left hemisphere:
The mental process for writing a word entails still another specialization: Putting the letters in the proper sequence to form the word. Lashley discovered many years ago that sequential analysis involved a zone of the brain different from that employed for spatial analysis. In the course of our extensive studies we have located the region responsible for sequential analysis in the anterior regions of the left hemisphere. 14
Luria’s results show that the expression “linear thinking” is not merely a figure of speech, but an actual, bona fide activity of the brain which takes place in the anterior regions of the left hemisphere of the brain. His results also indicate that the use of the alphabet, with its emphasis on linear sequence, stimulates this area of the brain. Luria’s findings provide an understanding of how the written alphabet, with its lineal structure, was able to create the conditions conducive to the development of Western science, technology, and rationality.
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