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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby Maxx » Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:22 am

Even those living in Greece would like to know what it is, because they are only familiar with Ottomanism. :lol:
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby kurupetos » Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:23 am

Maxx wrote:Even those living in Greece would like to know what it is, because they are only familiar with Ottomanism. :lol:

I agree. The Hellenes of Cyprus are more educated. :wink:
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:30 am

kurupetos wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
I am what I am. Cypriot born and Hellenically educated. The best? :)

Yes, if it was true. :wink:

May your envy make you a better man! :)

It won't. I saw you in Haringey. :wink:

That party was a one off for me, J. :wink:
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:31 am

kurupetos wrote:
Maxx wrote:Even those living in Greece would like to know what it is, because they are only familiar with Ottomanism. :lol:

I agree. The Hellenes of Cyprus are more educated. :wink:

Yeah, especially the ones from the Politechnio and gymnasiums... :lol:
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby kurupetos » Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:34 am

Get Real! wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
Maxx wrote:Even those living in Greece would like to know what it is, because they are only familiar with Ottomanism. :lol:

I agree. The Hellenes of Cyprus are more educated. :wink:

Yeah, especially the ones from the Politechnio and gymnasiums... :lol:

GreekIslandGirl was educated in Plato's Academy. It seems.
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:35 am

kurupetos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
Maxx wrote:Even those living in Greece would like to know what it is, because they are only familiar with Ottomanism. :lol:

I agree. The Hellenes of Cyprus are more educated. :wink:

Yeah, especially the ones from the Politechnio and gymnasiums... :lol:

GreekIslandGirl was educated in Plato's Academy. It seems.

But Plato only owned bordellos... :?
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:09 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:An ever-evolving movement whose people are not afraid to say 'OXI' to barbarians - and for today: "Oλα ανοιχτά" to the future ...

Good luck, George. I have every confidence in you. :)

Congratulations! :D

"Greece's PM George Papandreou has won a crucial confidence vote ..."
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby Maxx » Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:30 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:An ever-evolving movement whose people are not afraid to say 'OXI' to barbarians - and for today: "Oλα ανοιχτά" to the future ...

Good luck, George. I have every confidence in you. :)

Congratulations! :D

"Greece's PM George Papandreou has won a crucial confidence vote ..."

So you support the bailout package and his back down on the referendum?

Just clarifying, because a few moments ago you were saying the opposite.
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby kimon07 » Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:38 am

Me Ed wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
Me Ed wrote:Hellenism finished around 1600 years ago with the murder of Hypatia.

Wrong. The murder of Hypatia was just another unsuccessful attempt to stop the spreading pf Hellenism.
See below:

Arabic Thought and its Place in History, by De Lacy O'Leary, [1922], at
p. 1
The subject proposed in the following pages is the history of the cultural transmission by which Greek philosophy and science were passed from Hellenistic surroundings to the Syriac speaking community, thence to the Arabic speaking world of Islam, and so finally to the Latin Schoolmen of Western Europe. That such a transmission did take place is known even to the beginner in mediæval history, but how it happened, and the influences which promoted it, and the modifications which took place en route, appear to be less generally known, and it does not seem that the details, scattered through works of very diverse types, are easily accessible to the English reader. Many historians seem content to give only a casual reference to its course, sometimes even with strange chronological confusions which show that the sources used are still the mediæval writers who had very imperfect information about the development of intellectual life amongst the Muslims. Following mediæval usage we sometimes find the Arabic writers referred to as "Arabs" or "Moors," although in fact there was only one philosopher of any importance who was an Arab by race, and comparatively little is known about his work.
See the rest of the article here:

See also about the debate as to whether the “Hellenization of Europe” was caused by the Arabs or not. ... islam.html

I'll make this very easy for you, Give the top three ideas that came out of Hellenism since Hypatia ...
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby kimon07 » Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:42 am

kimon07 wrote:
Me Ed wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
Me Ed wrote:Hellenism finished around 1600 years ago with the murder of Hypatia.

Wrong. The murder of Hypatia was just another unsuccessful attempt to stop the spreading pf Hellenism.
See below:

Arabic Thought and its Place in History, by De Lacy O'Leary, [1922], at
p. 1
The subject proposed in the following pages is the history of the cultural transmission by which Greek philosophy and science were passed from Hellenistic surroundings to the Syriac speaking community, thence to the Arabic speaking world of Islam, and so finally to the Latin Schoolmen of Western Europe. That such a transmission did take place is known even to the beginner in mediæval history, but how it happened, and the influences which promoted it, and the modifications which took place en route, appear to be less generally known, and it does not seem that the details, scattered through works of very diverse types, are easily accessible to the English reader. Many historians seem content to give only a casual reference to its course, sometimes even with strange chronological confusions which show that the sources used are still the mediæval writers who had very imperfect information about the development of intellectual life amongst the Muslims. Following mediæval usage we sometimes find the Arabic writers referred to as "Arabs" or "Moors," although in fact there was only one philosopher of any importance who was an Arab by race, and comparatively little is known about his work.
See the rest of the article here:

See also about the debate as to whether the “Hellenization of Europe” was caused by the Arabs or not. ... islam.html

I'll make this very easy for you, Give the top three ideas that came out of Hellenism since Hypatia ...

Wrong again!
First of all, Hypatia was murdered in 415 AD.
No new ideas could come out from anywhere or anyone after 415 AD because Hellenism had exhausted them all till max 200 AD
Hypatia was not so much a producer of ideas but, mainly, the safe keeper of THE UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE, being the last chief librarian of the grate library of Alexandria.
The point is not what new ideas Hellenism produced after the death of Hypatia, but that if it was not for what Hellenism had produced till then, you would not even be using the word “idea” today because you would not know what it means (rather you would not know it ever existed.
What I mean is that, even though Hypatia was murdered and the library of Alexandria burned to the ground by the “Christian” fanatics of those times, Hellenism managed to infiltrate Europe (thanks to the Arab Muslims, up to a point.).
Thus, Western Europeans and their descendants, can speak, can read and can write today.
They can also discuss about things such as DEMOCRACY, PHILOSOPHY, IDEAS, THEORIES, THESIS e.t.c, e.t.c.
Not to mention the terminology of ALL sciences.
Just read below:
The English Language: It's Greek to Me
“The wide variety of English literature is due wholly to the ancient Greeks, who invented every literary category which is known.17 Tragedy, for example, was first perceived and developed by the Greeks. Of the four great tragedy artists of the world, three of them, Æschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, are Greek—the other being Shakespeare.18”
See the whole article here. ... greek.html
Oh, and by the way! The Greek word for ship is NAVS - ΝΑΥΣ) That is from where your navy, nautical, naval etc derive.
And the Greek word for air-plane is AERO - PLANO, meaning the object that roams (planatai) in the air.
And tele-phone is the device that transfers your phoni (voice) to a long distance (tele) like, tele-vision, tele-graph (= grafi=script) tele-type, tele-pathy.
And hippo-potamus is the river -horse because “hippos” is the horse (seen in hippodromes). While pan-ther is the animal that hunts everything (pan = all, thera = the hunt) and leo-pard is the spotted lion (leo-pardalis).
Isn’t it funny? The average European uses all above Greek words (and tenths of thousands of others) every day without knowing what they actually mean.
They do not even know that when they drink wine, they are actually drinking Oinos-vino-vine-wine.
But I do not blame them. Because even modern Greeks, when we drink wine, we call it “crasi” but do not know what it means. We have not learned that this word derives from “crasis”= mixture (like “crater”, i.e., the vessel where liquids are mixed, like a volcano crater).
So you see, “crasis” is the mixture”. And modern Greek crasi is the mixture of wine and water, as the Greeks used to drink it in “craters”. What kind of water though? Ah, It had to be “Nearon Ydor”= NERO as we, modern Greeks say today = young water=fresh=running water. So, NERO is NEARON YDOR simplified in common language.
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