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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:19 pm

kurupetos wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Good luck, George. I have every confidence in you. :)

Do you mean Forest G.A.P. (George A. Papandreou?). Good God.

Hellenism = United in the face of adversity

You're British. Mind your own country.

I am what I am. Cypriot born and Hellenically educated. The best? :)
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby kurupetos » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:40 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Good luck, George. I have every confidence in you. :)

Do you mean Forest G.A.P. (George A. Papandreou?). Good God.

Hellenism = United in the face of adversity

You're British. Mind your own country.

I am what I am. Cypriot born and Hellenically educated. The best? :)

Yes, if it was true. :wink:
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:46 pm

kurupetos wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
I am what I am. Cypriot born and Hellenically educated. The best? :)

Yes, if it was true. :wink:

May your envy make you a better man! :)
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby Cap » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:50 pm

Hellenically educated

Which UK university?
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:55 pm

Cap wrote:
Hellenically educated

Which UK university?

Only my mother.
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby kimon07 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:21 pm

Me Ed wrote:Hellenism finished around 1600 years ago with the murder of Hypatia.

Wrong. The murder of Hypatia was just another unsuccessful attempt to stop the spreading pf Hellenism.
See below:

Arabic Thought and its Place in History, by De Lacy O'Leary, [1922], at
p. 1
The subject proposed in the following pages is the history of the cultural transmission by which Greek philosophy and science were passed from Hellenistic surroundings to the Syriac speaking community, thence to the Arabic speaking world of Islam, and so finally to the Latin Schoolmen of Western Europe. That such a transmission did take place is known even to the beginner in mediæval history, but how it happened, and the influences which promoted it, and the modifications which took place en route, appear to be less generally known, and it does not seem that the details, scattered through works of very diverse types, are easily accessible to the English reader. Many historians seem content to give only a casual reference to its course, sometimes even with strange chronological confusions which show that the sources used are still the mediæval writers who had very imperfect information about the development of intellectual life amongst the Muslims. Following mediæval usage we sometimes find the Arabic writers referred to as "Arabs" or "Moors," although in fact there was only one philosopher of any importance who was an Arab by race, and comparatively little is known about his work.
See the rest of the article here:

See also about the debate as to whether the “Hellenization of Europe” was caused by the Arabs or not. ... islam.html
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby kimon07 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:33 pm


"The first Venice with which the traveller will have to deal is thus essentially a Romanesque-Byzantine city. It rose during the decay of the Roman empire, far from barbaric influences. Its buildings are Byzantine in type; its mosaics are mostly the work of Greek or half-Greek artists ; its Madonnas and saints are Greek in aspect ; often even the very lettering of the inscriptions is in Greek not in Latin. And though ecclesiastically Venice belonged to the western or Roman church, the general assemblage of her early saints (best seen in the Atrium and Baptistery of St. Mark's) is thoroughly oriental. We must remember that during all her first great period she was connected by the sea with Constantinople and the east, but cut off by the lagoons and the impenetrable marshes from all intercourse with Teutonised Lombardy and the rest of Italy. In front lay her highway : behind lay her moat. At this period, indeed, it is hardly too much to say that (save for the accident of language) Venice was rather a Greek than an Italian city."
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:45 pm

“Hellenism” in an early 1800s Greek expression that was basically invented to encapsulate their expansionistic dreams but it didn’t go anywhere and remained a dream.

Believe it or not, the five Slavic fleabags on the mainland and three peasants on the islands actually had aspirations to rule the world! :roll:

These days they’ll be lucky to hold their country together let alone expand! :lol:
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby Me Ed » Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:54 pm

kimon07 wrote:
Me Ed wrote:Hellenism finished around 1600 years ago with the murder of Hypatia.

Wrong. The murder of Hypatia was just another unsuccessful attempt to stop the spreading pf Hellenism.
See below:

Arabic Thought and its Place in History, by De Lacy O'Leary, [1922], at
p. 1
The subject proposed in the following pages is the history of the cultural transmission by which Greek philosophy and science were passed from Hellenistic surroundings to the Syriac speaking community, thence to the Arabic speaking world of Islam, and so finally to the Latin Schoolmen of Western Europe. That such a transmission did take place is known even to the beginner in mediæval history, but how it happened, and the influences which promoted it, and the modifications which took place en route, appear to be less generally known, and it does not seem that the details, scattered through works of very diverse types, are easily accessible to the English reader. Many historians seem content to give only a casual reference to its course, sometimes even with strange chronological confusions which show that the sources used are still the mediæval writers who had very imperfect information about the development of intellectual life amongst the Muslims. Following mediæval usage we sometimes find the Arabic writers referred to as "Arabs" or "Moors," although in fact there was only one philosopher of any importance who was an Arab by race, and comparatively little is known about his work.
See the rest of the article here:

See also about the debate as to whether the “Hellenization of Europe” was caused by the Arabs or not. ... islam.html

I'll make this very easy for you, Give the top three ideas that came out of Hellenism since Hypatia ...
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Re: What is HELLENISM?

Postby kurupetos » Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:18 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
I am what I am. Cypriot born and Hellenically educated. The best? :)

Yes, if it was true. :wink:

May your envy make you a better man! :)

It won't. I saw you in Haringey. :wink:
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