Fawkster: Into 5th of November sex with an effigy.
MiniSexual: Can only climax when kicking dwarfs like footballs.
KiproMandris: Exclusively into Cypriot livestock.
SariSexual: Into young male Turks from disputed areas.
HellenoSexual: Into anything Greek… literally!
CharloGolos: A gay Charlie.
KangoroGolos: An aussie poofter.
ScaloSexos: A Larnaca district pickup boy.
PathosPhilia: A mental condition in which the sufferer thinks Paphos is sexy!
AyiaNabidis: A wondering penis into anything that looks like an orifice including stone walls.
AnderoGousbis: Sexual gratification from overeating at a Cypriot taverna.
ArchoZoumis: Sexual gratification can only be reached when scrotum is squeezed in an industrial vice.
More to come but in the meantime feel free to post yours...