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Dr GR’s concise list of rare sexualities and fetishes…

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Re: Dr GR’s concise list of rare sexualities and fetishes…

Postby Maxx » Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:09 am

Get Real! wrote:
Maxx wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Maxx wrote:
Get Real! wrote:That's another reason why atheism sucks! You don’t get a judgment day… sorry. :?

Which can mean that we live life to the fullest because we don't rely on the afterlife theory. :D

Can do, but its like driving without insurance… you won’t think its bad until you hear a thud!

Are you saying that religion is an insurance to being a good person?

I don't need such an isnurance policy.

It can be seen as a insurance for those who like to weigh options! :lol:

What do you think all religious entities are selling if not a key to “paradise”?

Well, that is a very personal question.

And for me, all religions are just selling a false dogma of control and manipulation by promising salvation.

If some people need this all knowing dogma, for a promised salvation then so be it.

I personally don't need it, and will always try to do what's right, and be kind, whilst knowing I am here for a very short time.

If there is an afterlife, then that's a bonus. So I guess I weigh my options as well, and even if their is a Deity, then I'm certain that the key is to just be a good person.
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Re: Dr GR’s concise list of rare sexualities and fetishes…

Postby Hermes » Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:18 am

Maxx wrote:Yes indeed.

This disease is quite common amongst the Ottoman Greeks. Fortunately, we are working on their cure. All they need to do is accept that Cyprus is the alpha and Omega. Their IQ will double overnight as well. :lol:

I stick to my original diagnosis of Self-Induced Idiocy with Autochthonophilia. It appears to cover all Cypriot variants of this disease. The Proxy diagnosis is a variant of the disease that afflicts the British in particular. The two forms of the illness are untreatable by modern science. Even a course of education has proved ineffective. In fact, the more they read the more angry and deluded the sufferer becomes.

The end result is often a complete denial of history. Sufferers are often heard babbling on about how they are not "really Greek" but descended from some race of Stone Age Spacemen who arrived from another galaxy. They regard the circular huts of Choirokoitia as flying saucers which brought their ancestors to Cyprus where they then "sprung out" of the soil. These mythical creatures did not die out and resisted absorption by the Hellenic Greeks who colonised the island.

The "Spacemen" have survived to this day and walk amongst us as the original and "true Cypriots". This is not to be confused with Scientology. It is however close to the discredited theories of the 1970's fraudster and author of the 'Chariots of the Gods' - Erich Von Daniken. Most cases are really very sad and sufferers are often a burden to their families and neighbours who have to endure their nonsense with much patience and forebearance.
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Re: Dr GR’s concise list of rare sexualities and fetishes…

Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:25 am

Hermes wrote:The "Spacemen" have survived to this day and walk amongst us as the original and "true Cypriots".

Are these the same spacemen that arrived in Cyprus en masse at around 1200BC and said…

“Look guys, your language and culture sucks so we’re gonna do you a favor and remove them for free if you’ll sign across this dotted line…”

And they replied…

“Sure! We’ve been waiting for an idiot to write such a far fetched story to convince the masses, so we’ll do anything to please!”
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Re: Dr GR’s concise list of rare sexualities and fetishes…

Postby Maxx » Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:35 am

Hermes wrote:
Maxx wrote:Yes indeed.

This disease is quite common amongst the Ottoman Greeks. Fortunately, we are working on their cure. All they need to do is accept that Cyprus is the alpha and Omega. Their IQ will double overnight as well. :lol:

I stick to my original diagnosis of Self-Induced Idiocy with Autochthonophilia. It appears to cover all Cypriot variants of this disease. The Proxy diagnosis is a variant of the disease that afflicts the British in particular. The two forms of the illness are untreatable by modern science. Even a course of education has proved ineffective. In fact, the more they read the more angry and deluded the sufferer becomes.

The end result is often a complete denial of history. Sufferers are often heard babbling on about how they are not "really Greek" but descended from some race of Stone Age Spacemen who arrived from another galaxy. They regard the circular huts of Choirokoitia as flying saucers which brought their ancestors to Cyprus where they then "sprung out" of the soil. These mythical creatures did not die out and resisted absorption by the Hellenic Greeks who colonised the island.

The "Spacemen" have survived to this day and walk amongst us as the original and "true Cypriots". This is not to be confused with Scientology. It is however close to the discredited theories of the 1970's fraudster and author of the 'Chariots of the Gods' - Erich Von Daniken. Most cases are really very sad and sufferers are often a burden to their families and neighbours who have to endure their nonsense with much patience and forebearance.

it is ok to diagnose other Ottomans, but self diagnosis is dangerous.

You should seek a second opinion. :lol:
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Re: Dr GR’s concise list of rare sexualities and fetishes…

Postby Hermes » Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:35 am

Get Real! wrote:Are these the same spacemen that arrived in Cyprus en masse at around 1200BC...

Sometimes it is best not to engage with the sufferer's fantasies. It only makes things worse...
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Re: Dr GR’s concise list of rare sexualities and fetishes…

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:25 am

Get Real! wrote:What do you think all religious entities are selling if not a key to “paradise”?

yes but look how when they are here so few people want to go....
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