Hermes wrote:Autochthonophilia - a rare condition in which the sufferer believes he is descended from an imaginary race of neanderthals. There is no known cure. But a dose of reality sometimes helps!
You've basically diagnosed Hellenism!

Hermes wrote:Autochthonophilia - a rare condition in which the sufferer believes he is descended from an imaginary race of neanderthals. There is no known cure. But a dose of reality sometimes helps!
yialousa1971 wrote:B25 wrote:Tseriampalatokolokos: Someone who has a super high estimation of his own intelligence, but is actually a plonker, is probably impotent, likes to play the stud, but in the end, his real passion is to be photographed outside Gay bars in a tutu.
Yes that somes up GR to a t..........![]()
Hermes wrote:Idiocy with autochthonophilia by proxy ....
A hopeless condition in which a foreigner has problems accepting the culture and history of the locals. With no basis in reality the sufferer comes to think that everyone around him is deluded about who they are and comes to the bizarre conclusion that the people he lives amongst are descended from a mythical tribe of pre-historic creatures. He then proclaims his idiocy on public forums, much to the amusement of the locals.
This condition is easily identified by the patronising racism that characterizes it. The sufferer is also easy to spot by their smug condescension which masks a deep sense of inferiority. This condition is sometimes confused with the gullible fools who hold that mankind is descended from aliens who arrived in flying saucers. Although essentially harmless the condition is marked by the desperation and stupidity of its proponents.
supporttheunderdog wrote:A lobotomy was tried but failed due to lack of anything to remove...
supporttheunderdog wrote:Now who are you suggesting has one of the multiple personalities with many aliases? Me, STUD? Now I know it goes on on, but apart from STUD who else am I allegedly posting as?
joe wrote:supporttheunderdog wrote:Now who are you suggesting has one of the multiple personalities with many aliases? Me, STUD? Now I know it goes on on, but apart from STUD who else am I allegedly posting as?
Interesting that you would respond when I wasnt addressing you... Guilty conscience, perhaps?
Get Real! wrote:Schnauzer wrote:Daktilophobia........... Fear of taking the first step.
fear of pointing the finger maybe?
Schnauzer wrote:Get Real! wrote:Schnauzer wrote:Daktilophobia........... Fear of taking the first step.
fear of pointing the finger maybe?
Miltiphobia..........Fear that a certain individual might come back and call us all 'Plonkers'.![]()
Maxx wrote:Schnauzer wrote:Get Real! wrote:Schnauzer wrote:Daktilophobia........... Fear of taking the first step.
fear of pointing the finger maybe?
Miltiphobia..........Fear that a certain individual might come back and call us all 'Plonkers'.![]()
Now that Dinos is back, Milti's arrival could be imminent.
But he won't be fixated with you, me or Get Real! He and Dinos Skalliotis were former lovers I will have you know.
Schnauzer wrote:Maxx wrote:Schnauzer wrote:Get Real! wrote:Schnauzer wrote:Daktilophobia........... Fear of taking the first step.
fear of pointing the finger maybe?
Miltiphobia..........Fear that a certain individual might come back and call us all 'Plonkers'.![]()
Now that Dinos is back, Milti's arrival could be imminent.
But he won't be fixated with you, me or Get Real! He and Dinos Skalliotis were former lovers I will have you know.
I would not make book on his fixations Maxx, I believe I was the target of his relentless verbal assaults on more occasions than most other members.
Nonetheless, I DO miss the dear chap and was so very sorry when he departed, I actually PM'd my apologies to him (fearing that I may have in some way influenced his decision to leave us) but unfortunately, the PM is still unread according to my outbox.
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