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POLL - For or Against Gay Relationships???

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Are You For or Against Gay Relationships?

Note: Your vote in this poll is NOT confidential. Your username will be displayed under the option(s) you select

YES FOR Consenting adults should do as they choose in their relationships without interference from states, churches etc.
Atheist, bill cobbett, FragnaticDeath, GreekIslandGirl, humanist, Kikapu, Maxx, Sotos
NO AGAINST These relationships are wrong and they involve "acts against nature" so I am with the Church and the "trnc" on this one.
Get Real!, kurupetos
Yes I Agree Freddie is a Thieving Toe-Rag
bill cobbett, CBBB, GreekIslandGirl, kurupetos, Maxx, Sotos, supporttheunderdog, yialousa1971
Total votes : 18

Re: POLL - For or Against Gay Relationships???

Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:34 am

Get Real! wrote:It looks like me and Yfred will at last tie the knot! :lol:

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Re: POLL - For or Against Gay Relationships???

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:49 am

Personallly I find the thought of some of the physical aspects of male homosexuality quite off-putting, but if two blokes want to stick their todgers up each others' dirt boxes, provided they do it in Private, that is there affair. I don't approve of discrimination against someone because they may be a homosexual - what I do however find objectionable is when local councils in the UK hold "gay pride" events and compel staff to take part, as happened to the Glasgow 9 in 2006. Sexualaty should stay out of work.
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Re: POLL - For or Against Gay Relationships???

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:09 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:Personallly I find the thought of some of the physical aspects of male homosexuality quite off-putting, but if two blokes want to stick their todgers up each others' dirt boxes, provided they do it in Private, that is there affair. I don't approve of discrimination against someone because they may be a homosexual - what I do however find objectionable is when local councils in the UK hold "gay pride" events and compel staff to take part, as happened to the Glasgow 9 in 2006. Sexualaty should stay out of work.

Yes ok, the physical nature you touch on above. It's a test, a very valuable test of your tolerance and tolerance is a good thing.

... and yes, public money shouldn't be used to promote any form of personal relationships.
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Re: POLL - For or Against Gay Relationships???

Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:28 am

bill cobbett wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:Personallly I find the thought of some of the physical aspects of male homosexuality quite off-putting, but if two blokes want to stick their todgers up each others' dirt boxes, provided they do it in Private, that is there affair. I don't approve of discrimination against someone because they may be a homosexual - what I do however find objectionable is when local councils in the UK hold "gay pride" events and compel staff to take part, as happened to the Glasgow 9 in 2006. Sexualaty should stay out of work.

Yes ok, lets get physical you touch me on the.... It's a test, a very valuable test of your love and love is a good thing.

... and yes, public money should be used to promote any form of personal relationships.

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Re: POLL - For or Against Gay Relationships???

Postby Lit » Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:49 am

Its not my thing and as long as people do not parade their "gayness" in front of me like when im eating or something then i really do not care about it. Seriously though, You have to let people be who they want to be. Quite frankly, its none of our business.

Here's a little story that may be relevant to this discussion...

The bank that i used to go when i lived in Larnica has a gay employee. How do i know? Because one day when i went to the bank to inquire about a bill, everyone there at the bank was mocking this employee and how he is gay. Blathering on like it was a big deal in the nightly news. I haven't a clue how they came up with that assumption but he wasn't denying it. Quiet guy and keeps to himself but he's also the type to assist anyone and everyone who has a question. That is a quality very hard to come by in the RoC. I'm not going to deny it. Anyway, i didnt say anything to the idiots who were mocking him maybe because i was a little surprised myself. Looking back, maybe i should've said something.
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Re: POLL - For or Against Gay Relationships???

Postby Kikapu » Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:21 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:Personallly I find the thought of some of the physical aspects of male homosexuality quite off-putting, but if two blokes want to stick their todgers up each others' dirt boxes, provided they do it in Private, that is there affair. I don't approve of discrimination against someone because they may be a homosexual - what I do however find objectionable is when local councils in the UK hold "gay pride" events and compel staff to take part, as happened to the Glasgow 9 in 2006. Sexualaty should stay out of work.

You are making the assumption of course, that that's what two gay male couples do to each other. Having lived amongst gays in San Francisco for a very long time, that is not the impression I have gotten from the gay couples I have known over the years. In fact, I'm willing to bet, that there are more straight men in the world who are doing it in the "dirty boxes" with their wives, girlfriends and hookers than done by gay men themselves with each other. There are of course a lot more "straight" men in the world than there are gay males, who are all too tempted to enter the "forbidden zone" of females! :wink:

I agree with the rest of your arguments!
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Re: POLL - For or Against Gay Relationships???

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:42 am

Hi Kikapu... thanks for that... erm... don't forget you have 2 votes in the poll... :D
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Re: POLL - For or Against Gay Relationships???

Postby Kikapu » Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:54 am

bill cobbett wrote:Hi Kikapu... thanks for that... erm... don't forget you have 2 votes in the poll... :D

Hi Bill

Looks like I am not given the opportunity to vote again, otherwise, I would vote the same................ again. :D
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Re: POLL - For or Against Gay Relationships???

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:58 am

yialousa1971 wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:Personallly I find the thought of some of the physical aspects of male homosexuality quite off-putting, but if two blokes want to stick their todgers up each others' dirt boxes, provided they do it in Private, that is there affair. I don't approve of discrimination against someone because they may be a homosexual - what I do however find objectionable is when local councils in the UK hold "gay pride" events and compel staff to take part, as happened to the Glasgow 9 in 2006. Sexualaty should stay out of work.

Yes ok, lets get physical you touch me on the.... It's a test, a very valuable test of your love and love is a good thing.

... and yes, public money should be used to promote any form of personal relationships.


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Re: POLL - For or Against Gay Relationships???

Postby joe » Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:05 pm

I believe it to be a preference chosen by the individual and as such should not be restricted in a free world.
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