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Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:06 am

Get Real! wrote:
GR wrote:
Get Smart wrote:If only GR would take me… I’d crap my pants faster than you can run the mile!
Yeah, that would be my dream come true!

:oops: :D :o
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Postby Maxx » Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:20 am

Get Real! wrote:
humanist wrote:The rest are internalised homophobes

Ok, I’m a homophobe but don’t ever assume I hate you Andreas! T_C is also gay but I like him a lot as a person and would happily have good laughs with him at a pub.

Yes you are a homophobe, and a tosser of the highest order, and don't think I didn't already know that from your first posts. Also, don't think I have an ounce of respect for the likes of you. I wouldn't be caught dead in a pub with a cretin like you.

As much as I like your humour, you are an idiot, a clown and a total disgrace.

Now be nice, and post away. :)
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Postby johbee » Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:03 am

First off why do you need to be "openly" gay? I'm heterosexual, but I don't go around proclaiming my pride in being so. I don't attend straight pride parades. I don't demand special rights because I'm straight. If I did I would probably be labeled a homophobe. If you don't advertise the fact then perhaps you would have less problems. I think most people really don't care what you do behind closed doors, but if you choose to prance around like a fairy in a tutu you may encounter some problems.
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Postby B25 » Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:21 am

johbee wrote:First off why do you need to be "openly" gay? I'm heterosexual, but I don't go around proclaiming my pride in being so. I don't attend straight pride parades. I don't demand special rights because I'm straight. If I did I would probably be labeled a homophobe. If you don't advertise the fact then perhaps you would have less problems. I think most people really don't care what you do behind closed doors, but if you choose to prance around like a fairy in a tutu you may encounter some problems.

Thank you sir for putting is nicely, and totally agree.

Bloody Fags :D :D :D
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Postby Maxx » Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:37 am

johbee wrote:First off why do you need to be "openly" gay? I'm heterosexual, but I don't go around proclaiming my pride in being so. I don't attend straight pride parades. I don't demand special rights because I'm straight. If I did I would probably be labeled a homophobe. If you don't advertise the fact then perhaps you would have less problems. I think most people really don't care what you do behind closed doors, but if you choose to prance around like a fairy in a tutu you may encounter some problems.

First of all, most gays don't go around "proclaiming their pride" at being gay, and they don't go to 'pride parades'.

You are an openly heteresexual person, as am I and most others here. We don't advertise the fact because it is taken as a given, it is obvious. However, some gays are not open about their sexuality which is quite a serious thing I guess, and the reason why they are in the closet, is because homosexuality carries certain negative conotations within a conservative society, and also because there can be some discrimination, a stigma can be attached, and the topic is considered taboo.

Being open is not about "prancing around in a tutu" but it is about being honest or not hiding their sexuality out of fear of being judged, or teased. It is not about advertising their sexuality, but being able to behave as all other heteresexuals do, and not hiding or pretending to be heteresexual as some homophobes do.... :?
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Postby Atheist » Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:07 pm

B25 wrote:
Atheist wrote:
B25 wrote:non believers paradise

:lol: Don't be greedy B25. You will get your own paradise for the rest of eternity after you die! I am sure your God will offer you a prime space for being so mean to his enemies!

Listen Fag, whats between me and my God is for me to worry about. Just don't stick your nose in where it's not wanted. Capish.

It seems that you think you have the right to stick your nose and to comment on the choices of other people and even personally attack them and therefore your demand is rejected. How did you come to the conclusion that I am gay? Because I support the human rights of other people? If you can come to such conclusions without any kind of evidence then it is no wonder that a simpleton like you is a religious fundamentalist.
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Postby Atheist » Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:18 pm

johbee wrote:First off why do you need to be "openly" gay? I'm heterosexual, but I don't go around proclaiming my pride in being so. I don't attend straight pride parades. I don't demand special rights because I'm straight. If I did I would probably be labeled a homophobe. If you don't advertise the fact then perhaps you would have less problems. I think most people really don't care what you do behind closed doors, but if you choose to prance around like a fairy in a tutu you may encounter some problems.

So that means you would never go in public holding hands with your girl/wife, you never tried to flirt or show an interest to a woman in any public space and you never acted in a way that a stranger could figure out your sexual orientation? Being openly gay is not about parades but about acting normally without actively trying to hide what you are.
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Postby B25 » Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:34 pm

Atheist wrote:
B25 wrote:
Atheist wrote:
B25 wrote:non believers paradise

:lol: Don't be greedy B25. You will get your own paradise for the rest of eternity after you die! I am sure your God will offer you a prime space for being so mean to his enemies!

Listen Fag, whats between me and my God is for me to worry about. Just don't stick your nose in where it's not wanted. Capish.

It seems that you think you have the right to stick your nose and to comment on the choices of other people

See here your comments on the other thread:

"Hello! I am an atheist/agnostic Cypriot and I am trying to find out how many other people in Cyprus share my views on religion and if there is any interest to unite our voices and efforts and attempt to change certain things which I believe are anachronistic."

Talk about hypocricy, you can comment and try to get things "changed", whilst I on the other hand cannot comment? Why do you demand we change things for non-believers and fags, but we are not allowed to resist in your eyes??

Don't tell me, we are all bigots because we cannot stomach the thought of 2 blokes tongueing each other, or because we don't want to change our ways to suit you and YOUR (non) beliefs.

It is said that "Those that believe no proof in necessary, whilst those that don't no proof is possible".

Science does not have all the answers, and your pseudo support from the 2 that PM'ed you, I'm not surprised, one of them is trying to force us to give up our country, now he is trying to make us give up our religion!
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Postby Atheist » Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:57 pm

B25 wrote:
Atheist wrote:
B25 wrote:
Atheist wrote:
B25 wrote:non believers paradise

:lol: Don't be greedy B25. You will get your own paradise for the rest of eternity after you die! I am sure your God will offer you a prime space for being so mean to his enemies!

Listen Fag, whats between me and my God is for me to worry about. Just don't stick your nose in where it's not wanted. Capish.

It seems that you think you have the right to stick your nose and to comment on the choices of other people

See here your comments on the other thread:

"Hello! I am an atheist/agnostic Cypriot and I am trying to find out how many other people in Cyprus share my views on religion and if there is any interest to unite our voices and efforts and attempt to change certain things which I believe are anachronistic."

Talk about hypocricy, you can comment and try to get things "changed", whilst I on the other hand cannot comment? Why do you demand we change things for non-believers and fags, but we are not allowed to resist in your eyes??

Don't tell me, we are all bigots because we cannot stomach the thought of 2 blokes tongueing each other, or because we don't want to change our ways to suit you and YOUR (non) beliefs.

It is said that "Those that believe no proof in necessary, whilst those that don't no proof is possible".

Science does not have all the answers, and your pseudo support from the 2 that PM'ed you, I'm not surprised, one of them is trying to force us to give up our country, now he is trying to make us give up our religion!

Where did I ask you to change your ways? Did I demand from you to become an atheist? No! Did anybody demand from you to become gay? No! You the religious fundamentalists are those who want to impose your own ways on others. The change that I want is exactly a change where everybody will be free to follow their own ways.

You can comment all you like, that is what forums are for, but swearing and personal attacks only show that you don't have anything intelligent to say and you are just trying to shut others up by attacking them.

Science doesn't have all the answers because nobody can have all the true answers. If all you care is to have all the answers regardless of how true those answers are then religion is for you. But remember that if it was not for science you would still believe that the earth is in the center of the universe and that the world was created in 6 days. It is easy to create a fairy tale and give an answer for everything. But giving true answers is difficult and people who care for true answers and not all answers are looking up to science and not religion.
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Postby Atheist » Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:09 pm

According to an article by Politis today Cyprus comes last in EU and is at the same level with Turkey when it comes to the rights of gay people. ... V=articles ... _july_2011
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