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Heat or Eat

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Heat or Eat

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:18 pm

Recently in the UK, a NEW phrase has been commonly used in the 'Houses of Parliament' among those politicians who purport (in order to impress the elderly voters) to be concerned with the welfare of 'Senior Citizens'.

It would appear that these unfortunate folk (due to the rising costs of Gas and Electricity) are faced with the prospects of either being able to 'Heat or Eat' (this being the NEW phrase).

Fortunately, Her Majesty, having been made fully aware of the plight of her elderly subjects , reclining in her sumptuously upholstered easy chair, was able to solve the dilemma which had bamboozled the members of BOTH 'Houses of Parliament' for some considerable time, since she was able to recall an historic similarity which confronted another Monarch.

Calling to mind those immortal words attributed to 'Marie Antoinette' (though not true according to recent theory) when she, faced with an uprising because the people were complaining that they had no bread "Then let them eat cake!"

Her Majesty offered the solution that seems to make perfect sense. "Could they not survive on 'Hot Dogs' ?, that way they would be dealing with both problems simultaneously.........Hee, Hee, Hee !"

Quite a good idea really, such a solution might well enhance the UK's standing with 'Friends across the pond' and at the same time defuse any influence Jimmy Light's newly formed 'Brotherhood of Scrotums' might have on the aged and infirm. :wink:
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Re: Heat or Eat

Postby kurupetos » Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:34 pm

Heat or eat might not be enough for TC women living in London. They need some shagging too.

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Re: Heat or Eat

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:58 pm

Schnauzer wrote:Recently in the UK, a NEW phrase has been commonly used in the 'Houses of Parliament' among those politicians who purport (in order to impress the elderly voters) to be concerned with the welfare of 'Senior Citizens'.

It would appear that these unfortunate folk (due to the rising costs of Gas and Electricity) are faced with the prospects of either being able to 'Heat or Eat' (this being the NEW phrase).

Fortunately, Her Majesty, having been made fully aware of the plight of her elderly subjects , reclining in her sumptuously upholstered easy chair, was able to solve the dilemma which had bamboozled the members of BOTH 'Houses of Parliament' for some considerable time, since she was able to recall an historic similarity which confronted another Monarch.

Calling to mind those immortal words attributed to 'Marie Antoinette' (though not true according to recent theory) when she, faced with an uprising because the people were complaining that they had no bread "Then let them eat cake!"

Her Majesty offered the solution that seems to make perfect sense. "Could they not survive on 'Hot Dogs' ?, that way they would be dealing with both problems simultaneously.........Hee, Hee, Hee !"

Quite a good idea really, such a solution might well enhance the UK's standing with 'Friends across the pond' and at the same time defuse any influence Jimmy Light's newly formed 'Brotherhood of Scrotums' might have on the aged and infirm. :wink:

For the benefit of 'Figgy' (who may have missed the point in the S.C.R.O.T.U.M.S. thread). :wink:
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Re: Heat or Eat

Postby yialousa1971 » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:48 am

kurupetos wrote:Heat or eat might not be enough for TC women living in London. They need some shagging too.

Volunteers are kindly requested to contact them here:

Would you shag Fatima Whitbread? :?
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Re: Heat or Eat

Postby kurupetos » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:14 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:
kurupetos wrote:Heat or eat might not be enough for TC women living in London. They need some shagging too.

Volunteers are kindly requested to contact them here:

Would you shag Fatima Whitbread? :?

No, I only shag YFred's female relatives.
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Re: Heat or Eat

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:31 am

I feel that this topic is worthy of revival since ANOTHER phrase has been recently used in the 'Houses of Parliament' which slots nicely in tandem with the previous one ............ 'Food Banks'.

Albeit that the UK has managed to expend BILLIONS of pounds staging elaborate 'Ceremonies' in honour of the 'Royal Wedding', 'Diamond Jubilee', 'Olympic Games' and 'Paralympics' (to mention the more notable) and also maintain it's 'Military Shenanigans' throughout the same time as the 'Aged and Infirm' of the country have received little or no respite from their predicaments, it would appear that the 'Plight of the Unfortunates' has been handed over to 'Charitable Organisations' which in turn 'Beg for Food' in order to alleviate the stress of those who are least able to survive.

Among the 'Contributors' are some large 'Supermarkets' which donate any of the 'Out of Date' produce and, as an added 'Bonus', supply 'Recipes' suggesting the most economical meals for the unsaleable foodstuffs, such sources 'Trumpet' their efforts whilst waging 'Price Wars' betwixt them which generally results in the 'Legal Robbery' of those customers who consider themselves fortunate (or fool enough) to subscribe to their hypocrisy BUT, there are also those (at least ONE) which supplies relief directly to the 'Needy' and seeks no 'Reward' for it's efforts, nor does it seek to capitalize on it's generosity by 'Advertising' it's input.

The ONE source I refer to is the 'Brotherhood of S.C.R.O.T.U.M.S.' (Senior Citizens Revolt Over The Unfair Monetary System) whose tireless efforts truly deserve some recognition since they are a 'Self Financed Organization' and do not rely upon the 'Discarded Offerings' OR, to put it more succinctly, "The crumbs falling from the rich Man's table".

Meanwhile, I am sure there is no shortage among 'The Royals', 'The Politicians' and all those other 'Dignitaries' who are somehow able to (in concert) fool the gullible population that they have their 'Best interests at heart', a verbal 'Formula' which somehow always seems to work although one is sometimes apt to wonder why the 'Tongue' of the one who expresses such sentiments does not drop out upon the delivery of such an expression BUT, that's 'Politics' for you.

NOW, at a 'Meeting' of S.C.R.O.T.U.M.S., an 'Old Soldier' expressed his indignation about the manner in which he had been recently treated when he could not afford to pay his household bills, he is a genuine case and WILL be receiving assistance from the 'Organization' (for that is it's main function'), however, he had something of an amusing (although quite poignant) tale to tell regarding his own experience upon returning from the 'Front Lines' of 'WW2'.

The first 'Elections' were due to take place and HE (as a young Man) was considering which 'Candidate' he should vote for, the 'Political Campaigns' were in full swing and 'Clement Attlee' (Labour) opposed the then 'Winston Churchill' (Conservative) and the 'Megaphones' were expounding the virtues of both.

The 'Local Labour Candidate' for the young Man's constituency was one 'Doctor Jaeger' (possibly 'Jewish') and he may well be able to claim the distinction of being the FIRST 'Politician' to resort to 'Jingoism' in the UK (1945), he popularised a little 'Ditty' with a catchy tune and also 'Paraphrased' the words of the 'Almighty' by declaring that 'Great Britain' should become a 'Land of Milk and Honey', he felt that THIS expression would equal the 'Boosting of Morale' that was the intention of the 'Land Fit For Heroes' guff which was fed to the troops returning from WW1.

The combination of his 'Morale Booster' and his 'Ditty', paid off and he successfully secured his seat in 'The Houses of Parliament', he also assured his constituents that he would work tirelessly to improve their living standards and added a quite profound statement to them when he said:- "If we can achieve 50% of our goals in the first term of our office, you will ALL be TWICE as well off before the next elections!". a very bold statement indeed.

The words to the 'Ditty :-

"Vote,vote vote for 'Doctor Jaeger,
smack old 'Churchill' in the jaw,
If it wasn't for his life, we would stab him with a knife
and we won't vote for 'Churchill' any more!"

(The 'Old Soldier' hailed from the 'Camden Town' area of 'London' and I do wonder if there are any members who might be able to verify the above tale ?)

Upon concluding his account of those past memories, the 'Old Man' (for that is what he now is) grinned a little, nodded his head and remarked:-

"Well, from the time of that first election up until the present day, between ALL the parties that have juggled and struggled to maintain power, one thing is certain, 'Doctor Jaeger's' promise of 50% seems to have come to fruition, he DID state that we would be living on 'Milk and Honey', and most of us poor old bastards are having to survive on 'Bread and Milk!", you have to admit that he got it 'Half Right'.

Thank the 'Good Lord' for S.C.R.O.T.U.M.S. :wink:
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Re: Heat or Eat

Postby CBBB » Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:03 am

Schnauzer wrote:Thank the 'Good Lord' for S.C.R.O.T.U.M.S. :wink:

I agree, without them your balls would fall on the floor!
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Re: Heat or Eat

Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:49 pm

Huh? :?
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Re: Heat or Eat

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:31 pm

CBBB wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:Thank the 'Good Lord' for S.C.R.O.T.U.M.S. :wink:

I agree, without them your balls would fall on the floor!

:lol: :lol: Good response!, Incidentally, I have actually witnessed the predicament of an unfortunate 'Dwarf' In 'Rangoon' ('Yangon' correctly but altered by the 'Brits') who wished to enter in the 100 meters sprint in the recent 'Paralympics' in the UK, he was doing very well in training BUT, in the last 40 or so meters, his shorts split and his 'Goolies' tumbled out leaving him with no alternative but to continue the race whilst kicking his balls out in front of him, poor chap finished last but ended the race with quite a whimsical smile on his face.

It has since been suggested that his REAL objective (since realistically he had no chance of winning) was to gain entry into the UK and there take advantage of the many 'Benefits' available to ANY 'Illegal Immigrant', some people do have the strangest ambitions. :wink:
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