A VERY lazy young Irishman (and this geezer WAS extraordinarily lazy) was kicked out of his house in Ireland by his Father who was at his wits end on account of his Son's laziness.
He was advised by the Father to seek his fortune in London where "The streets are paved with gold !" and the young man duly followed his Father's instructions (albeit with little enthusiasm) and arrived at St Pancras railway station in due course.
Upon leaving the station, with his hands thrust deeply into his trouser pockets he shuffled down the steps and onto the pavement immediately outside.
Glancing down (since he usually slouched along with his left shoulder hanging lower than his right) he chanced to spot a shiny 'One Pound Coin' at his feet, he half stooped and began to withdraw his hands from his pockets intent on picking the coin up BUT, feeling the effect of such an effort, he kicked the coin into the gutter and mumbled.
"Ah the curse of Jayzus on it, I'll start work in the morning !".
It was not long before the young man realised that times had seemingly changed, any of his OWN countrymen seemed to be busily digging up the roads wherever he went, upon enquiring of them what they were doing, he was told that they were actually 'Digging for Gold' and the young man did NOT relish the prospect of working for a living and hastily departed.
He returned to Ireland soon after and was the focus of attention since he was now a travelled man.
"Well now Mulligan" said one of his mates "And what was it like over in London these days ?"
"Ah be Jayzus" replied he, "Sure an' whoever told you the streets are paved with gold is a dirty filthy liar !, the ONLY thing I saw on the streets of London was 'Dog Shite and Dossers', there are more cardboard boxes with people living in 'em than there are houses, they are even camping outside 'St Paul's Cathedral, I tell you boys, it's great to be home !"