For those members who are unfamiliar with 'Jimmy Light', I will briefly explain that he is widely known and highly respected as the leader of the itinerant organization 'Gentlemen Of The Road' and his followers are legion.
Recently, Jimmy was posted outside the local 'Tesco' store in Blackpool, he observed an elderly chap being accosted by one of the security guards as he left the premises and noticed that a packet of 'Digestive Biscuits' was being withdrawn from under the jumper of the elderly chap by the security guard. Jimmy immediately understood that the poor old chap (as he will henceforth be referred to) had probably purloined the biscuits and he rushed to the scene in order to offer any assistance he could which might resolve the situation without involving the police.
Unfortunately, in his eagerness to assist the distraught old chap, Jimmy waded in with his fists and the security guard (who was hell bent on making an arrest) ended arse upwards among the shopping trolleys.
Jimmy was arrested, the old chap was taken into custody within the store and Jimmy was charged with an assault.
However, when Jimmy appeared before the local 'Magistrates Court', he confounded the courtroom by vigorously defending
the action of the old chap whom (he insisted) was obliged to resort to stealing in order to survive on his measly pension. "This old geezer" said Jimmy,"Is an old bleedin' soljah, 'ee fort for tha bleedin' cuntree an nah 'ee car'n even ford ta bleedin' eat, it's gonna look bleedin' good in tha noospaypa's en'nit?".
Well, there was much consternation among the Magistrates when they realized the significance of Jimmy's words, the case against Jimmy was dropped, the old chap was freed to go about his business and AMAZINGLY, a directive was issued to all 'Tesco' stores (I suspect others will follow) that elderly people should NOT be prosecuted for petty theft.
Ah, but Jimmy is not the kind of person who would let such an event depart from his memory, neither would he ever tolerate harsh treatment of elderly folk "It jus' ain't bleedin' on Guvna" says Jimmy and I must admit that I believe there is much justice in his words, after all, the elderly of today were the youth of yesteryear, many of the youths gave up their lives in 'World War 2' in order that they that survived would enjoy better lives.
SO, Jimmy Light, "May the good Lord shine his countenance upon him" founded the 'S.C.R.O.T.U.M.S.' Brotherhood.
'Senior Citizen's Revolt Over The Unfair Monetary System' (to give it the full title) currently spreading nationwide with even greater possibilities !.
I spoke to Jimmy today, he sends his best wishes to all the folks in Cyprus, he had a very nice time when he was here and hopes to visit us again soon, he DID ask if the elderly folk who now shop at Lidl stores, might be interested in trying their luck with a packet of 'Lounza', who knows, the 'Brotherhood' may have reached these distant shores.