yialousa1971 wrote:kurupetos wrote:yialousa1971 wrote:
What tribe are they?
That's the top cat: Marcus Agius, Chairman of Barclays
'Coincidentally' he's a Jew.
Just like Fred Goodwin the former CEO of The Royal Bank of Scotland.
With a slight shrug of the shoulders, I must admit that the above information does not come as any great surprise, however, since the subject matter of the topic is directed at the integrity (or lack of it) of politicians, I would have thought that the subject of who controls THEM is of little consequence since it is common knowledge that the financiers are the ultimate governors.
Perhaps a separate thread might encourage a sensible debate on the subject of commerce, well worth a shot I suggest since it would certainly allow those who enjoy ridiculing success to give vent to their own inadequacies whilst introducing other tiresome subjects.
So, back on topic, 'The Politician's Primary' objective........... is to ensure that those who voted for him/her are suitably maintained in a state of complete ignorance as to what is truly happening in the world around them, so seriously ill-informed are the general voting public, they actually believe that there is justice in the indiscriminate murder of innocent civilians and the mass destruction of the cities of other nations, merely because they are convinced by the lies and deceit of politicians that there IS justice in such actions.
Well, how about a few moments thinking about it?, we have all recently been treated to a series of spectacular events in those nations which are in close proximity to Cyprus (and more importantly Israel) where the established governments have been overthrown by their disgruntled populations.
In Libya, whole cities have been destroyed and countless innocent civilians slaughtered in the name of 'Freedom', the impoverished population are now 'Free' to face many years of hardship and upheaval whilst they who perpetrated the uprising (the politicians) are busily negotiating deals which will ensure that no such 'Freedom' will ever exist.
All that death and destruction in order to eliminate the presence of a 'Dictator' who refused to capitulate to the whims of the Western powers, I confess that the slaughter of so many innocents in the guise of 'Political Protection' leaves me quite bemused, particularly when the removal of the Leader of the nation could quite easily have been achieved by other means.
Perhaps others may be able to enlighten me on the validity of the actions that are taking (and have taken) place in numerous locations worldwide, I have seen much that is not (apparently) common knowledge, I do wonder if the good people of Cyprus are able to confidently sally forth into the future years whilst the lands that surround them are engulfed in the 'Flames of Freedom'