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Two interesting Articles in the Cyprus Mail

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Two interesting Articles in the Cyprus Mail

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:24 pm

There are two intersting articles in the mail today

The first is on the Cypriot Dialect: "A Changing Language"

In brief the article comments on how over the millenia the Cypriot-Greek Langauge has evolved and borrowed words from many of the invaders. The same is true for the Cyriot-Turkish dialect.

It comments on how the langauge is still evolving with some words dropping out of use and others comeing in.#

The second Article is on modern Archeological Techniques: "Ancient immigration also a hot topic...among archaeologists "

This covers how archelogists are now looking not so much at artifacts but in how they are produced as techniquesin thinks like weaving, cokking, etc, are a good indicator of how peoples are linked as immigarnts tend to carry techniques with them.
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