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The Cyprus problem IS solved

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The Cyprus problem IS solved

Postby kimon07 » Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:46 pm

"We seek for Cyprus a constitutional democracy based on majority rule, the rule of law, and the protection of minority rights"(George H.W. Bush, vice President of the US, July 6th 1988).

“The Cyprus problem IS SOLVED”

The above was the title I had given to an article I submitted about Cyprus to two greek sites in 2004 ( and Let me put down the basics of it.

1. The CY issue consists of two “legs”
(a) The invasion and its results.
(b) The internal (constitutional) issue, i.e., what kind and type of a state should CY become.

2. The invasion issue has been resolved many decades ago. As everyone knows or should know, the Gen Assembly of the UN, the Sec. Council, the Council of Europe and the EU, have determined that Turkey should withdraw IMMEDIATELY its troops and settlers from the island, and should lift the ethnic cleansing results of the invasion, i.e., the GCs should return to their homes and their properties should be given back to them.
Therefore, as long as the invasion of 1974 and its results are concerned, there is no need to be looking for a solution as the solution is there. It only needs to be implemented. And Turkey and Mr. Erdogan MUST are responsible to implement it (before they accuse others for defiance of international law). And the Int, Community, meaning, mainly, the Grate Powers, MUST see to its implementation even with the use of force, just like they did in the case of Kuwait. (Maybe now that that CY is to become rich in gas and oil they will be keener in implementing it than before).

3. The second leg of the problem, i.e., the internal/constitutional issue, should also be considered more or less solved since 2004, needing only formulation of the solution into a new constitution and implementation of it.
What I mean here is that, after CY joined the EU as a full member state, there can be no other arrangement than a constitution drawn in respect of the EU principals of democracy, majority and the equal treatment of all the citizens of the republic including the minorities, just like George H. Bush declared in 1988, (when he was chasing after the votes of the Greek Americans that is).
As we know, the native population of CY, (about 600.000) comprises of the GrC majority (80%) and four (4) minorities i.e., TrCs (18%) while the other 2% are the Armenians, the Maronites and the Latin.

4. It does not really matter if the republic, under the new constitution, will be organized under a form like the US or Switzerland or Belgium e.t.c., as long as there is a central sovereign state/government dealing with all major internal and external affairs, while the Grc and Trc cantons (or whatever one may call them) deal only with the internal affairs of their own communities.

5. It goes without saying that under a western European democratic system, any arrangement which would give to any minority the right to have EQUAL power to the central government as well as rotating term in the leadership (presidency) of the central government, based on ethnic or religious criteria is out of the question. Does the US constitution offer rotating leadership (presidency) to, let us say, the Black or the Mexican or the Greek or the Jewish communities of the US? Does the British system recognize any such rights for the Asians consisting today a very large part of its population? Does any European constitution grant to any ethnic community such rights in any of the EU countries where ethnic or other minorities exist? Why should the CY constitution do so? In other words, the provisions of the Anan Plan which was splitting the central power on the island equally between the majority of Cypriots and the TrC minority belongs were the Cypriots put it, i.e., the garbage can of history.

6. It also goes without saying that the provisions of the Annan Plan for guarantor countries are also out of the question. That would make CY a protectorate, not a sovereign country. If the TrCs do not feel safe, if they need to have the protection of an armed force, this is easy to arrange as well:

- The EU may deploy on the island, preferably in one of the present army bases of the Tr. Army, part of the EU rapid deployment force, which consists of troops from all EU countries.
- One or both of the british bases is/are turned over to NATO for the deployment of NATO ground, air and naval units for the control of the East Med.
- Both above forces will be protecting the whole of the island and its citizens from all sorts of threats. Thus, Cyprus and the TrCs will be able to abolish their armed forces and turn over their weaponry to the EU force.
Additionally, above forces will be protecting the wealth of CY which will soon be the wealth of the EU as well, and will be utilized to the benefit of all CY citizens, majority and minorities alike.

7. Concluding, I would like to comment a bit on the propaganda of Turkey, the UK and others about how perfect and fair the Anan Plan was for the Cypriots. Well, if this is the case, why don’t they apply it for the Kurds in Turkey, The Basks and Catalonians in Spain, the Corsicans in France and finally, the Scots and Welsh in the UK? If this plan was “reuniting” Cyprus, why don’t they “reunite” their own countries with it first??

8. The governments of both CY and GR are committing a continuous crime by against the people of CY by not promoting the above all these decades. And by pleading others to come up with a “fair and viable solution” when the solution was always there, at least after 2004. At least they should work on these lines at least now that CY has become the “precious Aphrodite” to the Big Boys (US, EU, Russia China, Japan, Israel etc). After all, where money talks .... Turkey walks.
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Re: The Cyprus problem IS solved

Postby Get Real! » Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:49 pm

Welcome back Kifeas! :lol:
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Re: The Cyprus problem IS solved

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:30 pm

...nice post, welcome (whoever you are) kimon.

...please read my manifesto, it is what you propose.
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Re: The Cyprus problem IS solved

Postby kimon07 » Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:31 pm

Trust me Get Real. I am not Kifeas but from what you say I suppose my points of view are similar to his. I am glad I am not alone. I have no problem revealing my true identity if you wish. Just give me a private address to post it and I will.
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Re: The Cyprus problem IS solved

Postby kimon07 » Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:33 pm

Repuslewarrior. Where can I find your Manifesto?
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Re: The Cyprus problem IS solved

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:22 am

cyprus19022.html no specific order.

please keep in mind that if i were to edit them, they may be better written and at times easier to understand.

...thanks for the interest, and your comments (whatever they are) are greatly appreciated; i will try to answer your questions.

check out talk cyprus, much serious discussion posted there although no longer active...

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Re: The Cyprus problem IS solved

Postby kimon07 » Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:19 am

Repulsewarrior: Thanks, I will come back as soon as I manage (its Monday today, long week ahead).
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Re: The Cyprus problem IS solved

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:53 am

The EU may deploy on the island, preferably in one of the present army bases of the Tr. Army, part of the EU rapid deployment force, which consists of troops from all EU countries.
- One or both of the british bases is/are turned over to NATO for the deployment of NATO ground, air and naval units for the control of the East Med.
- Both above forces will be protecting the whole of the island and its citizens from all sorts of threats. Thus, Cyprus and the TrCs will be able to abolish their armed forces and turn over their weaponry to the EU force.
Additionally, above forces will be protecting the wealth of CY which will soon be the wealth of the EU as well, and will be utilized to the benefit of all CY citizens, majority and minorities alike.

and if and when it becomes a European problem, Turkey, as a NATO member will be harded pressed under these conditions to refuse a multi-national deployment, where they can act as an ally. given the grandeur of the unsinkable aircraft carrier (Cyprus), toward missions that fight real enemies, like Hunger and Disease, Natural Disaster (or manmade), perhaps thousands can be employed, the Turkish leadership in this context can well be rewarded with International Esteem; this would be progress. does not prevent Cyprus from having an Armed Service of its own, it does not prevent their participation toward NATO's acheivements, as a multiplier representing a benefit to Cypriot society as well. under these circumstances the UN should not abandon their Good Offices in Cyprus, it is that point geographically where three Continents meet.

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