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Fassouri Water Park - discrimination

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Fassouri Water Park - discrimination

Postby annecollings » Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:51 am

I would like to know if anyone else has experienced what happened to me and my family a few weeks ago.

I had family visiting and we decided to go to the Water Park for the day. I telephoned my sister (as she is always visiting there with her children) to ask her how much it was to get in. She informed me CYP 7 - half price for locals / people who live here. So off we went. At arriving at the entrance they informed us that we would have to pay full price. They asked for our ID and we produced cypriot driving licences as we were hardly likely to take our UK passports to a water park! (ALSO BEWARE MY SISTER HAD HER HANDBAG STOLEN FROM HER CAR IN THE CAR PARK THERE). They said, No, half price is only for Cypriots!!!!! This is blatent discrimination! A lot of the time it is foreigners who live here having visitors staying that frequent the water park. Anyway, I demanded to see the Manager (who was of course supposed to be in a meeting all day). I stood my ground, and we were given free passes to use at a later date. The manager said he would inform those at the entrance that on production of ID locals/people who live here, would be allowed entrance, during the week only, at half price. INTERESTING??? Let me know if anyone else has experienced this.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:50 am

We visited two weeks ago along with family from the UK and all got in for half price by just saying we lived here – no ID or anything required. As always, we had a fantastic time.

Perhaps the person on the till was having a bad day… :)
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Postby Hazza » Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:14 am

Went during the week of 15th August and showed my ID card and got half price in for me and a friend who was here on holiday.

Whether you are a Cypriot or not, it shouldn't be one price for locals and another price for tourists.

I still prefer the Ayia Napa waterpark as I found there are alot more rides there.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:37 am

We’ve not been to the Ayia Napa Park yet – do they offer concessions for locals?
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Postby Piratis » Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:41 am

Are you sure that the ad said "half prize for people that live in Cyprus" and not "half prize for Cypriots"? I saw the ad (in Greek) and I think it was the second, but I might be wrong because I saw it about 2 months ago.

In any case it is a discrimination. In marketing this kind of discrimination is called "Price discrimination" and unfortunately most often than not it is legal.

If I go to stay in Cyprus Hotel for example I will know that 90% of the tourists there have paid way less than I did. A good looking girl can very often enter clubs for free, but an ugly guy will always have to pay.

It can get worst. With the infamous "face control" some people will not be allowed to enter at all. I've heard that in Ayia Napa there are clubs that do not allow Cypriots to enter.

If I was you, I would simply leave and then tell to all my friends (and in forums ;) ) about their unfair policy. If everybody did this in the end they would lose money instead of making more (which was their aim with the price discrimination)
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Postby Svetlana » Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:09 pm

Stolen from another website:

I am absolutely furious! A freind of mine, Cypriot, was telling me that she had phoned the Water Park at Limassol to ask how much the entry price was, she was told, wait for it, £14 and £7 for children TOURIST PRICE and £7 and £3-50 for children for residents!! What do you think of that then ah? She then asked the person on the other end of the phone 'how do you know if anyone is a tourist or not'? The person replied that they would have to prove that they were residents and then they would get charged the lower rate. What a rip off ah? No wonder everyone is moaning about tourism being down again this year and with that sort of thing going on then serves them bloody well right! So the moral of the story is if you want to go there........take your electricity bill or some such as that to get the lower price. Me, no I will just avoid places like that and hope others will do the same
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:27 pm

To be fair, I think £14 is a reasonable price if you make a day of it. There are plenty of excellent rides; the place is clean and well managed and the food in the restaurants is not outrageously priced (some places that won’t allow you to bring your own in charge a fortune). People are completely happy to pay £15 for 15 minutes on a jet ski so £14 for a whole day with happy kids seems well worth it.

Getting in for £7 is an absolute bargain in my opinion and must encourage ‘locals’ to return more frequently and particularly in the ‘off season’ times. Good luck to them I say.
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Postby hincyprus » Sun Sep 04, 2005 6:47 pm

All I can say pisses me off......... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

The waterpark has operated this discrimination for years (since opening) and I now refuse to go...

But this happens all over the island. It used to be, Russian price, English price, Cyprus price.............Especially when it came to property.

I am stopping now as it winds me up so much.....I am fed up with returning goods in shops where I know they are ripping me off.....If it aint priced I walk out now.....

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Postby sk » Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:09 pm

hincyprus wrote:All I can say pisses me off......... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

The waterpark has operated this discrimination for years (since opening) and I now refuse to go...

But this happens all over the island. It used to be, Russian price, English price, Cyprus price.............Especially when it came to property.

I am stopping now as it winds me up so much.....I am fed up with returning goods in shops where I know they are ripping me off.....If it aint priced I walk out now.....


i agree 1000000% with you.....if it aint priced i walk out 2....
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Postby sneezing7 » Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:21 am

Interesting that you have bought this topic up.

I have my parents here on holiday at the moment, and they seemed to be getting overcharged left, right and center. Although both of them speak fluent "proper" greek, the locals can weed them out as foreigners.

As an example; they went to Ayia Napa for the weekend. When enquiring about the price of a hotel they were quoted : 60 ea for locals in CY, or 95 ea for tourists.

When booking a flight with Cyprus airlines, it was the same deal again. More for tourists than for locals.

Oh point in complaining about it...Just deal with it
Last edited by sneezing7 on Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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