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Talat shows his true colors

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Talat shows his true colors

Postby Nikitas » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:24 pm

In today's Greek press Talat is reported as criticising Turkey for its aggressive behavior in the sea around Cyprus.

However, Talat, goes on to assert that the TRNC has rights in the sea resources south of the island, in fact he claims that the TRNC has rights over the whole of Cyprus, presumably with an eye on the reported metal finds in Anglisides. Naturally he has nothing to say about the contribution of the TRNC to the costs of the exploration. And just as naturally he did not mention confederation, not even once in his reported statements.

As in the case of the weasel Jack Straw reported in another thread, there is no statement of a broad principle that ALL Cypriots have rights to ALL the resources of the island. No, the only side that is presented as having rights is the TRNC. This guy would have become our president by the rotating presidency if we had a solution.

The man is something worse than a partitionist. But once a TMT man always a TMT man. Those who know of his activities during the invasion know exactly what he is.

We are fast approaching the day when we will be glad for partition, just to avoid contact with that kind of traitor. Cyprus deos not need this kind of sell out. When are the TCs going to wake up and see what is being done in their name?
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Re: Talat shows his true colors

Postby Maximus » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:53 pm

Nikitas wrote:We are fast approaching the day when we will be glad for partition, just to avoid contact with that kind of traitor. Cyprus deos not need this kind of sell out. When are the TCs going to wake up and see what is being done in their name?

There are risks with unification. There are risks with partition.

They have proved themselves to work against the Greek Cypriots, even since before Cyprus's independence. They do not work like 'normal' people. They are wired up wrong. They work as if they are broken. They are NOT Cypriots. They are T*rks, through and through.

if it was not for the Greek Cypriots, they would not even have the luxury to speak of rights. They should not be entitle to the privaledge or representing Greek Cypriots or Cyprus. That is earnt.
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Re: Talat shows his true colors

Postby kurupetos » Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:01 pm

Maximus wrote:
Nikitas wrote:We are fast approaching the day when we will be glad for partition, just to avoid contact with that kind of traitor. Cyprus deos not need this kind of sell out. When are the TCs going to wake up and see what is being done in their name?

There are risks with unification. There are risks with partition.

They have proved themselves to work against the Greek Cypriots, even since before Cyprus's independence. They do not work like 'normal' people. They are wired up wrong. They work as if they are broken. They are NOT Cypriots. They are T*rks, through and through.

if it was not for the Greek Cypriots, they would not even have the luxury to speak of rights. They should not be entitle to the privaledge or representing Greek Cypriots or Cyprus. That is earnt.

The only risk is with pussiness. WMD now!
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Re: Talat shows his true colors

Postby Get Real! » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:08 pm

Nikitas wrote:Talat shows his true colors

I think its time all GCs released that these “Turkish Cypriots” are unanimous in their anti-Cyprus stance, so they shouldn’t be surprised for they have never parted with their Ottoman dreams.

Take Halil as an example, who the other day was excited that the Piri-Piri was “challenging” the RoC for oil! How stupid of him! :roll:

Halil, you’re a nice bloke but… still an Ottoman!
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Re: Talat shows his true colors

Postby Nikitas » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:03 pm

Thirty six years after the invasion and ethnic cleansing, almost thirty years after the declaration of the TRNC, it was assumed that they were after partition. This is what the so called neo partitionists preached.

The gas drilling has shown that this was the last thing on their minds. When Talat and Eroglu, a supposed left winger and a super conservative, both state that the TRNC has rights in the EEZ of the south, then we know that partition would not satsify their rapaciousness. Their statements show a common goal and it is the control of the whole island.

The fact that they do not have the political finesse to at least disguise their greed, by saying that the island's offshore resources are for all its inhabitants, shows how this process has become a reflex action, not subject to analytical thinking. They are at a point where they assume that it is natural to demand what is in the south but offer none of what is in the north. These are our future partners in a BBF.

Soon expect to hear that the TRNC lays claim to all public wealth of the south, onshore as well as offshore. With pezevengis like Jack Straw ready to rally to their cause, it is the obvious next step.

There is another angle to this, the strategic one. By claiming the right of presence in the EEZ of the south the Turks seek the legal right to have their navy present all around the island, using the age old excuse that they are safeguarding the interests of the TCs. You don't have to be a genius to realise the ramifications of such a development.

Where is Bananiot to explain to us how this surfacing of greed is our fault, that if we had only kept quiet and did not try to rise above our humble position in the international scene things would still be allright.
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Re: Talat shows his true colors

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:01 pm

I am really shocked from the escalation of OUR arrogance day in day out in this forum just because of the gas findings.
Derogatory and generalized comments against the Kibrislis really make me sick.
Nikitas there have been RUMORS that Talat mistreated captives during the invasion. None of those has ever been confirmed. And it was only one person who said that.

Now about their talk that "trnc" has rights allover Cyprus: It all comes from the so many paradoxes that we "invented" to excuse our situations on both sides. On one hand we have the Roc which is supposed to be a bicommunal government but after 51 years of existence it was such only for 3 years whereas for the remaining 48 it was run exclussively by Kypreoi !!Then we claim the Kibrislis are RoC citizens and the Roc represents them to the point of even giving them passports!How come I don't know....

The same on the other side.Supposedly the so called "trnc" followed up the creation of some " federal something"-don't remember the exact name, and the excuse was to help towards a solution/reunification. How they managed to justify this among themselves I don't know.
For Talat however the "trnc" is supposed to still be a stepping stone towards re-unification on exactly the same reasons as the "federal something" that existed before.Talat himself declared publicly he would not seek recognition. He considers the "trnc" a necessary administration for the Kibrislis that will give it's place to a new Federal part with a solution.
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Talat shows his true colors

Postby humanist » Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:02 pm

Nikitas I have come to the point where I no longer care if the TC's wake up or not. They deserve exactly what they get from now on. One thing for sure Europe will never allow annexation to Turkey and if they do let the ZTurks and their motherland live in poverty for the rest of their living days.
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Re: Talat shows his true colors

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:07 pm

I personally fight for what is right, and I don't think is right for the Kibrislis to lose it all and I do care for their rights as much as I care for ours.
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