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Greek Cypriots Should Not Represent Sea Bed around Cyprus

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Greek Cypriots Should Not Represent Sea Bed around Cyprus

Postby CBBB » Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:33 pm

Former British Secretary Says Greek Cypriots Should Not Represent Sea Bed around Cyprus

Thursday, 13 October 2011

LONDON (A.A) - Former British secretary of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs said on Thursday that the Greek Cypriots should not represent sea bed around Cyprus.

Former secretary Jack Straw said the Greek Cypriots could not say that it was representing the entire Cyprus because it was not.

Therefore, they should not represent the sea bed around the island, Straw told AA correspondent in an exclusive interview.

Straw said oil and natural gas exploration in the East Mediterranean was the most dangerous series of incidents in the region, and there was need for international negotiations and calmness.

Straw said in case of no progress in settlement of Cyprus problem, international community should support division in the island.

Jack Straw said when the Greek Cypriot administration took over rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) in July 2012, it would have a responsibility to the union and therefore, would leave aside its national responsibilities and represent the entire EU.

On Turkey's EU membership bid, Straw said the current negotiation pace between Turkey and the union was slow and EU member states, like France and Greek Cypriot administration that prevented Turkey's membership, was responsible for that.

Straw said France had supported Turkey's EU membership application six years ago, and the Greek Cypriot administration also admitted the application.

Jack Straw said Turkey maintained its reform and amendment process partially because it wanted to become an EU member, however in fact Turkey was doing so just because Turkish people wanted them.

Straw said whether or not to join Euro zone would be Turkey's own decision.

The former British secretary said the Conservative Party, led by British Prime Minister David Cameron, was sincere when it said it wanted to see Turkey in the EU.

Straw said Prime Minister Cameron and Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs William Hague were hundred percent sincere in their support to Turkey.

Commenting on Turkish-Israeli relations, Straw said Israel should apologize to Turkey for the attack on Gaza-bound aid flotilla, and had Israel apologized, it would have strengthened its hand.

Straw said Israel could still apologize, and noted that Turkey had assumed an important and efficient role in the Middle East.

Jack Straw said Bashar al-Assad regime was shocked with Turkey's and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's strong views, and Turkey's possibility to impose sanctions on Syria was a good thing.

Straw defined Erdogan as a successful leader whose party had won three general elections.

Also touching on Turkish-British relations, Straw said the Turkey-Britain Silver Tongue Forum was held in a good atmosphere, and such meetings improved mutual understanding.

Straw said there were still some misunderstandings about Turkey in Britain, and the forum would help overcome such problems.

65-year-old Jack Straw has been a lawmaker from the Labor Party since 1979. During 13-year-rule of the Labor Party before last year's general elections, Straw served as secretary of state for home department, secretary of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs, and secretary of state for justice.

Jack Straw was the secretary of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs of Britain, who was holding the rotating presidency of the EU between July 1 and December 31, 205, when the EU opened membership negotiations with Turkey on October 3, 2005. ... yprus.html

He must be on some of the stuff they arrested his son for!
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Re: Greek Cypriots Should Not Represent Sea Bed around Cypru

Postby Maximus » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:24 pm

So, according to Mr JACK of straw, the Greek Cypriots cannot represent the rights to the sea bed around Cyprus.

JACK makes references to gas exploration and says that if there is no settlement to the cyprus problem that the international community should support division.

Will division then give the Greek Cypriots rights to the sea bed in the South JACK? Why are they not entitled to the sea bed in the south from now, then, JACK?

You sounds like a Turk, what a tool you are JACK.
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Re: Greek Cypriots Should Not Represent Sea Bed around Cypru

Postby B25 » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:49 pm

Jack Straw is a turkish cocksucking piece of shit. It is because of colonial attitudes such as his that Cyprus suffers today problems. If the RoC Cyprus does not represent all of Cyprus, then the TCs can hand back their poassports, ID, free medicals, free pensions and a shed load of lother freebies they claim. Strange how all of the EU, UN and the international community recognise the RoC as the SOLE representative of ALL of Cyprus yet this piece of dog turd does not.

Here is my reply yo you Jack Straw, Go F yourself.
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Re: Greek Cypriots Should Not Represent Sea Bed around Cypru

Postby Capt J Sparrow » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:03 pm

B25 wrote:Jack Straw is a turkish cocksucking piece of shit. It is because of colonial attitudes such as his that Cyprus suffers today problems. If the RoC Cyprus does not represent all of Cyprus, then the TCs can hand back their poassports, ID, free medicals, free pensions and a shed load of lother freebies they claim. Strange how all of the EU, UN and the international community recognise the RoC as the SOLE representative of ALL of Cyprus yet this piece of dog turd does not.

Here is my reply yo you Jack Straw, Go F yourself.

When was the last time the occupation regime was willing to share anything?

Do the turks have full rights to the northern seabed? I wonder if Jack can answer?
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Re: Greek Cypriots Should Not Represent Sea Bed around Cypru

Postby Hermes » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:10 pm

Actually the reason for Jack Straw's outburst is to be found in his "mission" to Cyprus as Foreign Secretary in 2006 when he insisted on meeting Talat in his offices. As a result, the visit was downgraded in the ROC to the extent that he was snubbed by Pres. Papadopoulos, met by a lower-ranking Foreign Ministry official, was whisked from the airport immediately and wasn't joined for a joint news conference by then-Foreign Minister George Iacovou.

This happened shortly after Straw went to Ankara to be awarded a prize from a Turkish organisation for his "contribution to Turkey’s EU accession course".

Enough said...
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Re: Greek Cypriots Should Not Represent Sea Bed around Cypru

Postby Nikitas » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:17 pm

Jack straw: "Straw said in case of no progress in settlement of Cyprus problem, international community should support division in the island."

So what do we have now asshole if not a division? Why are we talking about a "reunification" of Cyprus if there is no division.

A wise Pezevengis, and not a mere pimp, would have been more diplomatic, saying that ALL Cypriots have RIGHTS in ALL of the island's EEZ. Instead this Pezvenglair chose to castigate one side. Presumably to satisfy his Turkish friends.

But just look at the news reels from the night when Turkey was given the go ahead to apply for EU membership and see his revolting physical affections to Gul and you realise what you are dealing with.

Ai gamisou malaka.
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Re: Greek Cypriots Should Not Represent Sea Bed around Cypru

Postby kurupetos » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:24 pm

That's what happens when you choose to be weak. :twisted:
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Re: Greek Cypriots Should Not Represent Sea Bed around Cypru

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:55 pm

Erm ... a reminder to all please that the Has Been Jack Straw represents the GB constituency of Blackburn, in north-western England, which has a very high proportion of voters with roots in south Asia.

... so of the view that again a case of politicians ditching principles and conscience for votes.

... oh and another reminder please that sovereignty in this gas matter rest entirely with the government of the Republic and not to any "communities".
Last edited by bill cobbett on Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Greek Cypriots Should Not Represent Sea Bed around Cypru

Postby kurupetos » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:57 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Erm ... a reminder to all please that the Has Been Jack Straw represents the GB constituency of Blackburn, in north-western England, which has a very high proportion of voters with roots in south Asia.

... so of the view that again a case of politicians ditching principles and conscience for votes.

That's butter on my bread. Multiculturalism is responsible for the continuous division of Cyprus. :wink:
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Re: Greek Cypriots Should Not Represent Sea Bed around Cypru

Postby Hermes » Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:46 pm

Jack Straw has always been a proponent of the partition of Cyprus in order to facilitate Turkey's EU entry. He learnt this at the British Foreign Office which he led with such a lack of distinction. Let's not forget that Straw was the Foreign Secretary during Britain's last attempt to partition Cyprus via the discredited Annan Plan. Now he wants a forced partition - whatever that may mean.

In other words, you can forget about human rights and international law in exchange for Britain's vague strategic goal of enlarging Europe to embrace Turkey. No word on whether the people of Cyprus have a say on their country's future. No word on the fact that the whole of the Republic of Cyprus entered the EU as a sovereign nation. That the international community, including the UN and the EU only recognises one nation of Cyprus or that around 80 per cent of the occupied north of the island is legally owned by Greek Cypriots who were forcibly expelled from their homes. Presumably the British bases would remain sovereign UK territory after partition too...

It seems that electoral defeat and opposition hasn't allowed Jack Straw any time for reflection on the niceties of international and moral law. In fact, he's acting as if he was still British Foreign Secretary. Time to let go, Jack. You had your turn and you served your country with conspicuous discredit, arrogance and an amazing lack of morality. Nothing has changed.

It looks like one phone call from his Turkish friends is all it takes to get Jack to do his cabaret turn these days. Pathetic man.
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