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Turkey Planning Moon Shot with Turk of Cyprus

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Turkey Planning Moon Shot with Turk of Cyprus

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:08 am

Prime Minister of Turkey Racep Tayyip Erdogan and President Dr Dervis Eroglu received officials from the Turkish Peace Veterans Association at the Presidential Palace in Lefkosa today. During the visit President Dervis Eroglu emphasized that veterans and the National Unity Party played an important role in the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Prime Minister of Turkey Racep Tayyip Erdogan and President Eroglu received the Turkish Peace Veterans Association’s Board of Directors yesterday.

The President of the Association Butcherem Gud briefed the Prime Minister of Turkey Racep Tayyip Erdogan and President Eroglu about the problems being experienced by the association in the budget cuts that have been recently necessarily made in time of austerity and then handed a written document to President Eroglu expressing concern that many of the houses that the members of the association had been awarded in 1974 were in need of repair.

President Eroglu for his part noted that the veterans had taken part in the 1974 peace operation and would therefore be regarded with bringing honour by their actions in countering the threat from greek cypriot thugs and troublemakers .

‘The veterans were always behind us, sometimes a long way behind us’ said President Eroglu and pointed to the important role played by the veterans in the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus which has been internationally recognised by Turkey.

Prime Minister of Turkey Rabid Erdogan also praised the role of the Turkish Peace Veterans during the Peaceful Piss Operation of 1974 and assured President Eroglu that the bonds between Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus were unbreaking and Prime Minister of Turkey Racip Erdogan also assured that Turkey would continue to invest in the daughter state with large expenditures on motorways and a second roundabout at Ercan International Airport and would continue to drill fast for gas exploration as is the right of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus in the international waters of Turkey.

Prime Minister Erdogan also took the opportunity to announce that scientists of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus would be invited to be equal participants in the Turkish Space Programme and that he insisted that one Turk of Cyprus would have a place assured on the first testing flight of the Turkish Space Programme that aimed to put Turks of Turkey astronauts and a Turk of Cyprus astronaut on the Moon by the end of the decade.

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Re: Turkey Planning Moon Shot with Turk of Cyprus

Postby wyoming cowboy » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:30 am

I wish the Turks and Turks of cyprus luck in their space program, I truly wish they build a spaceship big enough to place every single Turk and Turk of cyprus on it, so they can blast themselves into outer space....the deeper the better.....
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Re: Turkey Planning Moon Shot with Turk of Cyprus

Postby Hermes » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:36 am

Turks in Space! The Ottoman Empire Strikes Back...

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Re: Turkey Planning Moon Shot with Turk of Cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:30 am

bill cobbett wrote:Prime Minister Erdogan also took the opportunity to announce that scientists of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus would be invited to be equal participants in the Turkish Space Programme and that he insisted that one Turk of Cyprus would have a place assured on the first testing flight of the Turkish Space Programme that aimed to put Turks of Turkey astronauts and a Turk of Cyprus astronaut on the Moon by the end of the decade.

Turkey doesn’t have a space program or any astronauts, so the chances of a TC one is as distant as the moon itself! :roll:

:?: But anyway, I would go green by sending Donktosh into space and using his natural gas to generate sufficient thrust for liftoff.

Damn! I was taking the mickey and all of a sudden I find this genuine picture of the TC space team! 8) ... -space.jpg
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Re: Turkey Planning Moon Shot with Turk of Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:15 am

Get Real! wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Prime Minister Erdogan also took the opportunity to announce that scientists of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus would be invited to be equal participants in the Turkish Space Programme and that he insisted that one Turk of Cyprus would have a place assured on the first testing flight of the Turkish Space Programme that aimed to put Turks of Turkey astronauts and a Turk of Cyprus astronaut on the Moon by the end of the decade.

Turkey doesn’t have a space program or any astronauts, so the chances of a TC one is as distant as the moon itself! :roll:

:?: But anyway, I would go green by sending Donktosh into space and using his natural gas to generate sufficient thrust for liftoff.

Damn! I was taking the mickey and all of a sudden I find this genuine picture of the TC space team! 8) ... -space.jpg

here is my own personal contribution - a "moon shot" for Erdoglu, et al
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