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Is it over for Turkey?

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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Maximus » Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:15 pm

Lordo wrote:
Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Maximus wrote:I estimate that 90% of GC's are already in the no camp.

Anastasi and the negotiating team have fucked up so bad that they secured it themselves. If they are stupid enough to put what is coming out of Geneva to a referrendum they will probably be asked to resign.

you boys are in for a surpriiiiiiiiiiise.

The IMF are in the shadows to finance your bean brained idea. The surprises will come when the compensation bill for the stolen property which you want to keep arrives on Akinci's desk.

Do you really want to keep it? :lol:

listen bird brain let those with gc properties worry about that. as i have no gc property why would i need to worry about that.

you really are as thick shit.

goes through one ear comes out the other and you retain nothing.

Why should you need to worry about that? Because the debt will be passed on to all the resident tax payers.

if you want to keep the existing territorial arrangement and the settlers, you will end up paying for the stolen property that your side wants to keep.

Just like all resident tax payers in the RoC have to pay back the EU for the bailout when only some people took out loans and didn't repay. Just like some people received a haircut when they didn't borrow a cent. Everyone pays!
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Lordo » Fri Jan 13, 2017 2:26 pm

no reh goufodjehalo.

the gcs are proposing
refugees must have the right to compensation for loss of use and should be given priority should their initial mode of restitution not be satisfied, with compensation paid out of a co-financed fund

and the tcs are saying
compensation to be paid by the constituent state to which the applicant belongs

in other words

you will pay for the ptoperties you stole and tcs will pay for the properties in the north that belong to gcs.

why would they have to use tax money to do this. they have already exchanged the tc properties in the south for gc properties in the north. you will not be allowed to throw people out of there homes after 42 years so your average gc will be forced to exchange. considering the ratio of gc property to tc property is 3 to one and considering the values of tc properties in the south are anythiong from 5 tmes to a 1000 times more valuable, gues what there is enough tc properties to pay for the gc properties many times over. so all those tcs who exchanged properties originally will get nothing. in effect their properties in the south will fince what tc state has to pay. on the other hand those tcs who have not exchanged and this is where i come in, will be able apply not only for 42 years of loss of use but also retrun of my property. as far as property is concerned there is no way i would accept any other property except if it is in the same town and is the same value. that will be my right under the new agreement.

so do you know get it. do you understand why gcs do not want to allow each state to pay for the properties that belong to the community of the other state. and of course akinci does.

how much more fair do you want the offer to be. you bastards will pay whether there is an agreeement or not. the agrement will be implemented, what will be referendumed is whether to unite or do it as two states.

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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Maximus » Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:09 pm

You are delusional if you think the Tc's will compensate GC's based on 1974 'off the back of a lorry' prices and the GC's will pay 2017 prime rates to the TC's,.

Absolutely delusional

Whichever way you look at it, your poxy community couldn't afford it.

That is if there was ever a solution along those lines.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Lordo » Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:20 pm

Maximus wrote:You are delusional if you think the Tc's will compensate GC's based on 1974 'off the back of a lorry' prices and the GC's will pay 2017 prime rates to the TC's,.

Absolutely delusional

Whichever way you look at it, your poxy community couldn't afford it.

That is if there was ever a solution along those lines.

my dear boy

the prices are current market vlaue how can you ask for anything else. you are lucky your prices have dropped. it used to be between 10 times and 10000 times more. either way you got recognition and you prospered on the back of tc properties and you will pay for it. on the other hand you suffocated the tcs and depressed the property values in the north. well guess what those properties were your properties you was depressing. or did nobody expalin that to you. come solution day you will pay for your stupidity may times over. but will you learn

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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Maximus » Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:24 pm

That is some BS lordopouloui.

Your community already exchanged their properties so you are not going to get a Kuru.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby B25 » Fri Jan 13, 2017 6:27 pm

Lordo wrote:in other words
you will pay for the ptoperties you stole and tcs will pay for the properties in the north that belong to gcs.

What you really mean is the TC properties in the south that we are looking after and collecting your rents, and the properties in the north that the turks stole and institutionally sold off to foreigners and put gypsy settlers in them.

This is the reality and fact.

You F moron.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby tsukoui » Fri Jan 13, 2017 6:42 pm

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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:18 pm

B25 wrote:
Lordo wrote:in other words
you will pay for the ptoperties you stole and tcs will pay for the properties in the north that belong to gcs.

What you really mean is the TC properties in the south that we are looking after and collecting your rents, and the properties in the north that the turks stole and institutionally sold off to foreigners and put gypsy settlers in them.

This is the reality and fact.

You F moron.

...well said; the facts, are the facts.

...and in any case Turkey, with the creation of the IPC, admitted blame.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Lordo » Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:37 pm

bullshit and more bullshit piled on even more bullshit

anastasiades has agreed that both communities will put their claim in. those who have gc properties should worry about what they got. those who have tc properties should also worry about what they got. those of us who has no gc properties and those who have no tc properties have nothing to fear or worry about assholes. and of course it is such a shame that those who have no tc properties and had properties in the north will lose out as their properties are not worth a lot due to embargoes you understand. what goes arounf comes around assholes
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jan 13, 2017 10:30 pm

...if i return, what will i do without my brother? any case i want to return, and i do not want to fear for my life, will that be possible; what is mine is stolen, not one of the friendly people who says to a person like me, i will take care of this home, until your return. all boils down to money, eh Lordo?
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