1. Cyprus between Greeks and Turks, 1961-1967
1.1. Cyprus before independence in 1960
1.2. The Zurich and London Agreements on Cyprus, 1959
1.3. Cyprus after independence – the beginning of violence, 1963-1964
1.4. The UN resolution on Cyprus (4 March 1964) and its results
1.5. Internal changes in Cyprus after the violent events
2. Establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Cyprus
2.1. Israel's interest in relations with Cyprus
2.2. Israel's talks with Greece and Turkey on Cyprus, 1960-1961
2.3. Opposition to establishment of diplomatic ties between Israel and Cyprus, 1960-1961
2.4. Israel-Cyprus relations prior to the violence, 1961 -1964
2.5. Cyprus' voting in the UN on Israel-Arab relations
3. Israel and the inter-communal rioting in Cyprus
3.1. The stance of Foreign Minister Golda Meir on Cyprus
3.2. Israel's conduct during the crisis in Cyprus and its implications, 1964-1965
3.3. Israel's position in the UN debate on the crisis in Cyprus
4. Israel-Cyprus relations during the Six Day War and the political struggle in the UN, May–November 1967
4.1. Cyprus' stance during the "waiting period" before the Six Day War and during the war, May-June 1967
4.2. Cyprus' stance during the debates at the UN on the Middle East, June-November 1967
5. Conclusion ... NT=Guest#5