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Isreal State Archives about Cyprus..........

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Isreal State Archives about Cyprus..........

Postby halil » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:58 pm

1. Cyprus between Greeks and Turks, 1961-1967
1.1. Cyprus before independence in 1960
1.2. The Zurich and London Agreements on Cyprus, 1959
1.3. Cyprus after independence – the beginning of violence, 1963-1964
1.4. The UN resolution on Cyprus (4 March 1964) and its results
1.5. Internal changes in Cyprus after the violent events

2. Establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Cyprus
2.1. Israel's interest in relations with Cyprus
2.2. Israel's talks with Greece and Turkey on Cyprus, 1960-1961
2.3. Opposition to establishment of diplomatic ties between Israel and Cyprus, 1960-1961
2.4. Israel-Cyprus relations prior to the violence, 1961 -1964
2.5. Cyprus' voting in the UN on Israel-Arab relations

3. Israel and the inter-communal rioting in Cyprus
3.1. The stance of Foreign Minister Golda Meir on Cyprus
3.2. Israel's conduct during the crisis in Cyprus and its implications, 1964-1965
3.3. Israel's position in the UN debate on the crisis in Cyprus

4. Israel-Cyprus relations during the Six Day War and the political struggle in the UN, May–November 1967
4.1. Cyprus' stance during the "waiting period" before the Six Day War and during the war, May-June 1967
4.2. Cyprus' stance during the debates at the UN on the Middle East, June-November 1967

5. Conclusion ... NT=Guest#5
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Re: Isreal State Archives about Cyprus..........

Postby Capt J Sparrow » Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:21 pm

Very useful link Halil. Many thanks.

I found this to be particularly interesting.

2.1. Israel's interest in relations with Cyprus
Israel considered Cyprus as highly important, both because of its geographical proximity (the distance from Israel's northern port of Haifa to Cyprus is only 225 kilometres or 140 miles), and because it viewed with favour the accession of a new non-Arab state to the group of Middle Eastern countries. Minister of Foreign Affairs Golda Meir expressed this view in her speech in the Knesset on 20 March 1961, during the debate on the budget of her ministry: "… in the past year we have welcomed the foundation of the independent Republic of Cyprus and have established diplomatic relations with it… the geographic proximity between the two countries and the beginning of close cooperation with this brave nation lead us to believe that friendly, mutually beneficial ties will continue to develop, for the good of both nations and the entire region." [See Divrei HaKnesset (Knesset Reports), Vol. XXXI, p. 1367]

Israel had begun to lay the foundations for diplomatic relations with Cyprus already in the twilight of British rule, both in Cyprus itself and in its "mother countries", Greece and Turkey. Zeev Levin, the Israeli consul general in Nicosia, met with the president designate, Archbishop Makarios on 11 January 1960, and told him that Israel hoped to have close ties with Cyprus, "its close, friendly neighbour," and would be very glad if these ties could also assume formal shape. Makarios replied that he too would like his country to form close ties with Israel, which, he was sure, would benefit both parties. Cyprus' policy was to maintain such ties "despite pressure from any quarter". [See Documents on the Foreign Policy of Israel, Vol. XIV, 1960, No. 411]

It has taken a long time, and it may be coincidental with the potential discovery of vast deposits of oil and gas, but the Swiss cheese holes are now beginning to line up.
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Re: Isreal State Archives about Cyprus..........

Postby Maximus » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:30 pm

The Jews delivered us the son of God!!!!

what else can they deliver?
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Re: Isreal State Archives about Cyprus..........

Postby Capt J Sparrow » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:45 pm

They can also walk on water and fly like Icarus and stop Turkey dead in its tracks. Now that is a miracle!
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Re: Isreal State Archives about Cyprus..........

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:52 pm

...thank-you halil, very useful information which i have added to my favorites.

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Re: Isreal State Archives about Cyprus..........

Postby kurupetos » Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:55 pm

Halil, while you are there, check if there's any good Israeli pornography.
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