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Important developments are coming in a few weeks time

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Important developments are coming in a few weeks time

Postby halil » Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:43 am

Cyprus soon having to face ultimate partition, says Makarios Droushiotis writing in Politis :!:

At a meeting recently in New York the US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Philip Gordon, urged Cyprus’ ''Foreign Minister, Erato Markoulli'', to come up with ideas to face the forthcoming developments because it is expected that the Turkish side will aim to upgrade the TRNC in such a way as to make reunification impossible.

The forthcoming meetings on 30 and 31 October may very likely be the end of the road for the talks only this time there won’t be another round of talks with federation as a basis.
A UN source told the paper that what is at stake is whether the Cyprus problem can be solved on the basis of a bizonal bicommunal federation as has been sought since 1974 or whether this has now become impossible with whatever that may entail.
The UN’s roadmap has been:
1. Discussion of all chapters (done)
2. Give and take till 20 October (started on Friday)
3. New tripartite meeting (to be held on 30 and 31 October)
4. International conference towards the end of the year (doubtful)

Friday was the start of the ‘give and take’ phase of the talks. According to reliable sources, Christofias started off by outlining the internal problems he was facing, the House of Representatives’ decision to discuss the Polyviou report and emphasised the difficulty he had in participating in a ‘give and take’ process. His contribution at the table was similar to his reaction afterwards when in statements to the press he said he’d had it ‘up to here’ with the attacks of the parties and that in any case no ‘give and take’ had taken place.

The truth lies somewhere between the statements of the UN Special Representative in Cyprus Lisa Buttenheim who said that they had “entered a new phase” and that of Christofias who said no give and take had taken place, in other words the process has indeed entered a new phase but nothing substantial has been achieved. The leaders wasted a large part of their time reading documents.

The writer says that it is doubtful that this last phase in Nicosia will result in anything with the two sides having different expectations from the New York meeting. President Christofias wants the meeting to take place but to be just a repeat of all the previous ones, namely an evaluation of the talks and their continuation in Nicosia. The Turkish side wants the New York meeting to be conclusive as was agreed in July and for the UN to allocate responsibility for their failure.

According to Turkish sources, the Assistant UN Secretary-General has assured the Turkish side on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly that the procedure will climax and will end either with a solution or total collapse. This seems to be the position of Alexander Downer, who will push the two sides to make a final and effective give and take.

Christofias’ internal problems don’t affect the UN’s plans, besides there has never been a lack of problems on either side and nor has Christofias’ contribution been any different when he was in full control of the internal situation. It’s up to the leaders to evaluate the timing, a foreign diplomatic source told the paper.
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Re: Important developments are coming in a few weeks time

Postby Piratis » Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:16 am

The ultimate partition will come if we sign something like Annan plan that will officially make the north part of Cyprus Turkish.

We will not do such thing. The whole island is part of Republic of Cyprus and it will remain like that. The Turkish occupation is and will remain illegal. Once the balance of power will change (and it will) we will exercise our rights and liberate the north part of our own country from the foreign invaders.

We are not interested in a disguised partition that only serves the interests of Turkey and the Turkish minority in Cyprus.
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Re: Important developments are coming in a few weeks time

Postby wyoming cowboy » Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:48 am

its obvious from the beginning that the talks would colapse. whats your point?

A new round will surely start up with different chess pieces(ie natural gas and oil exploration, Israel's and USA's interest, Turkey not having a chance to enter into the Eu) on the table and this will not be in Turkey's interest. Turkey cannot be the role model that its trying to show itself to be to the Arab world, when it moves away from Europe and increasingly becomes fundementally Islamic coupled with many internal problems its facing today, that will surely get worse the more turkey retreats to the east. Trying to upgrade the pseudo stated will only isolate them from the Eu, and will antagonize the interests of the west even more. What would be the reaction from Europe for instance if turkey decides to import more settlers into the occupied areas. Or tries to win recognition for the pseudo state in the Arab world, when the Arab leaders today are getting fed up with Turkey's shananigans ie the big arab deligation that walked out of the un assemble room when Erdogan began to give his speech, including the Palestinian delegation.

So Turkey is now not a regional big time player it wants to be, has no chance of getting into the Eu, the Arabs are beginning to look the other way, and its basically land locked with no secure sea lanes to trade except to the east good luck. Its also left out of the natural gas/oil discoveries off the coast of Cyprus, the Russian pipelines that carry gas to europe will end in Mersin, because the Russians will get a chunk of the offshore gas and ship it to Europe instead.

The Turks only choice after they abandon these talks will be to come back with huge concessions to the Republic of Cyprus. Without their foot in the door with Cyprus ie the tTurkcyps, in a legitimate state, Turkey's importance in the region will be compared to Mexico's importance in the Western hemisphere. Mexico has a decent economy because western europeans and american companies want to use their cheap labor to manufacture goods, its in Mexico's interests to keep the wages low and its people in poverty so these companies will build their plants there. In other words Turkey is and will stay the Mexico of Europe, cheap manufacturing and low incomes. All because it wants to illegally occupy Cyprus and keep its troops there...
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Re: Important developments are coming in a few weeks time

Postby Maximus » Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:08 am

I think you are being very generous comparing Turkey with Mexico.

who would have thought, that the the TC's originally left Turkey and decided to stay in Cyprus after the collapse of the ottoman empire primarily for a better life. As it happens they have imported the very same Turkish policy into the country, which by large ,they wanted to get away from in the first place. As a consequence they have experienced an even worse standard of living relative the the free areas of the Republic. The Turko Cypriots perpetuate their sorry state of affairs becuase they are a bunch of misguided idividuals, being used by their masters in Ankara, all the while being none the wiser or in preference of this over being a minority to the greek cypriots.

even if their ideal situation becomes a reality, and an apartheid solution is implemented so they can control the south as a puppet, the Turko Cypriots will become the strings in this dynamic, controlled by Turkey. They will do exactly what Ankara tells them to do or else and they will ultimately lose big time. They deserve it.
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Re: Important developments are coming in a few weeks time

Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:06 am

halil wrote:Cyprus soon having to face ultimate partition, says Makarios Droushiotis writing in Politis :!:

Droushiotis, suffers from ultimate stupidity so he is unable to comprehend international law.
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Re: Important developments are coming in a few weeks time

Postby wyoming cowboy » Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:50 pm

Maximus wrote:I think you are being very generous comparing Turkey with Mexico.

who would have thought, that the the TC's originally left Turkey and decided to stay in Cyprus after the collapse of the ottoman empire primarily for a better life. As it happens they have imported the very same Turkish policy into the country, which by large ,they wanted to get away from in the first place. As a consequence they have experienced an even worse standard of living relative the the free areas of the Republic. The Turko Cypriots perpetuate their sorry state of affairs becuase they are a bunch of misguided idividuals, being used by their masters in Ankara, all the while being none the wiser or in preference of this over being a minority to the greek cypriots.

even if their ideal situation becomes a reality, and an apartheid solution is implemented so they can control the south as a puppet, the Turko Cypriots will become the strings in this dynamic, controlled by Turkey. They will do exactly what Ankara tells them to do or else and they will ultimately lose big time. They deserve it.

I imagine the situation getting worse then better with Turkey renouncing its aspirations for Eu membership and creeping towards the likes of Iran, with possible nuclear ambitions...
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Re: Important developments are coming in a few weeks time

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:26 pm

...fortunately in "Greek" papers there is the opportunity to present ideas that are "not Greek enough", unlike Turkey's press, where journalists that express contrary opinions are jailed or murdered.

if Ban Ki-Moon decides to be "expedient", he will damage his own credibility, as well as the UN's; if he leaves Cyprus divided between "Greeks" and "Turks" he will be serving the interests of Intolerance, no peace will be found.
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Re: Important developments are coming in a few weeks time

Postby kurupetos » Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:48 pm

Get Real! wrote:
halil wrote:Cyprus soon having to face ultimate partition, says Makarios Droushiotis writing in Politis :!:

Droushiotis, suffers from ultimate stupidity so he is unable to comprehend international law.

Maybe he's a disguised Turk. :lol:
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Re: Important developments are coming in a few weeks time

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:52 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...fortunately in "Greek" papers there is the opportunity to present ideas that are "not Greek enough", unlike Turkey's press, where journalists that express contrary opinions are jailed or murdered.

if Ban Ki-Moon decides to be "expedient", he will damage his own credibility, as well as the UN's; if he leaves Cyprus divided between "Greeks" and "Turks" he will be serving the interests of Intolerance, no peace will be found.

Yes, the failure of the UN over all these years... far too deeeplomatic, far too unwilling to push for the principles and resolutions of the organisation and to stand up to the politicking of the Security Council.

Been reading a bit in recent days, by the way, about the late, former Sec General Dag Hammarskjöld, generally regarded as the most assertive Sec Gen in the history of the UN... he died in what some say are mysterious circumstances in an air crash... look him up.
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Re: Important developments are coming in a few weeks time

Postby CBBB » Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:14 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...fortunately in "Greek" papers there is the opportunity to present ideas that are "not Greek enough", unlike Turkey's press, where journalists that express contrary opinions are jailed or murdered.

if Ban Ki-Moon decides to be "expedient", he will damage his own credibility, as well as the UN's; if he leaves Cyprus divided between "Greeks" and "Turks" he will be serving the interests of Intolerance, no peace will be found.

Yes, the failure of the UN over all these years... far too deeeplomatic, far too unwilling to push for the principles and resolutions of the organisation and to stand up to the politicking of the Security Council.

Been reading a bit in recent days, by the way, about the late, former Sec General Dag Hammarskjöld, generally regarded as the most assertive Sec Gen in the history of the UN... he died in what some say are mysterious circumstances in an air crash... look him up.

Yes, and somehow Cyprus was involved in his death.
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