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do the tcs...

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do the tcs...

Postby boomerang » Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:59 am

know the difference between a federation and confederation? the tcs know in any future unification the EU aquis will be applied right through cyprus? the tcs know most of the settlers will have to go back where they came from? the tcs know the states might be of equal footing but the federal government will not be?...

unacceptance of the above will not get get them to another referendum...

time is ticking, once noble comes out with the results, it will be all over...partition to most will probably look pretty good...think about it, why would the gcs want to share anything with the tcs...what did the tcs share the last 37 years?...


the turks and tcs/turks will not give varosha back because they see it as part of the overall solution....WELL TCS/TURKS I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU, SO IT'S THE OIL, PART OF AN OVERALL SOLUTION...
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Re: do the tcs...

Postby London » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:51 pm

Bloody hell....all you GC's are like a broken record repeating the same rubbish over and over again!!!
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Re: do the tcs...

Postby B25 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:55 pm

Boomers, you've heard of 'Silence of the Lambs' what about 'Silence of the TCs' ? In fact, not even the turkish mouthpieces are saying much these days. ?????

Not a single retort, response, counter, seems to me they just know they are well and truley F'ed, huh?

So Mr London, we sound like broken records, whats your take on this, enlighten us??
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Re: do the tcs...

Postby Capt J Sparrow » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:30 pm

the turks and tcs/turks will not give varosha back because they see it as part of the overall solution....WELL TCS/TURKS I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU, SO IT'S THE OIL, PART OF AN OVERALL SOLUTION...

This say's it all really.

If Varosha is part of the overall solution, then so is the gas!

No solution, then no gas for the TCs. Simple as that!
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Re: do the tcs...

Postby B25 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:44 pm

Capt J Sparrow wrote:the turks and tcs/turks will not give varosha back because they see it as part of the overall solution....WELL TCS/TURKS I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU, SO IT'S THE OIL, PART OF AN OVERALL SOLUTION...

This say's it all really.

If Varosha is part of the overall solution, then so is the gas!

No solution, then no gas for the TCs. Simple as that!

Err, actually no, the gas is NOT part of any solution, it is the sovereign right of the RoC. We never stole it from anyone, Varosha on the otherhand is stolen. The turks can go F themsleves, they should get the hell out of Cyprus. The gas will be our ticket to removing this cancer and we will not nogotiate it with any terrorist state. capish?
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Re: do the tcs...

Postby Capt J Sparrow » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:50 pm

B25 wrote:
Capt J Sparrow wrote:the turks and tcs/turks will not give varosha back because they see it as part of the overall solution....WELL TCS/TURKS I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU, SO IT'S THE OIL, PART OF AN OVERALL SOLUTION...

This say's it all really.

If Varosha is part of the overall solution, then so is the gas!

No solution, then no gas for the TCs. Simple as that!

Err, actually no, the gas is NOT part of any solution, it is the sovereign right of the RoC. We never stole it from anyone, Varosha on the otherhand is stolen. The turks can go F themsleves, they should get the hell out of Cyprus. The gas will be our ticket to removing this cancer and we will not nogotiate it with any terrorist state. capish?

B25, if there is a solution, the gas will still be the sovereign right of the Federal Government. Proceeds from are then distributed in an equitable manner to the States, and are spent on infrastructure. This is how it works everywhere else.

So if there is a solution, then ALL citizens get a piece of the pie or benefit in other ways such as gaining useful employment for reward in the industry etc....

So no! I don't capish! Savvy?
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Re: do the tcs...

Postby boomerang » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:55 pm

we are talking "IF" there is a solution in the furure b25...
1...varosha will be returned guarantees of any description, not since eggman threaten with war, AGAIN...
3...major land giving back
4...federal government, voted in, unitary voting aquis accross the island derogations

some of the roc red lines...errorgluey and his masters better start playing ball otherwise as i said earlier with all this money we can buy varosha back minus the extra baggage...

the piri reis rhetoric, internal consumption for the musrooms, is just about fininished farting around upsetting the lobsters and the crabs...

if it wasn't over the turks wouldn't be sending letters after the threats from the turk eu minister...i do not buy they are a peace loving, law abiding people...
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Re: do the tcs...

Postby B25 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:11 pm

Capt J Sparrow wrote:
B25 wrote:
Capt J Sparrow wrote:the turks and tcs/turks will not give varosha back because they see it as part of the overall solution....WELL TCS/TURKS I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU, SO IT'S THE OIL, PART OF AN OVERALL SOLUTION...

This say's it all really.

If Varosha is part of the overall solution, then so is the gas!

No solution, then no gas for the TCs. Simple as that!

Err, actually no, the gas is NOT part of any solution, it is the sovereign right of the RoC. We never stole it from anyone, Varosha on the otherhand is stolen. The turks can go F themsleves, they should get the hell out of Cyprus. The gas will be our ticket to removing this cancer and we will not nogotiate it with any terrorist state. capish?

B25, if there is a solution, the gas will still be the sovereign right of the Federal Government. Proceeds from are then distributed in an equitable manner to the States, and are spent on infrastructure. This is how it works everywhere else.

So if there is a solution, then ALL citizens get a piece of the pie or benefit in other ways such as gaining useful employment for reward in the industry etc....

So no! I don't capish! Savvy?

Hey Capt. Birdseye, read what you wrote, Varosha for Gas. That was my point.

Gas is not a bargaining chip, it is rightfully the RoC's whomever it is made up of.

So no, I don't agree gas for Varosha.

Capish?? Jim m'lad?
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Re: do the tcs...

Postby boomerang » Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:26 pm

b25 he and I are not saying varosha for gas...all we are saying if the turks look at giving nothing back util there is a solution we are saying the same thing with the gas...not until there is a solution...

pres x sucks big time...he could have shut them down long ago with the same rhetoric as the sharing until there is a solution...

the only way the tcs should benefit, without a solution is not only continuing free hospital, but add free bus lines from the gates to take them to the hospital...they should not expect anything more...and this is where the sharing should stop pending a solution...

i remember earlier on when we were asking them to stop selling our properties...they were laughing at us...they didn't seem to care what was above ground and NOT belonging to them for exploiting, but they are touchy about something underground...

i said it before and i will say it again...the tcs/turks are not negotiating in good faith...and pres x didn't capitulate on what arrogant said during his visit...grounds for walking away from the talks...unless arrogant apologized... :lol:
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Re: do the tcs...

Postby Capt J Sparrow » Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:36 pm

B25 wrote:
Capt J Sparrow wrote:
B25 wrote:
Capt J Sparrow wrote:the turks and tcs/turks will not give varosha back because they see it as part of the overall solution....WELL TCS/TURKS I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU, SO IT'S THE OIL, PART OF AN OVERALL SOLUTION...

This say's it all really.

If Varosha is part of the overall solution, then so is the gas!

No solution, then no gas for the TCs. Simple as that!

Err, actually no, the gas is NOT part of any solution, it is the sovereign right of the RoC. We never stole it from anyone, Varosha on the otherhand is stolen. The turks can go F themsleves, they should get the hell out of Cyprus. The gas will be our ticket to removing this cancer and we will not nogotiate it with any terrorist state. capish?

B25, if there is a solution, the gas will still be the sovereign right of the Federal Government. Proceeds from are then distributed in an equitable manner to the States, and are spent on infrastructure. This is how it works everywhere else.

So if there is a solution, then ALL citizens get a piece of the pie or benefit in other ways such as gaining useful employment for reward in the industry etc....

So no! I don't capish! Savvy?

Hey Capt. Birdseye, read what you wrote, Varosha for Gas. That was my point.

Gas is not a bargaining chip, it is rightfully the RoC's whomever it is made up of.

So no, I don't agree gas for Varosha.

Capish?? Jim m'lad?

Hey dipshit, that's not what I said.

Take a deep breath, take a break, have a bit of Rum, relax and then go back and read again.

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