The government of the Republic have every right to reach agreements on defining EEZs with neighbouring nations and to explore and exploit its natural resources and certainly without belligerent threats and war-mongering from Turkey . Indeed it's far more than a legal right, put simply it's the norm, it's what other nations all over the world do.
In the last day or two, in the light of the regional instability caused by Turkish aggression, there have been suggestions from (amongst others) the UN and the USA for an agreement to share any future revenues and even suggestions for an ad-hoc committee of the UN to oversee any extraction process and to determine revenue sharing.
These are measures to appease Turkey, to give Turkey a way out of the mess that it has got itself in to, to again reward Turkish aggression, by allowing Turkey to withdraw its forces at sea and claim that it has secured a share of the Republic's wealth for its Occupation Regime.... and let's remember that these events aren't isolated to the last few days, the Turkish interference with exploration in CY waters has been going on since 2007.
Let's not give them the chance. Let's have as much concession about sharing resources with the Illegal Regime as the Criminal Conspiracy have had for the past decades about such things as Stolen Properties. Let's for once show some back-bone by saying Oxi.
Insist that Turkey leaves with nothing except her tail between her legs.