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the eggman... :lol:

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Re: the eggman... :lol:

Postby ZoC » Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:11 pm

Maximus wrote:speaking of bases, where is England amongst all of this?

where it's always been; nestled up america's backside... waiting for instructions.
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Re: the eggman... :lol:

Postby Cap » Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:48 pm

Maximus wrote:speaking of bases, where is England amongst all of this?

Doing what they've always been doing. Looking after Toorkish interests.
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Re: the eggman... :lol:

Postby Nikitas » Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:11 am

Kikapu said:

"Should Cyprus be officially partitioned, the UK bases will be closed and the Israelis moved in along with Greece, to protect their and EU's interests with the Oil & Gas in the region. That would be Erdogan's worst nightmare."

The control of Cyprus and the exclusion of potential enemies from its soil is a long time Turkish obsession. Ecevit back in 1970 in an interview on British TV, said clearly that double union was not an acceptable solution because it would make Greece a Middle Eastern power.

OK, so double union is out, what is left? CLear and official partition is also out, because that would make the south totally independent and that too is unacceptable to Turkey.

A bastardised BBF which makes Turkey master of the north and partner in the south, and therefore essential governor of the whole island is not likely to be accepted by the GCs.

Then we had EU membership and the prospect for oil and these two factors have made it vividly clear to Turkey that the rest of the world is not willing to let it rule over Cyprus directly or indirectly. The nigthtmare of one adversary taking over part of Cyprus has grown into a whole bunch of them taking over. Kikapu is right, this is a nightmare for Erdo. I wonder what Davut makes of this situation and how it fits with his zero problem policy.

It took time, but it seems to be finally dawning on the Turks that the best policy for Cyprus is to ensure that no single power should have control, and that naturally would mean not them either. This in turn means a democratic system, it really does not matter if it is BBF or something else, a demilitarised island, with no foreign troops or guarantors. We are talking true independence here, and this is a big taboo for the Turks to overcome. They are getting there one way or another.

But for the above to come about we will have to wait till the schizoid Erdo and his even crazier foreign minister leave office. These two nut cases are obsessed with neo ottomanist crap and cannot think straight.
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