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Time’s Puff Piece on Turkey’s Erdogan

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Time’s Puff Piece on Turkey’s Erdogan

Postby boomerang » Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:49 pm

Time’s Puff Piece on Turkey’s Erdogan

By Michael Rubin
September 28, 2011, 3:17 pm

For the leaders of enemy regimes, finding useful idiots among the American press corps must be about as hard as shooting fish in a barrel.

• Asma al-Assad, the wife of murderous Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, was the subject of a glowing feature in Vogue.

• Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can count on NBC’s Ann Curry to provide him a propaganda outlet, while the Office of the Supreme Leader often treated Barbara Slavin, formerly of USA Today, as a go-to reporter who would accept uncritically and amplify Iranian propaganda.

• The New York Times’s Tom Friedman must do the literal equivalent of “getting a room” whenever his writing turns toward praising China’s one-party state and its leaders.

• Mahmoud Abbas has, of course, basically anyone at The New York Times, where traditional reporting long ago gave way to opinion and analysis under the guise of news.

Now it’s time to add another bullet: Time Magazine has lent its pages, at least virtually, to an interview filled with soft-ball questions and unabashed puffery toward Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey’s thuggish prime minister. The interview is here. And here are topics the good folks at Time Magazine never found time to cover:

• By Turkey’s own statistics, the murder rate of women in Turkey has increased 1,400 percent since Erdoğan took over.

• While Time provided a basis for Erdoğan’s anti-Israel obsession, they never questioned him on:

—His endorsement of an internationally recognized al-Qaeda financier;

—His embrace of crude anti-Semitic tropes;

—His acceptance, less than a year ago, of a human rights prize awarded by and named in honor of Libyan dictator Muammar Qadhafi;

—Turkey’s treatment of the Kurds, its threats to use military force against Cyprus (one-third of which Turkey occupies in contravention of international law), or his embrace of Sudanese president and indicted genocide perpetrator Omar Al-Bashir;

—Erdoğan’s refusal to condemn Hamas terrorism and even acknowledge that Hamas rockets and bombs are terrorism.

• The imprisonment of several dozen journalists and Turkey’s plummeting rank in freedom indices.

• Corruption in Erdoğan’s inner cabinet, and perhaps even among his own family.

As for their hagiographic rock star description, if Time’s reporters were more interested in reporting the news rather than simply hanging out with the rich and powerful, they might have noted the absence of any Turkish representatives—but the presence of Jordanians, Egyptians, Libyans, Tunisians, and others—during Morocco’s recent conference on democratic transition and constitutional reform in the Middle East. If some Egyptians perceived Erdoğan to be a rock star, then many other Arabs perceived the Turkish leader to be not the Beatles, but rather Beatlemania, a staged throwback to the past. Then again, the Moroccans and their neighbors were more interested in focusing on the issues at hand rather than cheap anti-Israel populism, so perhaps that was of no interest to Time.

It is a shame that American journalists become so enamored with cults of personality and dictator-chic attitudes that they fail at their main tasks: accurate reporting and incisive reporting.

he is absolutely right...but i wonder how much money time charged turkey for this leberman said he would have arrogant talk all day... :mrgreen:
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Re: Time’s Puff Piece on Turkey’s Erdogan

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:36 am

...thanks Boomer, good read.
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Re: Time’s Puff Piece on Turkey’s Erdogan

Postby Nikitas » Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:21 am

Boomer, thanks for the post.

As a long time media person I can tell you that such reports are paid, either directly or indirectly. The same, or the very next issue of Time will carry a state advertising section for Turkey. This is deemed acceptable in modern journalism and within the bounds of the ethical code.

Over the years Time and like magazines carry such reports on persons, countries, cities and so on. Reading this crap you sometimes wonder if the journalists has any kind of personal pride in him/her.
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Re: Time’s Puff Piece on Turkey’s Erdogan

Postby Kikapu » Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:37 am

Nikitas wrote:Boomer, thanks for the post.

As a long time media person I can tell you that such reports are paid, either directly or indirectly. The same, or the very next issue of Time will carry a state advertising section for Turkey. This is deemed acceptable in modern journalism and within the bounds of the ethical code.

Over the years Time and like magazines carry such reports on persons, countries, cities and so on. Reading this crap you sometimes wonder if the journalists has any kind of personal pride in him/her.

This is the norm with the overwhelming so called journalists who write for Today's Zaman and Hurriyet's Daily News. What they write goes beyond just being a "brown noser" to Erdogan and Turkish affairs in general, but more like they having a "ring around their necks"! These so called journalist have ZERO shame when it comes to writing crap. They seem to thrive on it as a matter of fact.
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Re: Time’s Puff Piece on Turkey’s Erdogan

Postby Hermes » Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:59 am

Here's a piece about Erdogan which isn't very flattering. In fact, it's a warning...

Op-Ed: Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is growing more strident in his rhetoric across the Muslim world, even as he cynically pursues Turkey’s self interest.

By Richard Herzinger
DIE WELT/Worldcrunch

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s verbal antics are nothing new to European leaders. Radical rhetoric is one thing, they say, but at the end of the day, the pragmatic good sense that has characterized Turkish foreign policy for so long will prevail.
The problem is that Erdogan’s tone is growing ever more shrill, and it looks increasingly as if he might translate words into action.
He has sent a Turkish ship to prospect for natural gas and oil deposits along the coast of Cyprus and threatenedTurkish military supervision of the activity: non-stop patrols by “frigates, gunboats and the air force“ warned Erdogan. This offers more than hint that the Turkish premier intends to back up his high-flying claims to dominance not only in the Middle East but also in Europe.
Erdogan appears increasingly to be leaving a sensible sort of Realpolitik behind in favor of a self-aggrandizing messianic stance. Since his recent trip to Egypt and Libya, where he was celebrated as a kind of healing force, he has mixed a pro-Islamic democracy message with an ever stronger anti-Israel position.
One result is that Erdogan’s sense of international law appears to have morphed into his own definition of what that law is. Turkey claims to have a rightful share in Cyprus’s natural gas and oil deposits based in the supposed right of a state – the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus – that is only recognized by Ankara.
His approach on the Gaza Flotilla conflict with Israel offers a similar militant will to disparage international law if it shouldn’t happen to coincide with his way of reading events.
When trying to get through Israel’s Gaza blockade in the Spring of 2010, nine activists were killed by the Israelis on the Turkish aid ship Mavi Marmara.
Erdogan keeps insisting that Israel must present formal excuses to Turkey and put an immediate end to the Gaza blockade which he says violates international law. The Turkish Prime Minister has even gone so far as to say that Israel’s behavior constitutes grounds for war.

Double standard
But not only does Erdogan sneeringly push aside international laws if they don’t suit him, he posits himself as guardian of a kind of higher morality among states.
However, even as he denounces Israel’s behavior towards the Palestinians in ever more strident tones, he apparently sees nothing objectionable in the fact that for years Turkey has launched attacks against PKK extremists in Kurdish northern Iraq.
And Erdogan recently announced a joint offensive of Turkish and Iranian forces against Kurdish rebels deep inside Iraq. When asked about possible casualties from this operation, he replied coldly: “I’m sorry to say this, but there will be a price to pay.”
Erdogan assumes a moral tone even as he preaches a double standard with regard not only to international law, but to human beings. He went so far as to state that Sudanese dictator Omar al-Bashir could not be responsible for genocide since Muslims, quite simply, did not do that sort of thing. And his government continues to question the Armenian genocide at the end of World War I at the hands of his own people.
Erdogan has been increasingly critical of the bloody repression of Syrian despot Bashar al-Assad, who used to be a close ally. Still, he hasn’t quite been able to bring himself to call for Assad to step down.
Meanwhile, he goes deeper and deeper in demonizing Israel. In a recent interview with CNN, Erdogan even questioned just how accurate figures were with regard to Israelis who had lost their lives as a result of Palestinian terror attacks. According to Erdogan it was, however, beyond question that Israel had murdered “hundreds of thousands” of Palestinians. With regard to the Holocaust, Erdogan appears to share views similar to those of Iranian president Ahmadinedjad – that Israel uses the Holocaust as an “excuse” so as to be able assume the stance of victim.
Furthermore, according to Erdogan, “Germany alone” should pay for the atrocities against the Jews: neither the Turks nor the Muslims in the region had anything to do with “this problem.”
This sort of attitude shows that Erdogan‘s hostility to Israel goes well beyond economic and political disgruntlement. It constitutes the ideological core of his endeavor to present himself to the Arab world as a charismatic spiritual guide and pan-Islamic leader.
And indeed: since Gamal Abdel Nasser, arguably no other political figure has found such broad resonance in the region as Erdogan.
Still his growing irrationality and regional stature should not cover up the fact that he pursues Turkey’s interests with an unwavering eye. Even Erdogan’s anger at Israel is connected to the fact that Cyprus and the Jewish state want to team up to drill for gas and oil in the Mediterranean. Turkey’s confrontation course against Israel will become a European problem -- so Europe would be well-advised to listen exactly to what Erdogan has to say, and assume that he means it. ... dogan/3862?
Last edited by Hermes on Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Time’s Puff Piece on Turkey’s Erdogan

Postby Get Real! » Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:11 am

Good post Hermes...
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