halil wrote:Get Real! wrote:halil wrote:Natural resources and water will be a federal responsibility.
IF it ever comes to pass (a federal govt), and I very much doubt it will.
As it currently stands you do NOT have any rights over these resources.
First of all it is nice to hear your voice again my old dear friend . As far as i knew both side are agreed on Natural resources and water that it should be under the federal goverment. I am not with u on this one GR. Both communities has right over the these resources. I wished that both side leadership should find such a way and how to solve this problem while talks are goes on ...other wise everynight i will hear the supercobras noises over my head.

Unless there is a solution based on BBF under a Federation system agreeable to both sides, the benefits from the Hydrocarbons for the time being can ONLY remain with the RoC. Once a BBF Federation is formed, then the Federal Government takes over the responsibility of the Natural resources, therefore, without a settlement, the ONLY benefit the TCs will get from the Hydrocarbons will be what they get now withing the free areas of the RoC, the south, in the form of jobs, schools, hospital services, better roads to drive on, pension and so on. Without a solution, no money will be sent to the "trnc" by the RoC. You cannot have a partition in the north while holding the GCs properties, importing Illegal Aliens from Turkey, and also expect to receive money from the RoC to maintain the occupation by Turkey. This is what Turkey and her puppet TC leaders in the north are afraid, that the TCs will want to have a solution so that they too can benefit as a north state, but they want the north to also benefit as a "trnc" while keeping the occupation. The TCs need to decide what they want. A Unified Cyprus under a Federal system with the EU Principles and all the benefits from the Hydrocarbons, or remain puppets of Turkey in a illegal "trnc", suffocated by the settlers and no benefits from the Hydrocarbons. You cannot have both.