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Piri Reis makes huge finds in Cypriot waters!

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Re: Piri Reis makes huge finds in Cypriot waters!

Postby halil » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:20 pm

Get Real! wrote:
halil wrote:Natural resources and water will be a federal responsibility.

IF it ever comes to pass (a federal govt), and I very much doubt it will.

As it currently stands you do NOT have any rights over these resources.

First of all it is nice to hear your voice again my old dear friend . As far as i knew both side are agreed on Natural resources and water that it should be under the federal goverment. I am not with u on this one GR. Both communities has right over the these resources. I wished that both side leadership should find such a way and how to solve this problem while talks are goes on ...other wise everynight i will hear the supercobras noises over my head. :wink:
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Re: Piri Reis makes huge finds in Cypriot waters!

Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:26 pm

halil wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
halil wrote:Natural resources and water will be a federal responsibility.

IF it ever comes to pass (a federal govt), and I very much doubt it will.

As it currently stands you do NOT have any rights over these resources.

First of all it is nice to hear your voice again my old dear friend . As far as i knew both side are agreed on Natural resources and water that it should be under the federal goverment. I am not with u on this one GR. Both communities has right over the these resources. I wished that both side leadership should find such a way and how to solve this problem while talks are goes on ...other wise everynight i will hear the supercobras noises over my head. :wink:

Good to hear from you too Halil.

It seems that you asume that rights and privilages you will have IF a federal govt ever happens, begin from today! :)

Don't let Turkey's stupidities foul your brain Halil, because I know you know better than that.
Last edited by Get Real! on Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Piri Reis makes huge finds in Cypriot waters!

Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:11 pm

halil wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
halil wrote:Natural resources and water will be a federal responsibility.

IF it ever comes to pass (a federal govt), and I very much doubt it will.

As it currently stands you do NOT have any rights over these resources.

First of all it is nice to hear your voice again my old dear friend . As far as i knew both side are agreed on Natural resources and water that it should be under the federal goverment. I am not with u on this one GR. Both communities has right over the these resources. I wished that both side leadership should find such a way and how to solve this problem while talks are goes on ...other wise everynight i will hear the supercobras noises over my head. :wink:


Unless there is a solution based on BBF under a Federation system agreeable to both sides, the benefits from the Hydrocarbons for the time being can ONLY remain with the RoC. Once a BBF Federation is formed, then the Federal Government takes over the responsibility of the Natural resources, therefore, without a settlement, the ONLY benefit the TCs will get from the Hydrocarbons will be what they get now withing the free areas of the RoC, the south, in the form of jobs, schools, hospital services, better roads to drive on, pension and so on. Without a solution, no money will be sent to the "trnc" by the RoC. You cannot have a partition in the north while holding the GCs properties, importing Illegal Aliens from Turkey, and also expect to receive money from the RoC to maintain the occupation by Turkey. This is what Turkey and her puppet TC leaders in the north are afraid, that the TCs will want to have a solution so that they too can benefit as a north state, but they want the north to also benefit as a "trnc" while keeping the occupation. The TCs need to decide what they want. A Unified Cyprus under a Federal system with the EU Principles and all the benefits from the Hydrocarbons, or remain puppets of Turkey in a illegal "trnc", suffocated by the settlers and no benefits from the Hydrocarbons. You cannot have both.
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Re: Piri Reis makes huge finds in Cypriot waters!

Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:18 pm

halil wrote:
halil wrote:RE GR ...RE Gaderemenyo ......U missed some reports..... :lol: :!:

----------Piri Reis, has begun seismic studies in the AR/KKTC/G area licensed by the TRNC. :!:

AAAA u also missed Eroglu saying tooo------We are ready to share what ever we found in the seas :!: ............... Becarefull haaa.....he may not give your sahare :!:

Natural resources and water will be a federal responsibility. :!: :!: :!: ... ic&lang=l1

According to TC press today.Piri boy today searchings Conflicts with the GC region 12. See the picture which is gray shaded.

news source: ... _HABERLERI

I was under the impression, that ALL the BLOCKS in the Cyprus's EEZ has been already explored for Hydrocarbons and that it is only a matter of just reaching agreements with various countries to carry out drilling in those separate BLOCKS, so Turkey sending ships in these areas looking for Hydrocarbons will not help her, when other countries get awarded the rights to start drilling...exclusively. If Turkey is going to start wars in the area, it will not be with Cyprus, but those countries who will have their own drilling rights in place, like Russia, France, Italy, UK, USA and so on.
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Re: Piri Reis makes huge finds in Cypriot waters!

Postby Hermes » Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:01 am

Where is the Piri Reis?

Turkish Cypriot daily Yeni Duzen newspaper (28.09.11) under the title: "Where to?" writes that there are not clear information about the route Piri Reis is following as regards its surveys. The paper writes that looking to the ship's route it seems that is heading to parcel number 12. However, this area is not included in the map appearing at the "continental shelf delimitation agreement" signed between the Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu and the Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. According to the agreement, the area of surveys was in the northern part of Cyprus and is shown at the "agreement" map. "It is not known why Piri Reis is getting off to the south of Cyprus", writes the paper.

Under the title: "Bagis: I do not know where Piri Reis is", Turkish Cypriot daily Yeni Duzen (28.09.11) reports that when asked where Piri Reis vessel is at the moment, Egemen Bagis replied: "I do not know, I am not a sailor". ... .tcpr.html
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Re: Piri Reis makes huge finds in Cypriot waters!

Postby wyoming cowboy » Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:05 am

what i dont understand is this thing with the gas exploration has been going on since papadopoulous said he would begin looking into drilling approx. 3-4 years ago. turkey knew what was coming why are they seemingly blowing a gasket over this now, and they know israel , usa wont back down now.
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Re: Piri Reis makes huge finds in Cypriot waters!

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:42 am the "Turks" say, Cyprus is a puny country with no influence in world affairs. However, it is the mainstay for the Turkish population, 90 million of them, who have it as a milestone that marks success (or failure) in their foreign affairs, occupying a great deal of space in Turkey's media. Erdogan has taken this further, with the hope of becoming the leader of Arab affairs (if they can be convinced that the Muslim factor trumps their own desires for pan-Arab representation).

...of course this has been brewing for a while but timing is everything, in the shell game Turkey is playing with the truth, and its chronological past.

What about Syria? they must make their agreements with the illegal north, as well as Turkey to be "partners" and good neighbours, they have a share and an EEZ as well; do they have the stomach to be a part of this scheme, for lack of a better word?
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Re: Piri Reis makes huge finds in Cypriot waters!

Postby Nikitas » Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:19 pm

Is it not islamic law that decrees the cutting off of thieves' hands?
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Re: Piri Reis makes huge finds in Cypriot waters!

Postby Get Real! » Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:20 pm

Fresh off the press: Piri-Piri captain warns Cyprus…

“The Cypriots had better steer clear for we are closely followed by a massive Turkish warship with its red flag clearly waving in the distance! It’s the mother of war ships… just look at the size of that! O’ great Erdogan, how thou have kept thy word!”

On hearing this, Erdogan was puzzled as none of his little battleships were sent out there, following warnings from the US and EU not to escalate tensions! :?
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Re: Piri Reis makes huge finds in Cypriot waters!

Postby Nikitas » Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:58 pm

If they bring up an old German (Solingen) pen knife it is mine. My brother threw it overboard when we were travelling to Egypt in 1958. And by rights I am claiming an area of several hundred square miles around the site under my version of the Law of the Sea.
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