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What Turkey wants for Cyprus?

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What Turkey wants for Cyprus?

Postby Piratis » Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:04 am

An obvious answer to the above question is that what Turkey wants is an official partition and the recognition of two separate states in Cyprus and that a "BBF" kind of solution is a compromise for them.

It seems that this is not the case. A "solution" of the type of Annan plan is the ideal (not a compromise) "solution" for Turkey. For the Turks an Annan plan kind of "solution" is not only far better than the status quo, it is actually the ideal "solution" even better than a two state "solution".

Why is this the case? Because Turkey wants to control the whole of Cyprus, not just a 3rd of it. The recent claims by Turkey that Turkish Cypriots & Settlers (i.e. their proxy) should have a say about any natural gas finds in the sea south of Cyprus is a testament to this. Turkey wants to turn the whole of Cyprus into a Banana Republic controlled by themselves, just like the pseudo state in the north is today.

On the other hand with a two state "solution" Turkey would have to abandon all claims over the south part of Cyprus and over the sea south of the island, something which wouldn't go well with their plans to dominate the whole region.

Thankfully the majority of the Cypriot people were smart enough to reject the Anan plan which would have destroyed Cyprus. 2/3rds of our island are still free and we still have the ability to continue fighting for the liberation of the remaining third, something which can not possibly come with negotiations at the height of the Turkish power, but in the right time under a different balance of power.
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Re: What Turkey wants for Cyprus?

Postby AEKTZIS » Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:12 am

well said post I have read on here in a long time. Nice to see a decent topic instead of shit like "ROC to buy Crete".
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Re: What Turkey wants for Cyprus?

Postby yialousa1971 » Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:33 am

"I had set up the TMT with a few friends...Everybody thought that I was the leader, but I was not. I was political advisor. Immediately after forming it I handed it over... The leaders were former army officers from Turkey."
Rauf Denktash (The Times, 20.1.1978)

TMT Leaflet Circulated on 7 May 1958:
"Oh Turkish Youth! The day is near when you will be called upon to sacrifice your life and blood in the "PARTITION" struggle - the struggle for freedom... You are a brave Turk.
You are faithful to your country and nation and are entrusted with the task of demonstrating Turkish might. Be ready to break the chains of slavery with your determination and willpower and with your love of freedom. All Turkdom, right and justice and God are with you. PARTITION OR DEATH."
quoted in Nancy Crawshaw "The Cyprus Revolt", 1978.

In 1954, nine years before intercommunal conflict broke out in 1963, the then Foreign Minister of Turkey F. Koprulu, declared that Cyprus is an "extention of continental Turkey" and that it should revert to Turkey "on the basis of geographical proximity".

Hurriyet (20.7.80) By Ozal, former Prime Minister of Turkey who referring to the UDI of November 1983, said:
"Cyprus is an island which pierces the middle of Turkey like a dagger. It is extremely vital from the viewpoint of our security. This island should not be in enemy hands. The existence of Turks in northern Cyprus is a guarantee in this direction".

Milliyet (November 1983).

By Raouf Denktash himself who stated:
"Naturally Turkey has strategic interests in Cyprus. It is fortunate for Turkey that the Turkish Cypriot community exists here. Even if the Turkish Cypriot community did not exist, Turkey would not have left Cyprus to Greece, Mr. Koruturk told me something which is very important. The honourable President had told me: 'If Cyprus passes to Greece and is militarized then Turkey ceases to be a maritime nation'. This is an extremely important factor".
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Re: What Turkey wants for Cyprus?

Postby Nikitas » Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:38 am

Masters of the north, partners in the south, was the plan all along.

However, the EU, and now the oil search, put two huge spanners in the works. THe plan is bankrupt and the Turks try as they might cannot revive it. They got trapped in their own silliness.
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