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The end of BBF?

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Re: The end of BBF?

Postby Nikitas » Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:46 pm

"they do not give a two pence worth about the TC's who in their eyes are just dirty Turks, like the mainlanders."

How do you arrive at this conclusion? Most posters make a clear distinction between Turks and TCs.
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Re: The end of BBF?

Postby Hermes » Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:40 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:What is FAIR is not only for the Kypreoi but for the Kibrislis as well.
We should use whatever advantage we might get from gas exploration to push for a FAIR solution for all the Cypriots. It could be a BBF it could be return to the 1960 agreements with adjustments. All settlers not married to Kibrislis should go, even pay them to do so.

If we become arrogant and greedy then we deserve losing half our country to Turkey. And this time it will not be the Kibrislis who fell in the trap, it would be the Kypreoi too.

To be fair to the RoC gov't, they have gone out of their way to stipulate that the oil and gas reserves will be for the benefit of all Cypriot citizens after re-unification. It is only Turkey which is behaving as if the potential reserves belong to the G/Cs only. You'd think Turkey would be happy for the T/Cs to share in the island's wealth after unification. Apparently not. I wonder why.
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Re: The end of BBF?

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:36 am

Kikapu wrote:I have been warning for a while now, that if the TCs do not accept BBF now to be based on True Federation, True Democracy, Human Rights, International law and the EU Principles, then in time, Cyprus will become a Unitary state and ALL Cypriots will then become equal citizens as anyone else in the country without any special privileges given to any one ethnic group, unless of course, it is ONLY given in the form of "Minority Rights" at the request of any one ethnic group. Times are changing, and so will the present situation in Cyprus.

"Time Does Not Stand Still"

Bicommunal does not mean partition, it is an attempt as yet without success, to define the nature of a People whose identity includes a facet that is Universal as Individuals, yet distinct as Persons. When we talk of "minority" rights in this context, equal representaion can be the norm for more than two National Assemblies (Maronites and Armenians like Turks and Greeks can benefit from this process), because as taxpayers, electors have the oppurtunity to represent themselves for their affairs closer to home within Territorial Jurisdictions while as Citizens united they vote for a Federal Government which defends their Sovereignty, Individual Rights and the State.

...Bicommunal cannot exist, like Bizonal without a Unitary Principal within its make-up, it can be anything as a whole but two mutually exclusive parts, "Greeks" and "Turks" do more than an injustice to Cypriots with their agenda, we show a great lack of courage supporting their debate as Humans.
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Re: The end of BBF?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:44 pm

I wouldn’t have posted what I did, if it were not a real possibility. I agree with you that there is a considerable percentage among the Kypreoi who think exactly like you said. On the other hand unfortunately there is another considerable percentage among the Kibrislis who stil aim at partition no matter what.

Would you care describing us "the norm of every other successful democratic country in the world" and how you think we could apply that norm in Cyprus?

Hermes you said:
"You'd think Turkey would be happy for the T/Cs to share in the island's wealth after unification. Apparently not. I wonder why."

And how exactly would Turkey prevent them from sharing after unification???
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Re: The end of BBF?

Postby Hermes » Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:57 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Hermes you said:
"You'd think Turkey would be happy for the T/Cs to share in the island's wealth after unification. Apparently not. I wonder why."

And how exactly would Turkey prevent them from sharing after unification???

They can't. But Turkey has no intention of a united island in which the T/Cs get their share of the island's resources. Isn't that what the Turks are ranting about? To fool the TCs into thinking it's the RoC which is depriving them of their rights? When it is Turkey's partitionist policy that keeps the TCs isolated and impoverished. The last thing Turkey wants is for the TCs to grow some balls and demand their fair share of the island's wealth. Because that'll only come about through a united island!
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Re: The end of BBF?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:14 pm

Hermes wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Hermes you said:
"You'd think Turkey would be happy for the T/Cs to share in the island's wealth after unification. Apparently not. I wonder why."

And how exactly would Turkey prevent them from sharing after unification???

They can't. But Turkey has no intention of a united island in which the T/Cs get their share of the island's resources. Isn't that what the Turks are ranting about? To fool the TCs into thinking it's the RoC which is depriving them of their rights? When it is Turkey's partitionist policy that keeps the TCs isolated and impoverished. The last thing Turkey wants is for the TCs to grow some balls and demand their fair share of the island's wealth. Because that'll only come about through a united island!

OK that makes your thoughts clearer now Hermes. I generally respect your well thought arguments.
Time will show whether Turkey can hold on her traditional stance regarding Cyprus.The cost for her is increasing rapidly...
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Re: The end of BBF?

Postby Piratis » Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:07 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Bananiot
Would you care describing us "the norm of every other successful democratic country in the world" and how you think we could apply that norm in Cyprus?

The norm is equality among all citizens regardless of what their ethnic background is, respect to human rights and a democratic system with majority rule and minority rights. The norm can be applied in Cyprus once the balance of power changes, as it is obvious that as long as Turkey has the power will not allow a true solution to the Cyprus problem, but only one where the racist divisions that exist since Ottoman rule are maintained, something which would give to her an effective control over the whole island.
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Re: The end of BBF?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:14 pm

Piratis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Bananiot
Would you care describing us "the norm of every other successful democratic country in the world" and how you think we could apply that norm in Cyprus?

The norm is equality among all citizens regardless of what their ethnic background is, respect to human rights and a democratic system with majority rule and minority rights. The norm can be applied in Cyprus once the balance of power changes, as it is obvious that as long as Turkey has the power will not allow a true solution to the Cyprus problem, but only one where the racist divisions that exist since Ottoman rule are maintained, something which would give to her an effective control over the whole island.

I thought this would be your answer. Well Piratis, that's the perfect recipe for us to lose permanently the currently occupied areas.
For one reason or another, call it pride, call it paranoia, call it mentality of an old and faded ruler, the Kibrislis will not accept such a thing let aside the as many settlers that Turkey installed here.As time goes by, the real Kibrislis will dissapear, and we will have only settlers and Turkey still keeping the occupied under her control.
The balance of power shifting BECAUSE OF THE GAS will never give us the military power to fight Turkey, will only strengthen our importance AS WE ARE. And that's all. It will not solve the Cyprus problem it will not re-unify the Country.
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