gardash wrote:No-one wants or expects sympathy from you guys. What you don't realise is that what you are doing is counter productive if you ever want to share this island with other Cypriots and not share it with Turkey. Do you really think they will leave, taking the settlers with them, if there are no more TCs in Cyprus?
I can only conclude that you don't want to share it with anyone.
most gcs are of the view the tcs are too entrenched with turkey to see logic...hence the continuation...
in reality the monstrocity on the mountains should have been removed long ago, a position the tcs themselves should have reality the tcs should have demanded erdogan shut his reality tcs should have demonstrated an anti turkey policy, read immigration, when it comes to cyprus...but they only demonstrated on the austerity cut other words they think for only for their belly...this is the sad reality...
so its not just a simple matter of not sharing, because to share as it is today will be suicidal not only for us but for you as well...somebody has to carry the fight to turkey, and preserve a cypriot state where one day the tcs might settle, since the tcs are sitting on their asses with demands upon demands dictated by turkey...