i wonder how the turks feel not to be loved as much as others from the pimp?...something we the GCs endured and keep enduring the last 37 years...well today the turks are finding out the hard way...
come to think of it saddam once upon a time had a cozy relationship with the pimp...somehow here there is a lesson to be learned...
my prediction is the pimp is gonna hurt turke for a number of obvious reasons, the biggest israel...the only way to hurt the turks today is through economics via devaluating the lira...this is an obvious trick...but it's a double edge sword...by devaluating the lira and turning everyone a millionaire again has advantages for the west...this will ensure the investments in turkey are safe, and at the same time produce the goods for nothing...in the mean time the turkish population, playing who wants to be a millionaire once again, will push their standard of living down...and do not get me started on the withdrawal of the hot money...
this will turkey up shit creek without a paddle...
of course this will hurt the tcs, and they got the motherland to thank for...