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how come...

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how come...

Postby boomerang » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:27 am

...whats underneath belongs to both communities but when it comes to someones rightfull property the turks do not believe in giving back?...
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Re: how come...

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:17 am

boomerang wrote:...whats underneath belongs to both communities but when it comes to someones rightfull property the turks do not believe in giving back?...

:D :D :D :D :D :D
a very fair question
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Re: how come...

Postby London » Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:51 am

boomerang wrote:...whats underneath belongs to both communities but when it comes to someones rightfull property the turks do not believe in giving back?...

Isnt that what the peace negotiations are for?? to discuss the issue of property etc???
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Re: how come...

Postby Nikitas » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:06 am

Yes, the issues of properties, territory etc, are what the process SHOULD be about. In case you did not notice, Erdo, during his Cyprus visit said loudly that no territory would be returned. Eroglu refuses any property return and instead proposes that TC companies should share in the development of TC properties in the SOUTH. In other words they keep what they stole from the GCs and then make money by developing land in the south, rather than give it as compensation for the stolen land. This is how they perceive fairness on the property issues.

You would think that the hard line approach is to force the GC side to accept partition. Well, no, they do not want partition either, as shown by their insistence that the undersea wealth found clearly in the south, should be share equally with the TCs.

Turkey is not a normal nation. It has only one guiding principle and that is cynicism. Everything else, including notions of fairness, democracy, equality etc, are secondary.
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Re: how come...

Postby boomerang » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:05 pm

London wrote:
boomerang wrote:...whats underneath belongs to both communities but when it comes to someones rightfull property the turks do not believe in giving back?...

Isnt that what the peace negotiations are for?? to discuss the issue of property etc???

err...who gave the tcs the right to deprive me of my land?...
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Re: how come...

Postby London » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:48 pm

boomerang wrote:
London wrote:
boomerang wrote:...whats underneath belongs to both communities but when it comes to someones rightfull property the turks do not believe in giving back?...

Isnt that what the peace negotiations are for?? to discuss the issue of property etc???

err...who gave the tcs the right to deprive me of my land?...

when the Greeks and G/C's were going to deprive the T/C's of their own land, and lives by doing everything they could to achieve Enosis!!
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Re: how come...

Postby boomerang » Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:04 pm

London wrote:
boomerang wrote:
London wrote:
boomerang wrote:...whats underneath belongs to both communities but when it comes to someones rightfull property the turks do not believe in giving back?...

Isnt that what the peace negotiations are for?? to discuss the issue of property etc???

err...who gave the tcs the right to deprive me of my land?...

when the Greeks and G/C's were going to deprive the Turks of their own land, and lives but doing everything they could to achieve Enosis!!

really?...and how about the people that were fighting the coupists, and against 68 normality was starting to return...actually from 68 to 74 there was no fighting...

in anycase taking your argument then do not whine when the roc drills for declared your own state, live with it...but be warned, once oil is found and it will be found, you will miss out big time...the damn curse of the otto boys is gonna hunt you for eternity...just in case you didn't get it here it is...just about everyland the otto boys relinguished through liberations, has strucked oil...only where the otto boys settled there is "yok" oil...doesn't this tell you something... :lol:

and just to reinforce the point, today the roc holds turkey by the the roc is the EU, the US bitchslapped the weazel davut and the US at the same time bitchslapped arrogant...well well someone fell from grace and not loved any more... :lol:

so in short and sweet, the tcs will only get the wealth when and only when they start GIVING back to me what the stole...simple as no plan will be accepted otherwise...

oh and good luck with your dinghy and the seismic tests... :lol:
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Re: how come...

Postby kurupetos » Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:12 pm

boomerang wrote:...whats underneath belongs to both communities but when it comes to someones rightfull property the turks do not believe in giving back?...

Whats underneath belongs to me. The rest of you lot can go ... 8)
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