I am from the U.S., and planning a move to Europe, and am trying to decide where would be the best fit. I am 40 years old, with 1 child and 1 on the way, so I want to settle in a country that is family-friendly. My wife is Russian (though a U.S. citizen) and got me thinking about Cyprus.
In looking at the Cyprus govt website, it would appear we would go under the category F visa, as I have a U.S. government pension that would probably total around 3500 Euros a month. I also will want to work over the Internet for clients in the U.S., which should provide a decent income in addition to the base. Does this sound like a reasonable option? My wife is a housewife, so I need to make all the money

Anyway, I am planning a 2-week trip in April to check things out. My children I would want to put in Greek schools, as the whole purpose of this endeavor is to get my children fluent in as many languages as possible, in addition to living in a good place with access to much of the culture and history that fascinates me.
By the way, is Cypriot Greek completely understandable, and vice versa, with Greek Greek?
Also, what are the better areas to live that may be more relaxed and cheaper? I do not usually like the most crowded places for living--though do not like the "sticks" either. I would want to find a place that I could have the biggest house that I could get either built or acquired almost new.
Finally, in the long run, in coming under the F visa, is citizenship an option after 5 years? There does not seem to be anything against it from the government regulations, but as always I know that people that have been through this sort of thing are the best to ask.
In advance, I thank you for your time and wisdom.