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Planning to study in Famagusta,Cyprus?

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Re: Planning to study in Famagusta,Cyprus?

Postby newgeneration » Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:27 pm

Very intelligent response there from the charming B25.
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Re: Planning to study in Famagusta,Cyprus?

Postby B25 » Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:41 pm

newgeneration wrote:Very intelligent response there from the charming B25.

Sure, when you come on here and insult us with your turkish this and turkish that, you can expect more of the same. You claim to have GC grand parents, yet oin all your posts you have done nothing but demonise the GC in favour of the TCs. You just swallow the same turkish propoganda about the TCs being victims. Go ask the 5000 dead GCs, the 1676 missing, the raped women the hundreds you murdered during the troubles, the ethnically cleansed 200,000 refugees and then come back and tell me how much of a victim you are. Same BS you peddle daily, but it cuts no ice here. Just cry your crocodile tears the the corrupt Brits that put you there, you may just get some sympathy.
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Re: Planning to study in Famagusta,Cyprus?

Postby newgeneration » Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:54 pm

What a ridiculous rant. Demonised?! Have you read any of my posts?

It's a sorry state of affairs when presenting two sides of an arguement is seen as insulting you.

There is propaganda on both sides. There is re writing of history on both sides. Can you honestly not see that?
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Re: Planning to study in Famagusta,Cyprus?

Postby newgeneration » Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:57 pm

Furthermore you have thrown out personal insults, made wrong and insulting assumptions, and even stooped as low as name calling. Really? Is that all really necessary?
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Re: Planning to study in Famagusta,Cyprus?

Postby Me Ed » Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:00 pm

newgeneration wrote:What a ridiculous rant. Demonised?! Have you read any of my posts?

It's a sorry state of affairs when presenting two sides of an arguement is seen as insulting you.

There is propaganda on both sides. There is re writing of history on both sides. Can you honestly not see that?

You're entitled to your VIEWPOINT.
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Re: Planning to study in Famagusta,Cyprus?

Postby B25 » Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:09 pm

newgeneration wrote:Furthermore you have thrown out personal insults, made wrong and insulting assumptions, and even stooped as low as name calling. Really? Is that all really necessary?

You remind me of another poster that would get upset by 'name calling' AlanwithoneL, I wonder..
Oh and he was anotherone that wanted us dead!
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Re: Planning to study in Famagusta,Cyprus?

Postby newgeneration » Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:17 pm

'another one who wants you dead' ?!!

You display acute paranoia B25 and appear to be imagining things.
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Re: Planning to study in Famagusta,Cyprus?

Postby B25 » Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:27 pm

newgeneration wrote:'another one who wants you dead' ?!!

You display acute paranoia B25 and appear to be imagining things.

OK as you like, I am imagining 40,000 turkish troops, 200,000 settlers, and 37% of my country under illegal occupation. Sure, whatever keeps you happy.

Look, you seem a nice enough person, perhaps I was hasty with the personal harsh words, I apologise for that. But position still stands.
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Re: Planning to study in Famagusta,Cyprus?

Postby Jerry » Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:19 pm

newgeneration wrote:What a ridiculous rant. Demonised?! Have you read any of my posts?

It's a sorry state of affairs when presenting two sides of an arguement is seen as insulting you.

There is propaganda on both sides. There is re writing of history on both sides. Can you honestly not see that?

There may be two sides to the argument on the island but Turkey has been up to its neck in the Cyprus tragedy because it wanted some or all of it back when the British left. You dismissed my reference to readers reviews of a TC propaganda book in another thread. So, don't take my word for it study and digest the contents of the other source I quoted, an American government one:-

Here's some extracts to wet you appetite, I challenge you to find any substantial reference to Greek or Greek Cypriot misdeeds or duplicitous behaviour. All these communications were in 1958.

"The Secretary then read cable 3536 from Athens/2/ aloud stating that the Government of Greece was prepared to abandon both Enosis and self- determination in favor of self-government under the British, and wants the United States to support this initiative promptly, preferably early this week in NATO. Averoff stated that the GOG (Government of Greece) is prepared to "tell" Makarios that "This is it".

"The Turkish Government has been in contact and discussion with the British Government for a long time, and is convinced that a radical solution of the dispute between the three governments can only be reached through the partition of the Island. A memorandum containing the basic reasons and convincing justification of this attitude of the Turkish Government had been handed to the United States Government on April 25, 1957,/5/ and the same views were explained to the British Government. The only objection raised to partition up to now had been that of mandatory migration among the communities. As I have already pointed out, it has started in the Island and has been going on for over a year. But unfortunately this has been going on through threats and violent incidents, and if it continues the actual partition of the Island would become a reality in a year's time, under most tragic circumstances." Sincerely, Adnan Menderes

"4. Following up on his "open-ended" self-determination position I pressed him on whether he would agree to permanent ruling out of both Enosis and partition. He (EDIT Makarios) finally said he would consider it. This struck me as rather forthcoming statement in light his generally cautious attitude." Riddleberger
When you have an hour or so to spare read the whole thing here. ... prus2.html
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Re: Planning to study in Famagusta,Cyprus?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:52 pm

Without a doubt - this "newgeneration" is of the "Oldemould" :roll:

More Turks, blah de blah ...
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