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commision crusher

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commision crusher

Postby fig head » Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:44 pm

Does anyone knows about them softwares?

It isnt selling products online it is more like making money out of sending traffic to certain websites through a software, im about to buy Steve Izer software , i googled it in case it is a scam (im lucky with them ones) but the reviews seem to be well good, i dont know if i should go forward and buy the software (it is $47) only for a limited time or once again i might be just wasting money on a tool that wont work properly or will not be what i thought.

Any info woud be great.

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Re: commision crusher

Postby Sotos » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:42 pm

Scam. Get a real job. There are enough spammers online already. The "reviews" that you see online are fake reviews with affiliate links. This is not the first time which you are attracted to such scams. You are very naive and you are heading the wrong way. Do you have any real skills or a university degree? Stop wasting your money and your time on things that at best will offer you nothing and at worst will make you a criminal. Seek some advice from friends that are more educated, more mature and smarter than you and can tell you what you should do ... because it is obvious you don't know what you are doing and you can end up destroying your life. Sorry if I offended you but I am honestly trying to be helpful!!
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Re: commision crusher

Postby fig head » Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:28 pm

Sotos bit harsh !! i wouldnt ask if i was sure about it, i got scammed once doesnt mean im stupid or naiive it happen to the best of us, as for real jobs, believe me. or not i always have a REAL job but i also dont see why not explore and try new different things if i have the time, making money online doesnt have to be scam it can be done and im just thinking of ways to increase my income dont we all !!

i havent bought the software as im still unsure of itand this is why i didnt feel bad about or the least stupid i decided to ask people who might know or used commision crusher softwares before , you dont have to use to make money (although you can) lots of people use it to drive traffic to their websites.

Not finding one report online says Steve I is a scam bit weird as Steve I is well famous for devoloping games and softwares.

Thank you for your honisty but people doesnt always seek rudeness people seek a valid answer, if you think it is scam say why you think so dont accuse me of being naiive and stupid, it is stupidity to go forward for things you uncertain from but it isnt when you ask about it...
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Re: commision crusher

Postby CBBB » Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:26 pm

As you mentioned, you are like a magnet for scams!

If it looks too good to be true, it probably is!
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Re: commision crusher

Postby fig head » Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:28 pm

case closed, found an online review about it from a user who bought and used the software, not worth the time i soent gogeling it
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