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Limassol getting 'dirtier'?

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Limassol getting 'dirtier'?

Postby ecpersonals » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:21 pm

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how much rubbish is accumulating in limassol. I am getting really fed up with it. I used to see street cleaners before dressed in orange jackets on the highways but not anymore (ok it is VERY hot now). The whole length of the limassol highways is just littered so is most of the town. Most of the rubbish ending up on private land just off the pavements and technically not the responsibility of the municipality but come on whatever happened to keeping our neighbourhoods clean. If everyone would just clean up their block, or pick up a piece of packaging they are about to step on it would help a lot!

I was thinking that a group of volunteers could self organise and go out in the evening and clean up a particular neighbourhood but then thought it could never happen but after seeing the clean up groups in London after the riots who organised on facebook....... just a fantasy i suppose :-)

Please try to at least keep your block clean and try to recycle!
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Re: Limassol getting 'dirtier'?

Postby Cap » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:09 pm

I concur
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Re: Limassol getting 'dirtier'?

Postby CBBB » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:13 pm

Cap wrote:I concur

So do I, but not when anyone is watching!
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Re: Limassol getting 'dirtier'?

Postby mountainman » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:22 pm

I suppose that the valleys and beauty spots are full now so the rubbish has to be deposited somewhere!
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Re: Limassol getting 'dirtier'?

Postby Sotos » Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:01 pm

I didn't notice it getting dirtier. There was always some problems with in all cities, but i don't think it is any worst now. Unless you are comparing with many years ago. Unfortunately there are some idiots that damp their trash wherever they can find. I own some land and every year I get a notice from the Municipality that I should clean my land or the Municipality will clean it and charge me. But this was happening for many many years and again it is not something I noticed getting any worst.
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Re: Limassol getting 'dirtier'?

Postby johbee » Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:35 am

Indeed I believe it is. Seems like Limassol was in much better condition when Kontides was at the helm. Back then I remember during the Carnival the cleaners would follow the parade. Now the rubbish is left for days. There's a supermarket near my house that simply throws all their rubbish next to the big yellow bins. The streets are littered with rubbish and the big yellow nasties do not close properly allowing stray cats to help distribute the waste. Oh and I just got my rubbish bill!!! They sent me seven times the amount usually due. I guess I'll have to waste another day dealing the efficiency of the civil service that is choking the economy!
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