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Turkey needs to accept responsibility for its crimes

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby cmantas_liberal » Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:54 pm

like i ve said many times i am not christian, though i am coming from a catholic family (greek islands) but still i vent seen any top muslim cleric saying 'we are sorry for what happened, we are going to work out and respect the law of the country that accomodates us'

I vent seen any American crime in middle east...the only crime was the american attack in iraq but still it was necessary to get rid of Saddam, though i would prefer an attack vs iran and the saudi nazists.

Paul John (R.I.P.) apologized for the crusades and what they did few years ago. He was refering mostly to the attacks against greece but he also implied the crusades vs islam.

also the greek catholics faced many problems with the orthodox talebans but this happened during the dark ages of the military junta.
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Postby tcklim » Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:03 pm

I fail to see how 911 was a "muslim" attack and this is what really irritates me about the media these days. The attacks in New York were performed by radicals who saw the states as their enemy and against arab interests, they were not attacking with the approval of religious leaders or government officials and it had nothing to do with Islam. Just some crazy f's who wanted "revenge", or what they saw as the need for revenge anyway.

The fact that attacks these days and separatist movements in these countries are all referred to as "Islamic Militants" really gets irritating after a while, because it instils the belief in others that Islam is a horrible war-mongering religion. Now I don't know enough about it to tell you what exactly is mentioned in the Quran, but I do know all religions share the blame for world conflict these days.

For godssake stop creating divide and spewing separation. When push comes to shove we are all essentially the same beings capable of the same feats. The atrocities throughout the earlier year of European history clearly attest to the fact that none of our ancestors were saints either. The muslim world is just developing a little slower because its leaders are still backwards. Give it time.

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Postby tcklim » Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:05 pm

I fail to see how 911 was a "muslim" attack and this is what really irritates me about the media these days. The attacks in New York were performed by radicals who saw the states as their enemy and against arab interests, they were not attacking with the approval of religious leaders or government officials and it had nothing to do with Islam. Just some crazy f's who wanted "revenge", or what they saw as the need for revenge anyway.

The fact that attacks these days and separatist movements in these countries are all referred to as "Islamic Militants" really gets irritating after a while, because it instils the belief in others that Islam is a horrible war-mongering religion. Now I don't know enough about it to tell you what exactly is mentioned in the Quran, but I do know all religions share the blame for world conflict these days.

For godssake stop creating divide and spewing separation. When push comes to shove we are all essentially the same beings capable of the same feats. The atrocities throughout the earlier year of European history clearly attest to the fact that none of our ancestors were saints either. The muslim world is just developing a little slower because its leaders are still backwards. Give it time.

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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:17 pm

Don't worry,mate,some people need to have simple answers to complicated questions of humanity.It is easier to blame Islam and moslems because it is essentially a target which cannot defend itself.
Some people find it too difficult,or it does not suit their motives,to analyse the situation properly. Like why is Al Qaida run by a Saudi Arabian ex-playboy?Who armed Saddam Hussein and set him onto Iran when it suited their purposes?Who created the mujahideen in Afganistan which were the frontrunners of the Taliban ? Why is Al Qaida attacking some Islamic countries and killing innocent people of moslem persuation?
The sad thing is some people know all this and still prefer to blame a whole religion for their own purposes.Take my word for it,the Koran is nothing but a combination of the old testament and the new testament (the Torah and the Bible) with some adaptations to suit the lives and the times of the Arabic people.Most of the fire-and brimstone in the Koran are lifted from the two above named books with some imaginative additions.The Koran is yet another attempt by people to come between the faithful and their God, a tool of mass control. If the Prophet were alive today he wouldn't recognise the religion he founded and most certainly would've disowned the extremists who have hijacked it.
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Postby cypezokyli » Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:31 pm

i guess u r right birkbrisli.

the problem with these things is usally not what something is, but what people believe that it is. obviously, the huge majority of muslims have nothing to do with terrorism. and obviously both use islam as a pretext, either to attack other countries (the usa etc) or (the al quada) for terrorists actions. al quada has killed up to now quite a big nnumber of muslims.

i am some times afraid that if it continues, it will grow into a stupid christian-muslim fight. it could be between countries , but within (christians against immigrants). and the more this whole thing is viewed as "the islam" and not "some terrorists" the more i am afraid we are moving towards a religious clash, for no reason at all
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:51 pm

cypezokyli wrote:i guess u r right birkbrisli.

the problem with these things is usally not what something is, but what people believe that it is. obviously, the huge majority of muslims have nothing to do with terrorism. and obviously both use islam as a pretext, either to attack other countries (the usa etc) or (the al quada) for terrorists actions. al quada has killed up to now quite a big nnumber of muslims.

i am some times afraid that if it continues, it will grow into a stupid christian-muslim fight. it could be between countries , but within (christians against immigrants). and the more this whole thing is viewed as "the islam" and not "some terrorists" the more i am afraid we are moving towards a religious clash, for no reason at all

Nice to hear from you,Cypezokyli.One of these days you must tell me what your nickname means.(Cypre is Cyprus in French,but I am not sure about the zokyli bit,could it mean someone from Zoky???)

Luckily we are in the West protected by the market economy,or capitalist greed depending on who u r speaking to :wink:
Governments will not let ignorance and bigotry get in the way of good old profits.So i am not worried about a large scale Christian/Moslem fight.
But,you are right,some moslems are harrassed by some zelots in my country of residence.Mostly women with the hijab,who get spit on or their headcover pulled off.They don't come near big hairy guys like me though,cowards.
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