Let me 1st start by saying I wish if my thoughts are not just random rant, I hope through my own questions I will get to satisfy my mind or make it go beyond the limits ..
Does people souls are different like peoples ethnics?
I cant stop thinking although I sort of know the answer, or at least have my own theory!
Who makes us what we are is not the body we been given its not the world we live in it is those moments when no one around no elements no beings just ones self and ones concious building limits drawing lines have desires... we are driven by desire but why our desires does not match ?
The world is shaped from your eye from the eye of a physicist, from the eye of greed , from the eye of philosopher , from the eye of visionaries and from the little eyes of servers who aren't bothered about asking why and only care to ask how ..
So , can we be given souls with classification ?
I'm done writing not done thinking, where is the soul, what is the soul and why do each of us meant to have a soul that in my theory is No 1 factor behind people characters
Can the mystery of souls be solved with understanding the %+90 of the human brain we have no control of ?
And finally I'm not expecting an answer or one that will have any cure to my brain curiosity and ego