Sotos wrote:Not or English are like that... but several are. In the UK they would complain that foreigners are changing their country and that they do not integrate but then when they emigrate to another country they don't change themselves but they expect the locals to change ... they don't even make an effort to learn the language of the locals ... at least most immigrants in the UK do that! Each place has its good and bad things... if you choose to move to another country you need to accept both. If you have to moan all day about the negatives then why not to stay in your own country and try to change your own country for the best?
supporttheunderdog wrote:What a racist you are picking on the English - you can ask the same of nearly any nationality with a large emigrant / migrant popupation e.g. the French, the Americans, the Arabs, tha Pakistanis, etc- personally I have no problem with foreigners in Britain - the problem we have is when these in-comers demand special rights/special treatement and seek to impose, for example, their own religeous, values on others over the top of the rights of the locals.
kurupetos wrote:They can do something about their beer though.
supporttheunderdog wrote:kurupetos wrote:They can do something about their beer though.
Philistine! You have no taste! With the possible exception of Belgium, Britain has one of widest varieties of beers of excellent quality in the World , with a vast range of flavours. Not all British beer is good - I can recall Watney's Red Barrel and Ind Coope "Long Life" to name but two best forgotten,
More than cen be said for Cyprus - nothing wrong with Keo or Leon - I'll happliy drink either - but only TWO local beers??
(carlsberg does not count, being a Danish beer brewed under license)
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