I had trouble once trying to find some one to modify my consoles and now want to provide this service after being in the field for some years.
I do software modifications for the wii, that install the developer homebrew channel and other goodies like the ability to play MAME arcade games and most importantly back-ups (Of course I am assuming you have the original copy) I don't condone piracy and the service I provide is totally legal with this respect, I only provide the tools for you to save money by not needing to buy a replacement game each time it gets scratched by a child, dog or general wear and tear. what you do from there is your responsibility.
I Flash all xbox 360 DVD Drives even (Slim) providing the ability to play back ups, the latest firmware will be installed and at the time of flashing will be 90% safe for playing back-up games on xbox live, but nothing is ever 100% on Live and if discovered by a mirco$oft dashbord update you wll probably be flagged then banned, I will not be responsible for this, if using live frequently the best course of action is to not update your xbox 360 and bring it to me for the latest firmware flash, the alternative is to play your back up copies at home and never connect to live, (Like I do) this is the only way to remain 100% safe as you will never communicate with the Micro$oft servers (flash updates may still be required as new games are developed with advanced encoding).
PSP Custom firmware flashes are available depending on the system model and firmware currenly in place.
Prices below
Wii Mod fee 60 Euros
Wii games 10 Euros per back-up game.
Xbox 360 DVD Drive flashing 60 Euros
Xbox 360 games 15 Euros per back-up game. (DL Discs)
PSP flashing Mod fee 60 Euros
Back up Games can be placed on a provided Memory Stick at a fee of 10 Euros per game
If your interested let me know by e-mailing me at [email protected].