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Free stuff in Tottenham..

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Re: Free stuff in Tottenham..

Postby CBBB » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:42 pm

I don't blame those Blacks in north London for going on a looting rampage.

How else are they supposed to make a living now Amy Winehouse isn't buying skag anymore ?
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Re: Free stuff in Tottenham..

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:47 pm

bizzybabe wrote:no the same thing did not happen in CY. this is not an invasion its the internal criminals taking over

but hey what does what i say count for? i'm a brit... only there to be hated, discriminated against and scammed!

bizzybabe : this topic is NOT about allged mistreatement of Brits in Cyprus.

Many no doubt share your view about the absolute horror of what is happening in Britain - I do - but Slagging of Cyprus (rightly or wrongly) will not address the issues that caused the rioting and looting in the UK.
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Re: Free stuff in Tottenham..

Postby Milo » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:35 am

While rightly condemning feral scum in the UK for looting and rioting someone on the thread mentioned Cyprus was corrupt and was also condemned for saying it. Although it's got nothing to do with the thread on UK rioting the poster is correct. In fact studies in Europe show it very clearly. How the hell that statement is racist beats me! On the Europa survey it shows that 94% of people in Cyprus believe that corruption is a major national problem. 89% of Cypriots believe the Police to be the most corrupt within the EU! This is not my opinion it's Cyprus's! No country is free of corruption. Its endemic in many. Countries that believe corruption is rife are likely to protest against it. Possibly riot! ... 325_en.pdf
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Re: Free stuff in Tottenham..

Postby Lit » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:22 pm

Milo wrote:While rightly condemning feral scum in the UK for looting and rioting someone on the thread mentioned Cyprus

The first thing i did this morning was to catch up on the recent events occurring overseas....particularly the horrific events out of the UK. I liked what Asst Chief Constable Garry Shewan had to say:

"Hell-bent on looting and stealing property with no justification and no reason brings shame on everybody who unfortunately have to pick-up the pieces...
We are absolutely INTENT on bringing those people to justice."


The way to deal with these people are with rubber bullets and batons. One is bound to hit a cranium!
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Re: Free stuff in Tottenham..

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:21 am

Milo wrote:While rightly condemning feral scum in the UK for looting and rioting someone on the thread mentioned Cyprus was corrupt and was also condemned for saying it. Although it's got nothing to do with the thread on UK rioting the poster is correct. In fact studies in Europe show it very clearly. How the hell that statement is racist beats me! On the Europa survey it shows that 94% of people in Cyprus believe that corruption is a major national problem. 89% of Cypriots believe the Police to be the most corrupt within the EU! This is not my opinion it's Cyprus's! No country is free of corruption. Its endemic in many. Countries that believe corruption is rife are likely to protest against it. Possibly riot! ... 325_en.pdf

:D :D :D

It is the "My country right or wrong" syndrome. Nowhere is perfect: some places are better than others, eg on balance Cyprus is better than Britain.. What Ifind surprising is that some Cypriots are prepared to put up with what is effectivley second best, by tolerating the corruption, (or for that matter other elements of Cyprus where there is scope for improvements, which improvement will not just benefit non-Cypriots, but Cypriots too, possibly more so) and then seeking to say its the Cypriot way (which IMHO is no excuse if there is a better way), and/or complain about the non Cypriot being racist, etc. and if you do not like it, get out.

God forbid that we seek to change Cyprus into a little Britain in the sun, anyone who wants to do that should probably think about leaving the Island, because there are a substantial number of wonderful aspects about life in Cyprus which make it different to eg Britain and which do not need changing.

Whether Cyprus is more or less corrupt than Britain is not something i will discuss, but signficantly the list of scandals usually trotted out for the UK are those where something is being done about it and people are being prosecuted and going to Prison. You do not seem to get that in Cyprus, just a continuing muttering about "Rusfeti" where it is not what you know but who you know that so often counts for so much.

Indeed a Cypriot collegue of mine, not immigrant Brits like me, was describing how passing a driving test can be eased by inducements, and how in particular ladies get through,,,, "oh they pay, they pay," was the comment. Nuff said, but that was a Cypriots complaining. Is that Cypriot a racist?
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