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distressed dogs in hot cars

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distressed dogs in hot cars

Postby bizzybabe » Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:39 pm

i've just seen the most awful sight outside my local supermarket! A dog locked in a hot car, in the heat of the day in the sunshine.

The poor thing was in great distress and was yelping like mad and pawing franticaly at the window to get out! I dread to think what the heat inside that car was!

This is unaccaptable! It causes great distress to the dog and can cause death too. You wouldn't leave a baby in a car like that so why any other kind of animal?

Please leave your dogs at home. Why even take them shopping at all? Dogs are just like humans in this heat, they need water, fresh air and shade.

To who ever the dog belongs to ... shame on you! You are a very poor example of a human!
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Re: distressed dogs in hot cars

Postby CBBB » Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:48 pm

Perhaps the dog belongs to a Korean and they were cooking it.
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Re: distressed dogs in hot cars

Postby Sotos » Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:04 pm

I don't disagree with you that this dog was treated badly. But isn't this the case with most animals? For example if you go inside the supermarket you will see a lot of meat products. I can bet you that none of those animals was treated as a human baby... and obviously you wouldn't eat a human baby either. So I wouldn't say this person was a poor example of a human ... he was a pretty good example. Humans in general don't care about the feelings or lives of animals and they have no problem to treat animals as mere commodities. The only thing you can claim about this person is that he doesn't have the same culture as you do. For some cultures it is even ok to eat dogs.... just like we eat cows... which in turn are sacred for some others.
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Re: distressed dogs in hot cars

Postby Sotos » Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:10 pm

CBBB wrote:Perhaps the dog belongs to a Korean and they were cooking it.

Cooking it alive ... like lobster :lol: I would never eat a lobster cooked alive... and I wouldn't eat a dog either ;) But here is some interesting info:

In contemporary times, some cultures view the consumption of dog meat to be a part of their traditional cuisine, while others consider consumption of dog to be inappropriate and offensive. In response to criticisms, proponents of dog meat have argued that distinctions between livestock and pets is subjective, and that there is no difference with eating the meat of different animals, while countering that those critical of dog meat consumption are guilty of cultural supremacy, if not racism.
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Re: distressed dogs in hot cars

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:15 pm

Come on boys don't be silly, think it's appalling and very brainless that anyone should leave a dog in that heat... outrageously wickedly thoughtless.

Coincidentally, also witnessed an identical situation in a supermarket car-park in Larnaca in the heat of summer some years ago (must have been Orphanides), a crowd had gathered and were debating breaking in a window and the police were called , but weren't required as a very unapologetic, couldn't care less owner appeared and drove off.
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Re: distressed dogs in hot cars

Postby Cap » Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:18 pm

CBBB wrote:Perhaps the dog belongs to a Korean and they were cooking it.

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Re: distressed dogs in hot cars

Postby kurupetos » Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:40 pm

bizzybabe wrote: You wouldn't leave a baby in a car like that so why any other kind of animal?

It happened last year! ... hours.html
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Re: distressed dogs in hot cars

Postby MariaPhoenix » Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:39 pm

You should report it to the police.

And we must do something.

Really, imagine if you were in his situation.

And as for the others. Dogs deserve a better life than you. Animals deserve better treatment than some 'people' with no soul...
I say let's hunt those people.
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