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Postby Hermes » Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:35 pm

Kikapu wrote:I'm confused as to why Turkey does not insist that Israel must not drill for Oil and Gas until they resolve their differences with the Palestinians, and that the Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank also have claims on the same Oil and Gas fields as the Israelis, or else "such a move would cause headaches". :wink:

Turkey only likes picking on small nations it can bully. Of course it's going to realise that little Cyprus has now got some bigger friends who will face down their bullying. It's going to be satisfying to see the neighborhood bully run away with their tail between their legs...
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Postby CBBB » Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:02 pm

Hermes wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I'm confused as to why Turkey does not insist that Israel must not drill for Oil and Gas until they resolve their differences with the Palestinians, and that the Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank also have claims on the same Oil and Gas fields as the Israelis, or else "such a move would cause headaches". :wink:

Turkey only likes picking on small nations it can bully. Of course it's going to realise that little Cyprus has now got some bigger friends who will face down their bullying. It's going to be satisfying to see the neighborhood bully run away with their tail between their legs...

You mean friends like this:

Gas discoveries draw Israel and Cyprus closer together
Cypriot Ambassador to Israel Dimitris Hatziargrou tells "Globes" about the flourishing ties between the two countries.
8 August 11 13:42, Amiram Barkat
Ministry of National Infrastructures director general Shaul Tzemach is promoting an initiative for Israel and Cyprus to hold a joint campaign across the US to attract large investors for the two countries' developing natural gas industry. As in every successful relationship, each side in this promising partnership has advantages that complement each other: Israel brings (relative) economic stability, the ability to protect the reserves and offshore facilities, and a capital market hungry to raise capital for gas and oil companies. Cyprus brings international connections, political stability under EU protection, available land, and an attractive tax regime that has never heard the name Eytan Sheshinski.

Such an idea would have been fantastical not long ago: Israel has never considered Cyprus to be a hostile country, but neither has it considered it an ally. The fact that the initiative is seriously being considered is an indication of how tight relations between Israel and its Greek speaking neighbor across the sea have become.

"The improvement in relations has been fantastic," Cypriot Ambassador to Israel Dimitris Hatziargrou told "Globes" in an interview. The enthusiasm is understandable: this business opportunity fell into Cyprus' hands in the nick of time, as the country tries to rehabilitate itself following an explosion that damaged its main power station, and as the Greek debt crisis storm threatens to reach Cyprus' coast.

On December 17, 2010, Israel and Cyprus signed an agreement to demarcate their maritime exclusive economic zone (EEZ) border. This agreement is crucial for Israel since Israel needs the UN to recognize its waters as an "exclusive economic zone." This recognition could prevent claims from hostile parties, like Lebanon or Hizbullah, which claim the gas reserves belong to Lebanon. Moreover, the signing of the political agreement with Cyprus demarcated Israel's second maritime border with one of its neighbors (after Jordan in 1994). As long as we are dealing with symbolism, since this past December, Israel is an official neighbor of the EU, since Cyprus joined in 2004. Ambassador Hatziargrou was one of the agreements' patrons.

"Globes": How were the negotiations handled?

Hatziargrou: "The talks were not particularly difficult. The moment there was political intent, it went very quickly. The cartographers began working and drew the mid-line between the countries, according to UN Law of the Sea Convention principles. The entire process took maybe two or three months."

While Israel was busy thinking what Lebanon's reaction to the agreement would be, Cyprus busied themselves with thoughts about the response from another country: Turkey. In 1974 Turkey occupied 37% of Cyprus' land in a military invasion. In December, following the signing of the agreement with Cyprus, Turkey requested a clarification from Israeli representatives.

What did you think about Turkey's reaction?

"We expected disagreements, and I must note that the Israeli position was quite direct and courageous. They told the Turks, 'This is not connected to you, this is an agreement between two sovereign countries, and that's it.' We have a similar agreement with Egypt from 2005, and an agreement with Lebanon that was signed two years ago, but has not yet been ratified. We are currently working on a unitization agreement that will determine how we can develop joint gas and oil reserves for facilities that are located on both sides of the demarcation line. There is also a treaty to prevent double taxation that will come into effect in January 2012. In total, 11 agreements between Israel and Cyprus have been signed over the last three years."

Waiting for drilling results

The discovery of the Tamar natural gas reserve in January 2009 changed Israel from a country with no natural resources into a natural gas powerhouse. Cyprus hopes to experience the same thing in January 2012 - the expected end date for the deepwater drilling in the Block 12 concession. According to surveys that were published this past June, there is a gigantic natural gas reserve in that area, even larger than Tamar, which may contain $60 billion worth (non-capitalized) of natural gas. Tamar and Leviathan partner Noble Energy Inc. (NYSE: NBL), which holds the Block 12 concession, will perform the drilling. Delek Group Ltd. (TASE: DLEKG), its Israeli partner, is expected to profit from it.

Cyprus, a country whose GDP barely reaches $20 billion, needs this natural gas like it needs oxygen. If we can judge by reports over the last few days, the country is going to need a rescue package from the EU, though both sides deny this.

Hatziargrou confirms that a natural gas discovery will have a far-reaching effect: "The energy matter is new for us, but we intend to investigate all the possibilities, including cooperation between Cyprus, Israel and Greece. There are a few possibilities for cooperation. Firstly, selling gas to the local market in Cyprus. Secondly, if we find gas, Israel and Cyprus could cooperate in building a facility that will enable us to export gas. Block 12 and Leviathan are very close to each other, which makes it economical to cooperate on this project. There have been discussions and good intentions; however serious talks will begin only after we know for sure that there is gas."

Cyprus has announced that it intends to distribute additional licenses for gas and oil exploration. When will this occur?

"Israel is highly interested in these rights, but in my estimation it will not happen in Block 12 before 2012. And when we will have a full picture of what is happening, we will make a decision."

Weddings, tourism, and lots of real estate

Alongside the signing of agreements, relations between the two countries have strengthened as a result of symbolic humanitarian gestures: Cyprus sent firefighting planes to aid Israel in putting out the Carmel forest fire, and two week ago, Israel was able to pay back the favor when it sent ten Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) (TASE: ELEC.B22) generators to supply electricity to the island, after an explosion at a munitions bunker disabled Cyprus' central power station killing twelve firefighters and sailors, among them the Cypriot fleet commander.

Relations have also tightened thanks to Israeli businesspeople who visit the island often. The balance of trade between Cyprus and Israel is favorable to Israel with €300 million of Israeli exports to Cyprus, compared with a few million euros in imports. Israeli businesspeople take advantage of Cyprus' proximity to open offices and list offshore companies there, since its corporate tax is only 10%, compared with 25% in Israel. "We have a very attractive tax regime, and we traditionally espouse low taxation, also on a personal level," the Ambassador elaborated.

What sectors are Israelis interested in?

"There is great interest in real estate. We had a real estate boom that peaked after we were accepted into the EU. Since 2009, business has slowed down due to the global credit crisis and the European debt crisis. I do not think that the bubble has burst, but it has certainly lost a lot of air. We are seeing considerable growth in tourism, and of course there are the weddings - in Larnaca, my hometown, they say that the city has turned into the Israeli wedding capital. Last June, there was a massive event in which 170 couples got married on the same day. They arrived by boat, and got married in the castle. From our direction, visitors to Israel are mainly pilgrims, and medical patients who wish to go to Israeli hospitals."

"There are also Cypriot doctors who do specializations at Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer in Tel Aviv, and research cooperation between Sheba and the University of Nicosia. The bottom line is, I feel that we are pouring the foundation for a long-term friendship."

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on August 8, 2011

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2011 ... 1000671509
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:24 am

Kikapu wrote:
boomerang wrote:
Turkish Cyprus says Greek projects "to cause headaches"

Eroglu said the underwater richness around the island of Cyprus did not belong to Greek Cypriots only, but to Turkish Cypriots and Turkey as well.

The president and the prime minister of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) reacted Thursday over Greek Cypriot party's plans to launch natural gas exploration activities in the Mediterranean Sea.

Speaking to reporters after the Greek Cypriot side announced that it would begin drilling for natural gas in the Mediterranean as of October 2011, Turkish Cypriot President Dervis Eroglu said "such a move would cause headaches".

Eroglu said the underwater richness around the island of Cyprus did not belong to Greek Cypriots only, but to Turkish Cypriots and Turkey as well, and therefore, the Greek Cypriot party should not initiate exploration activities in the region.

TRNC's Prime Minister Irsen Kucuk also said that exploring the underground richness around Cyprus before achieving a settlement in the island would lead to several inconveniences.

Kucuk noted that Turkish Cypriots had certain rights stemming from the Treaties of 1960 concerning the waters surrounding Cyprus.

The prime minister said he believed the Greek Cypriot administration would act with common sense and reconsider its decision to explore natural gas.

On Wednesday, Turkish Energy & Natural Resources Minister Taner Yildiz also said that Turkey did not consider Greek Cypriot administration's planned oil and natural gas projects in the Mediterranean legitimate.

The Eastern Mediterranean region, including the coastal areas near Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon and Syria, is believed to have accommodated a massive amount of natural gas resources.

In 2010, Greek Cypriot administration and Israel signed an accord demarcating their maritime borders to facilitate a search for mineral deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean.

this is in line with - apart from keeping mushrooms in the dark, it also goes with out saying bullshit must be fed...

I'm confused as to why Turkey does not insist that Israel must not drill for Oil and Gas until they resolve their differences with the Palestinians, and that the Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank also have claims on the same Oil and Gas fields as the Israelis, or else "such a move would cause headaches". :wink:

wow :!: , so true.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:01 am

Hermes wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I'm confused as to why Turkey does not insist that Israel must not drill for Oil and Gas until they resolve their differences with the Palestinians, and that the Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank also have claims on the same Oil and Gas fields as the Israelis, or else "such a move would cause headaches". :wink:

Turkey only likes picking on small nations it can bully. Of course it's going to realise that little Cyprus has now got some bigger friends who will face down their bullying. It's going to be satisfying to see the neighborhood bully run away with their tail between their legs...

Here is an article from that idiot columnist, YUSUF KANLI of Hurriyet's "Daily Garbage"! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Last time when Greek Cypriots engaged in a similar adventure together with Egypt, Turkey had sent warships to the area. This time Greek Cypriots are playing it dirty as they pulled in a U.S. company, perhaps hoping that Turkey would stay away from trouble with Americans.

Let’s hope this gassy situation will not go that far to test the limits of Turkey’s patience. ... 2011-08-02
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Postby Hermes » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:48 am

Drilling to start on September 21...

NOBLE Energy Inc. is to begin exploratory drilling in Cyprus’ offshore Block 12 on 21 September, the state broadcaster reported last night.

The company’s rig is currently in Israeli waters but will soon be completing drilling at a gas find there.
Block 12, located in Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone, is just 12 km from Israel’s Leviathan gas field.

At the time of discovery, Leviathan was the largest find ever discovered in the under-explored area of the Mediterranean Sea and the largest discovery in the history of Noble Energy.

Cyprus has signed a production-sharing contract with Noble Energy, which has a concession to explore for hydrocarbons in Block 12.

Noble Energy is contractually obliged to start drilling on or before October 1.

The exploratory drilling will anywhere from two to four months, allowing Cyprus to obtain a clear view of the size of its hydrocarbon reserves in the block. The government will then proceed with a second round of licensing for other blocks in the region. ... 1/20110812
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Postby CBBB » Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:36 pm

Perhaps the Israelis will keep an eye on our drilling with their drones as they do for their own.

As Israel revealed that it has begun to deploy drones to protect its Mediterranean gas fields from attack by Hizbullah, plans are reportedly underway to jointly develop the huge gas reserves with Cyprus. ... wsID=32948
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Postby Maximus » Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:28 pm

"The Israeli source added that Turkish claims to the maritime area based on their occupation of northern Cyprus constitute "chutzpa that is unheard of in the international arena."" ... ?id=200186

Turkey's exclusive economic zone ends where Syria's starts
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Sep 28, 2016 7:19 pm

Steinitz said that he was going to Athens on Wednesday to meet with his counterparts in Greece and Cyprus to discuss the laying of a “long” pipeline to Cyprus and then to Greece, and from there further inland to other parts of Europe. ... ine-468802

...looks like the tripartite meetings continue to represent a real, and practical, relationship, can develop among the countries important to the Eastern Med.
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Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:48 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
Steinitz said that he was going to Athens on Wednesday to meet with his counterparts in Greece and Cyprus to discuss the laying of a “long” pipeline to Cyprus and then to Greece, and from there further inland to other parts of Europe. ... ine-468802

...looks like the tripartite meetings continue to represent a real, and practical, relationship, can develop among the countries important to the Eastern Med.

pipeline from cyprus to greace - no chance.
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Postby B25 » Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:57 pm

Lordo wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
Steinitz said that he was going to Athens on Wednesday to meet with his counterparts in Greece and Cyprus to discuss the laying of a “long” pipeline to Cyprus and then to Greece, and from there further inland to other parts of Europe. ... ine-468802

...looks like the tripartite meetings continue to represent a real, and practical, relationship, can develop among the countries important to the Eastern Med.

pipeline from cyprus to greace - no chance. ... -pipeline/

Just for Yfuck.
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