since people are asking stupid money for houses STILL, i decided to just renovate. i'm moving in around november time so i should be looking at appliances
where did you find the best value? (best price and service combo)
souroul wrote:im in cyprus
mega electric was ok, fournaris... well, much smaller selection.
B25 wrote:I think you guys don't realise how small the markup is on electrical appliances.
You may spend 600, 700 or 800 oon a fridge say, but the shop only gets about 50 E from that. Any discount is from his pocket.
They still have to make a living.
bill cobbett wrote:Reh Souroul... doesn't matter where you go, what you're buying... when they tell you the price just faint, make as if you've passed out... and then ask them for a chair and a glass of water... and make as if you're unwell when they give you the second price... settle for the third price.
What? These are hard times.
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