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Philosophical debate. Evil is a nature or a choice?

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Philosophical debate. Evil is a nature or a choice?

Postby fig head » Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:35 pm

Evil is a nature that exist with the exist of good or is it a matter of choice?

And the existence of evil with the existence of God if god is good and god is powerful then why does he allow evil to occur?

I know that hundreds of books been written about this very subject, philosophers and religion people ... nature or matter of choice?
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Re: Philosophical debate. Evil is a nature or a choice?

Postby fig head » Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:49 pm

no one bothered to think then? i guess it is hard to you lot
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Re: Philosophical debate. Evil is a nature or a choice?

Postby Mikiko » Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:06 pm

Evil is a part of human nature and pshycology . As long as there are human beings around there will be evil too .

According to Bush the Axis of Evil is Iran and Syria . According to AL Quaeeda Evil is USA . So who defines what is evil and what is not ?

Someone who is hungry he may commit a robbery to get money . Someone who feels injustices he may commit a murder for revenge. and the list goes on.
Last edited by Mikiko on Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Philosophical debate. Evil is a nature or a choice?

Postby Cap » Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:13 pm

It's part genetic and part choice.
You may be inherently predisposed to evil, but how well you control it depends on character.

There are other many factors that contribute to how 'evil' plays out.
Your definition of evil for starters, culture, upbringing, beliefs and attitudes.
Race is another factor. What's barbaric to Westeners might be normal in Africa.

There are religious theories, sins of the fathers and the resulting curses carried down from generation to generation. Basically demonic influence.

Psychological aspects of evil.
Social conditioning , desensitization in prisons, sexual and physical abuse. etc
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Re: Philosophical debate. Evil is a nature or a choice?

Postby fig head » Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:15 pm

so evil exist to prove free well ?
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Re: Philosophical debate. Evil is a nature or a choice?

Postby tsukoui » Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:05 pm

Evil is just energy in an improper place...

Justice is everything in its proper place...

A Devil is someone who attempts to surpass God...

p.s. I'm an atheist by the way ;)
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Re: Philosophical debate. Evil is a nature or a choice?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:08 pm

fig head wrote:no one bothered to think then? i guess it is hard to you lot

give us a chance Figgy - at this time on Sunday night our brains are not working so well -

I would however commend you to READ Anthony Burgess' seminal novel- A Clockwork Orange - the film is good but I think it just misses the point, which dealt with choice: Our Droog had plenty of opportunities not to do evil but he chose evil. He also chose to take away that choice, which illustrated the dangers of an imposed goodness because any value judgement is then flawed. Bear in mind most of the slang is Russian-based - a reflection of the totalitarian society it was at the time of the late 60's. .

Many Forumers could have this on their mind when they think of the film....
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Re: Philosophical debate. Evil is a nature or a choice?

Postby fig head » Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:24 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
fig head wrote:no one bothered to think then? i guess it is hard to you lot

give us a chance Figgy - at this time on Sunday night our brains are not working so well -

I would however commend you to READ Anthony Burgess' seminal novel- A Clockwork Orange - the film is good but I think it just misses the point, which dealt with choice: Our Droog had plenty of opportunities not to do evil but he chose evil. He also chose to take away that choice, which illustrated the dangers of an imposed goodness because any value judgement is then flawed. Bear in mind most of the slang is Russian-based - a reflection of the totalitarian society it was at the time of the late 60's. .

Many Forumers could have this on their mind when they think of the film....

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