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Roman-character Greek to Uneducated-Greek converter…

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Roman-character Greek to Uneducated-Greek converter…

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:27 pm

Roman-character Greek to Uneducated-Greek converter…

Ok, so you’re using Roman characters to write Greek when posting on the Net because you can’t spell Greek or you don’t even know how to produce those weird Greek characters on the keyboard!

No worries… you’re just a Charlie! :lol:

But worry no more because this stupid little program will take a “Greek” sentence written in Roman characters and convert it to Greek characters for you! :wink:

So the sentence: “Eise ennas poustis tsie anostos!”

Will be converted to: “Εισε εννας πουστις τσιε ανωστως!”

Ok, so the spelling’s all wrong but who cares? It looks a lot closer to Greek than the Roman version! :?

So there you go! Now you too can look like a uneducated Greek speaking bum instead of a Charlie… and that’s a major social upgrade courtesy of unkie GR! 8)

PS: No I’m not back because I’m busy, but I just wanted to drop off this utility for my Charlie friends! :lol:

Ta-ta for now…

Instructions: Grab and paste the code below the dotted line in Notepad, and then save it as follows…

Location: Desktop
File name: Charlie.html
Encoding: Unicode (<- don’t ignore this setting or Greek characters won’t work)

NB: Code tested ok in IE but haven’t bothered with 3rd party browsers.

<script type="text/javascript">
function Convert(Sen){
var Old=Sen;
Sen=Sen+" ";
var NewSen = Sen.replace("TH","Θ"); Sen=NewSen;
NewSen = Sen.replace("Th","Θ"); Sen=NewSen;
NewSen = Sen.replace("th","θ"); Sen=NewSen;
NewSen = Sen.replace("OU","ΟΥ"); Sen=NewSen;
NewSen = Sen.replace("Ou","Ου"); Sen=NewSen;
NewSen = Sen.replace("ou","ου"); Sen=NewSen;
NewSen = Sen.replace("PS","Ψ"); Sen=NewSen;
NewSen = Sen.replace("Ps","Ψ"); Sen=NewSen;
NewSen = Sen.replace("ps","ψ"); Sen=NewSen;
for (var n=0; n<Sen.length; n++) {
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="Z") {NewSen=NewSen+"Ζ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="z") {NewSen=NewSen+"ζ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="R") {NewSen=NewSen+"Ρ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="r") {NewSen=NewSen+"ρ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="P") {NewSen=NewSen+"Π"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="p") {NewSen=NewSen+"π"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="S") {NewSen=NewSen+"Σ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="s") {NewSen=NewSen+"σ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="D") {NewSen=NewSen+"Δ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="d") {NewSen=NewSen+"δ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="F") {NewSen=NewSen+"Φ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="f") {NewSen=NewSen+"φ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="G") {NewSen=NewSen+"Γ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="g") {NewSen=NewSen+"γ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="X") {NewSen=NewSen+"Ξ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="x") {NewSen=NewSen+"ξ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="L") {NewSen=NewSen+"Λ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="l") {NewSen=NewSen+"λ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="O") {NewSen=NewSen+"Ω"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="o") {NewSen=NewSen+"ω"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="H") {NewSen=NewSen+"Χ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="h") {NewSen=NewSen+"χ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="E") {NewSen=NewSen+"Ε"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="e") {NewSen=NewSen+"ε"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="T") {NewSen=NewSen+"Τ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="t") {NewSen=NewSen+"τ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="Y") {NewSen=NewSen+"Υ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="y") {NewSen=NewSen+"υ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="I") {NewSen=NewSen+"Ι"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="i") {NewSen=NewSen+"ι"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="O") {NewSen=NewSen+"Ο"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="o") {NewSen=NewSen+"ο"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="A") {NewSen=NewSen+"Α"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="a") {NewSen=NewSen+"α"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="K") {NewSen=NewSen+"Κ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="k") {NewSen=NewSen+"κ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="V") {NewSen=NewSen+"Β"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="v") {NewSen=NewSen+"β"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="B") {NewSen=NewSen+"Π"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="b") {NewSen=NewSen+"π"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="N") {NewSen=NewSen+"Ν"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="n") {NewSen=NewSen+"ν"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="M") {NewSen=NewSen+"Μ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="m") {NewSen=NewSen+"μ"} else
if (Sen.charAt(n)=="?") {NewSen=NewSen+";"} else
Sen = NewSen.replace("σ!","ς!"); NewSen=Sen;
Sen = NewSen.replace("σ;","ς;"); NewSen=Sen;
Sen = NewSen.replace("σ.","ς."); NewSen=Sen;
Sen = NewSen.replace("σ ","ς "); NewSen=Sen;
Sen = NewSen.replace("σ ","ς "); NewSen=Sen;
Sen = NewSen.replace("σ ","ς "); NewSen=Sen;
return NewSen;
<b>Unkie GR’s <i>“Charlie to Uneducated Greek-Speaking Bum”</i> social upgrader!</b>
“Ti thelis?”&nbsp;
“Eisai enas pezevengis!”&nbsp;
“Aisme isiho re ahriste!”&nbsp;
“Bou bais?”&nbsp;
“Eise ennas poustis tsie anostos!”&nbsp;
Type your Roman character Greeklish here:<br>
<input type="text" name="msg" value="" Size="120"/><br><br>
<input type="button" value="Now blow me away baby!" OnClick="javascript:document.write(Convert(msg.value));">
Garosware (c) 2011
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Re: Roman-character Greek to Uneducated-Greek converter…

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:52 pm

Ooh nice... a pressie from our GR!... thanks.... gosh... upgraded from a 4th class citizen to a 3rd class one.

Anyone got a pressie for GR to return the favour?
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Re: Roman-character Greek to Uneducated-Greek converter…

Postby CBBB » Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:57 pm

I wonder what it does if using his native Australian character set?
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Re: Roman-character Greek to Uneducated-Greek converter…

Postby Cap » Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:59 pm

Where you been mister?
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Re: Roman-character Greek to Uneducated-Greek converter…

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:59 pm

I think the guys who do the Street signes could do with one that worlks in reverse, or bearing in mind Unkie's warning thet the spelling is all wrong perhaps they already have...

eg John Kennedy = Tzon Kennety in reverse transliteration.... :D
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Re: Roman-character Greek to Uneducated-Greek converter…

Postby Jerry » Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:44 pm

Get Real! wrote:

PS: No I’m not back

That's a relief, you almost ruined my summer hols. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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