Viewpoint wrote:Pyro you are far more understanding than Kikapu could ever be as he is an out right Turk hater and anti TCs so people who are that fanatical against my people deserve a good rollocking every now and then, he hasnt had any contact with TCs nor does he know the TRNC in any shape or form, lives abroad and tries to dictate to those that love this country more than he could ever do as we live here, so he can fuck off, shrivel up and die abroad, he will never have any real impact on anything that goes on here, his only pathetic link to Cyprus is this forum.
You couldn't give a good "rollocking" to your
husband, let alone me.
VP, you are a lightweight when it comes to politics, economics, common sense and decency, morality, general knowledge, humanity and a public forum debater.
What you are good at, is being a Fascist, Racist, common criminal, morally corrupt and lose control of yourself completely when you are exposed to what you really are. An all around. LOOSER!
What you write in all your mean spirited ways does not bother me in the least. It only goes to show what you are made off, which is something between a sewer tank and the toilet, take your pick. It will take someone with high moral character whom I would respect to even come close in offending me or even concern me in the slightest in what you write in your limited ability to communicate. I have a very thick skin against looser like yourself. I chew and spit out people like you for breakfast. The fact that I even debate with you, is often just to show you up for what you are, and I do get to expose you every time to what you really are. Even when I try to have a civil debates with you, you can't help yourself but show us your Fascistic and Racist side, that's because you are "inbread" with it.
Viewpoint wrote:As for partition Pyro I dont have any problems living with the current status quo but am open to a solution that would be better than what we have today without going back to the past we had with GCs. Think of it this way do you want to become a minority in your own country? if your answer is no then why are you trying to force me into this situation without security or guarantees? if it is yes then continue as you are as the Turks will over time be the majority.
This is what I'm talking about where you lack any common sense.
How can a numerical minority is not a minority in any country ? How can a numerical minority become a majority and a numerical majority become a minority? This is what you are basically asking for it to happen, which means the numerical minority to be given more rights than anyone else, like an apartheid state, much like what South Africa used to be. Even if you were given more rights than anyone else, you will still remain a numerical minority. By accepting more rights than anyone else, you accept being a numerical minority, since numerical minorities often are given "minority rights" which may be more than what the majority receives, outside Democratic and Human Rights, of course.. This is what you ask for in the 21st century and as a member state being in the EU rather that asking for equal citizenship with equal rights.
But I can understand your desires, because you are basically running an apartheid state in the north now with your racist policies against the majority, they being the Turks (settlers) where you want to limit them from voting in the future as future "citizens of the trnc". Unfortunately for you, they will take all the voting power from you and then they will kick you out on your sorry butts in the near future for you being greedy beyond belief, and before you spout your usual nonsense about "better them than the GCs", then when the time comes for Turkey to sell out you to gain EU membership and you becoming just a minority in a Unitary RoC state with only "minority rights", I don't want you to bitch and moan too much, because it would have been your "motherland" who would have sold you out, once you let your big chance getaway with the present BBF offers, where you could have a 50% say so in a Democratic way. In the future, you will only have proportional representation and a say in a Unitary RoC state. Learn to live with it, because that's where the future is heading if the present BBF talks fails, which is what Turkey wants for it to fail, so that her own peple are in position to run the north Turkish way and to remove any TC resistance when the time comes to sell you out to the RoC.