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Money laundering or.....?

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Money laundering or.....?

Postby fig head » Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:09 pm

if someone (company) sent you money to your bank account (more than £2000) and you don't know that person or that company personally and they ask you to take the money (English pounds) to buy Euros with it, then again buy English pounds with the Euros then buy Dollars with the English pounds then send it to someone over seas after you take some money for your self.... ?

this is what i did in my 1st day training to work with this company ... they not trying to scam me cause i did receive the money off them , they don't even want me to pay anything toward my training it is all paid for me... but something making me feel uncomfortable i googled the company and it seems to be a massive company with branches a over the world ...any ideas
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Re: Money laundering or.....?

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:29 pm

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Re: Money laundering or.....?

Postby fig head » Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:48 pm

but who is getting scammed!!!!
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Re: Money laundering or.....?

Postby MariaPhoenix » Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:11 pm

It must be money laundering... But be careful, cause if the police founds out about this, they will also think that you took part in and probably blame you too.
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Re: Money laundering or.....?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:48 pm

fig head wrote:but who is getting scammed!!!!

I cannot understand why a legitimate company would want to use employee's accounts to do to currency transactions of this sort - particularly for a new employee - and Itoo would be cautious
These are few questions you might like to think about...
Where/how did you find out about this job?
were you interviewed and if so where and who by?
what is the company's main line of businessand how do these transactions fit in to it ?
what is the nature of the job - job description ?
what is the wage? How is it worked out?
Do you work in an office?
if so is it a big office with that looks well established with a reasonable number of long terms atff?
what did the training involve and does it appear relevent for the job description
where did it take place?
where and how did you perform these transactions, eg did the wire the money to you or give you a wad of cash? did you go from place to place for the buying and selling?
was the ultimate beneficiary an individual or a company?
did anyone explain what the purpose of the exercise was?
are any known phone numbers land line or mobile numbers?
what on the website made you think that the company was large?
what is the schedule for tomorrow?

Good luck withit figgy but be very very careful as they could be targetting someone like you who is knew to the UK/Not British.
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Re: Money laundering or.....?

Postby CBBB » Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:51 pm

If the money went through your own account, 99% your bank will come back to you after 3 weeks and take the money back!!

Well known scam!

Empty the account and move back to Cyprus immediately!!!
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Re: Money laundering or.....?

Postby fig head » Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:09 pm

Well i found the job in the job center, i checked their registeration No`s as they have offices in London, Manc and B`hamit is correct, there landline who they contacted me from does belong to the company main office in London..

They asked me to empty my account before i recieve any money from them incase im worried to give my bank details and adviced me to get a new empty bank account and use it !! I asked the person who contacts me today what is this all about he told me your day one is all about knowing personal transactions + rates + currency echange rates from buy to sell..

my day 2 trainig day will be about online payments (not money transactions) and they not allowed to tell me what im doing next day before it..!!

It seems like i either landed my self a smashing job (the salary is out of the world) or im taking part in an organized crime... i guess i`ll go along and see what the heck is that...
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Re: Money laundering or.....?

Postby Cap » Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:11 pm

Get rich, come back...
If they look for you in Cyprus, they'll be looking in the North.
Its perfect.
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Re: Money laundering or.....?

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:01 pm

Psst!... psst Figgy! .... Got a really good business plan but need some investors. Please send 10,000 by Western Union to Bill C, Girne, Mersin 10, for the chance of a lifetime.
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Re: Money laundering or.....?

Postby kurupetos » Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:08 pm

fig head wrote:Well i found the job in the job center, i checked their registeration No`s as they have offices in London, Manc and B`hamit is correct, there landline who they contacted me from does belong to the company main office in London..

Yes, it's a scam. Hamit is a Turkish name. :wink:
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